As the bomb bay doors open for our first Theme Round I thought I'd post a quick note to go over how this is all going to go down.
First, I have linked The Bonus Themes page to this blog. You can find it above, second button from the left. This will take you to a page that I specifically created last year for the Bonus Rounds. I thought why re-create the wheel and besides, it's nice to see all the work from the previous year. Anyway, this will be the spot where the Bonus Themes will be unveiled. As many of you know, the first Bonus Theme is 'Cold' and it will go LIVE this Sunday afternoon/early evening (CST) once I have all the entries organized.
This brings me to the next topic: How to submit your theme entires. Well, at first I thought we could do it similar to how we are doing our normal Challenge entries, but I've discovered that it's not much fun when everyone can look at the Post section and get an idea of each-others' work before the event is supposed to go live. Sooo, we'll go all Old Skool and have you submit your Theme entries to me by email. That way I can organize them into one post and debut them as a big SPLASH - which is how this should be. I know that some of you have already submitted your Theme entries and I apologize for not getting this sorted out earlier but, well, look at the image above: That is how I feel running this event at times. Yee Haaa! :)
I've also had some questions regarding how the scheduled daily submissions should be organized if you have several different groupings of figures ready to post. Well, to keep things distinct and give proper credit to your wonderful work, I think we should write them as a separate blog posts so in the future people can easily search the Challenge blog to find the specific entires that interest them. So, for example, if during the week you completed a unit of Romans, plus a unit of Space Marines AND a single Pulp figure this should be done as three separate blog entries. That way each group receives the attention it deserves.
Finally, if you look to the right sidebar and scroll down you will find (hopefully) all of our Paint Duels & Side Challenges listed. I had great fun reading through them all and I think we'll get a lot of laughs watching these getting played out. If I missed anything I apologize and please drop me a note so I can get it properly sorted. Otherwise, for everyone involved in one of these, please keep me informed of points gained, stats, etc. so I can keep the list updated. Thanks!
That should cover it for now. Whew! Please feel free to drop me a note if you have any questions or concerns.
Now, go paint until your fingers fall off! :)