The family (including myself) have been battling illnesses for the past few weeks painting time has been limited but at last I have something for you. Black Seas Gunboats from Warlord games.
I got this set at sale at the Mayhem Convention, the set has three gunboat squadrons. I can see you all counting yes there are four squadrons.Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Monday, 5 February 2024
From AdamC - Gunboats [Maritime] (44 points )
From PeterB - Horror, Spam and a monkey! - DIY, Literature and Manga (215 Points)
February already? This analogue challenge really does help these cold winter months fly by. Before I know it, Salute will be here and I shall be refilling the lead pile!
This week I am taking a bit of a ramble about the stacks. I do have some concrete plans to get some rank and file troops painted for some points bombs, but this week I seem to have been drawn towards painting up characters.
Last week I finished at "Famous Person" so to begin with a quick jump on Sarah's Cart over to the Rotunda. (Maritime is still to tick off but I'm still thinking on that, nobody wants to see me painting boats.) To pay the toll for the journey I present to you from Bad Squiddo Games, Poppy the Head Vampire.
Yes, Poppy is the pug. I don't know the name of her owner (servant?) but I'm sure Poppy treats her well.
Over on the Rotunda I move to DIY. For this category I present the rock stacks I have been making for Gaslands.
They are made from packing foam cut and stacked, then liberally painted with texture paint. I also realised I haven't measured them, but these photos looked so nice I had to share them, so then I fished them out again for measuring. There are seven of them, six are 3 inches tall the other 4 inches. I've no idea on points, although I think they would probably fill the six inch cube for 20 points?
Next up we move to Literature and that classic from Bram Stoker, Dracula. Although I don't think this Vampire is going to be around for a while with two vampire hunters ready to introduce him to a stake.
All three are from Bad Squiddo games also.
Another trip on Sarah's Cart up to the first floor, paid for by another Bad Squiddo miniature, Zombie Annie. Here she is accompanied by a cowboy zombie I have kitbashed from various parts of my bits box. (I am working on a set of rules to add the undead to a Wild West skirmish game) Annie here is also accompanied by one of her pet guinea pigs, seems the peeg has also succumbed to the need for the consumption of flesh.
For my next stop today at the stacks of Manga comics, I give you a samurai monkey. A pretty dangerous looking monkey from Archon Studios, they produce a great set of animal companions, some sci-fi, some fantasy all in one box set.
Finally this week I have continued the 2nd edition 40K inspired Blood Angels project. For my visit to the sci-fi stack we start with a classic Dreadnought. This beast is completely metal and has some heft to it. (It makes for an interesting job of painting the vehicle with a steady hand.) It is an old one from my collection that I have stripped with some Biostrip and had another go at painting. Back in the 90's no-one introduced me to micro-sol and micro-set. I guess GW didn't mention them as they didn't sell them. I always therefore struggled with transfers back then, now that I can properly do them I have enjoyed making this model look proper accurate to how it was meant to look back in the 90's.
I have also painted these four Space Marines. Two classic Veteran Sergeants
A Company Standard bearer and a Techmarine. this time with suitable transfers added. I finally have managed to work out how to add a flat transfer to a curved shoulder pad.
The Points
7 x 28mm characters = 7 x 5 = 35 points
4 x stack visits = 4 x 20 = 80 points
2 x trips on Sarah's Cart = 2 x 20 = 40 points
1 x 28mm vehicle = 20 points
4 x Space Marines at 28mm = 4 x 20 = 80 points 4 x 5 = 20 points
Rock stacks (1 cube 6x6) = 20 points
Total = 255 points 215 points
Sylvain: What a lovely set of diverse miniatures! Bet it vampires, zombies or space marines, your brush work really highlight the essence of what the model represents. Your monkey was probably sculpted as the Monkey King, a popular character in Japanese and Chinese legends. Very impressive work!
P.S. =I adjusted your point calculation, as you can see above.
AdamC - Ancient Egyptian Archers (50 points)
That technically makes these fellows late period Egyptians the last gasp of native rule before domination by foreign powers (Persians, Greeks Romans and so on until after World War II) Fortunately with Ancient Egyptians what's is new is what is old so reto garb was the way.
They were simple linen kilts and head dresses armed with bows arrows and maybe a knife. The leader has a stone headed mace. There are 10 figures here for 50 points. The base is a temporary one so Arofan can permanently base them as he wishes. This may require a reduction in points.
Sylvain: Very nice Egyptians. I'm enticed to walk like them (cf. Bangles). Their head dress immediately suggest where they are from. I'm not going to reduce the points because I'm sure these miniatures will soon end up on a nice base. Can't wait to see the next submission of this project of biblical proportions.
