Merry Christmas all! For my first submission of this years paint challenge I went with 2 skirmish bases of 28mm Ashigaru Archers. These metal figs are from Kingsford Miniatures. They're based up for Impetus.
Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Thursday, 24 December 2020
From ScottM: Ashigaru Archers (30 points)
From Dallas: 28mm Space Explorers in EVA Suits from ???? - 20 points
I just did some hand-numbering on the front plates to distinguish one from the other.Here's one with a handgun of some kind... I likely should have replaced this with something from the bits box as it's not that well done.Number 4 also carries a gun, also not looking that good.I figured I'd fill the blank space on the shoulders with a decal from the trusty GW sheet.
Now for some perspective... this was my vision for these four.Or maybe something like this! In any case, it's never gonna end well for these guys.
And if anybody knows where these dudes came from please hit me up in the comments! Thanks all and stay healthy!
EDIT: The spacesuited explorers are from East Riding Miniatures! Thank you to "Captain Gamma" from TMP for the info!
From StuartL - Several Shades of Grey - 25 points
Merry Christmas everyone!
And what better way to celebrate this festive period than to venture in to The Chamber of Darkness? What's that? Eating cake and watching TV, you say? Well, to each their own.
The target for this challenge was to paint a model in greyscale. Now, I am sure that there are some very talented painters out there who can paint a marvelous figure in greyscale, but given that my painting talents are less focused on technique and more on banging out any old tosh as fast as I can, sadly my entry is probably lacking the skill to really showcase what can be achieved.
Now, I do have some grey minis coming up (hopefully) before the end of the challenge, but there will be some other spot colours on them, so sadly they were out of the running. I don't particularly want to do a full unit/warband/army in greyscale, so I had to cast around for a loose figure that I could spare for this entry. Luckily, I had some spare plastic bits and pieces from my Bolt Action German force kicking around, so I quickly stuck this fellow together and got out all my grey paints.
And that's it. One greyscale(ish) grenadier, 25 points for the mini and Chamber bonus and away we go to the Larder.
Have a great Christmas!
ChrisF - Battle Valor Lizard men (10 pts)
This is my first challenge and wanted to get a few points on the board, so I painted these reptiles. They are 15mm and I based them individually as they are for my dungeon crawl games. I hope to have some more minis done by the weekend, and perhaps foray into the Challenge Chamber.
PaulS: House of Artifice (45 points)
In a slight deviation from the dungeon crawl, it is time to add some more points to the GW miniatures challenge and to my personal challenge of getting one of every Necromunda gang painted up to a starting 1000 point list (more if possible).
This Van Saar gang has been back to the painting table 3 times now as I've not been happy with the photos. Even this time there are things I'm spotting that I don't like... but I need to move onto painting some Christmas presents so I can deliver them when lockdown is over (again).
These are also the last unit of white figures (with the sole exception of the speeder bike-thing for the clone troopers). This is also my last post this side of Christmas, so have a great festive few days everyone!
From GregB - Byzantine Kataphractoi Cavalry - 60 Points
Byzantine cavalry ready for battle! |
Greetings all, it is very fun to be back for another edition of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. For my first submission, I present this group of Byzantine Kataphractoi cavalry. These are 28mm figures from Gripping Beast, with shield transfers and banners from Little Big Men Studios. There are eight figures, in the photo, but only six will count for scoring purposes - two of them were painted prior to the start of the Challenge, so I think that is worth 60 points - but I'm often wrong about these things...
Commander, musician and standard bearer. |
As one might expect, there is a heavy religious feel to the iconography - definitely an aspect of the Byzantine setting that I enjoy, it adds to their aura. |
These figures are based individually - a departure from previous efforts in this area. I hope to use them for skirmish games like "Lion Rampant" as well as mass battle rules like "Warhammer Ancient Battles" or "Hail Caesar" (or even "Swordpoint" if I can finish the requisite university degrees needed to decipher the rules). These individual bases make that possible.
Super long "kontos" - the spears of ancient heavy cavalry. |
These castings from Gripping Beast are hefty suckers, and remain a joy to paint. I went with red and green as the accent colours as I thought it matched the holiday season...and also I had the