From FrederickC - Idols of Torment - The Insatiate (66 Points)
Idols of Torment is a dark skirmish game developed by Jeremy of Black Magic Craft, and his friend JP, in which different factions, called Orders, compete against each other to harvest the souls of the Lost in a zone called the Echo. Our local gaming group had a opportunity to play test the rules before they went to publication.
Each Order consists of a Reaper, a Corrupter, two Slayers, two Lurkers, two Stalkers, and a Totem, each class with is own set of abilities. Each of the eight Orders also has some special characteristics unique to that faction to keep the game play interesting. Here is my version of the Insatiate, representing Consumption, Greed, and Need. They are the official minis for the game, although the game is designed to be 'miniature agnostic'. They are all 3D printed, which gives some very detailed miniatures, but at times it was difficult to get the paintbrush into some of the recessed areas. The wings on all the figures are quite delicate, and I think it is only a matter of time before one gets broken. I painted them using Vallejo acrylics and a variety of Citadel washes to get that 'parched vampire' look.
The Insatiate (with a set of Initiative token) |
Corrupters are the only Idol class that can bind themselves to the prime energy in the Lost. Totems are a superconductor of corrupted energy that enables an Eternal to manifest their Idols and focus their powers into the afterlife realm. Reapers are the Idol class specialized in reaping the souls of the the Lost.
Corrupter, Totem, and Reaper |
Slayers are the Idol class specialized in melee combat.
Slayers |
Lurkers are the only Idol class that can make ranged attacks.
Lurkers |
Stalkers are the Idol class specialized in manoeuvering around the Echo.
Stalkers |
This project was definitely something different from my usual fare. All the figures are 45mm tall, with the exception of the Reaper that stands at 60mm in height. The photos don't do the figures justice. The lighting bleached out a lot of the colours, but I hope you get the idea. 😁
The points being claimed are as follows:
Sylvain: this looks like a super interesting game. The figures are unique and very... appealing in their own creepy way. Your paint job really brings out their vampire quality. Plus this is your THIRD submission for Monday. This will probably shoot you up in 1st position. What next will you bring to us?
From SimonG: The Death of Romance - 15mm Cathar Knights and Spearmen (48 points)
"I would rather go to Hell, where there are fine clerks and knights, who have died in tournaments and noble wars, brave soldiers and noble men. These are who I would go with. And there, also, are the beautiful and courteous women who have two or three lovers in addition to their husbands." (Aucassin et Nicolette)
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Cathar Mounted Knights |
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Heavy Infantry Spearmen |
The figures are once again Khurasan 13th Century and after my leader bases a few weeks back these are the first couple of full unit bases. One of the great things about Impetus as a rule set is that it requires the use of large, often vignette like, bases. In 15mm these bases are a manageable size and it is good fun to try close basing and creating little scenes within each base.
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Bertrand de Porcellet |
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Cute Pigs! |
The first base is five 15mm mounted figures -- actually Bertrand Porcellet Comté de Provence and Lord of Arles and his retinue as I couldn't resist painting a pig as heraldry! While the heraldry on the other figures is made up I really enjoyed working on them, especially the harlequin like caparison and the red and green quartering (which turned out a really great colour combination). My one SNAFU was to varnish two of the figures in gloss -- I've tried to damp it down with several matte coats but they're still rather toy soldierish, especially when photographed!
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A Shiny Pair of Knights! |
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Boar to the Rescue! |
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Seriously? You fought dressed like this! |
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My Favourite Colour Combination |
For this project I have selected 3mm thick bases (courtesy of Warbases) and I think this really adds a nice heft over the 2mm I was using for my prior 28mm HYW Impetus project (and which the command stands previously submitted were on). It also helps the colour coding for Cathar (red) vs Crusader (blue) stand out. Anyway I'm pleased with the result and the little scenarios created within the base.
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En Garde! |
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Rallying the Troops |
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Do You Know What's Going On? |
As far as points go that should be 14 15mm figures for 28 points plus 5 15mm mounted for another 20 and the 20 point bonus for the romance section for a grand total of 68 points -- my target vanishes further into the distance but I'm enjoying working at this scale!
Sylvain: Aucassin et Nicolette was part of the curriculum in my Medieval Literature class during my time at the university. Indeed, a great love story. However, I have to rule that charging knights might not have love on their mind and disqualify your claim for "romance". The miniature or the project, by themselves, should say: "romance". Your knights are super detailed, especially considering the scale is 15mm. And your colorful spearmen look ready to join their "Seigneur" in battle. Great job on these minis!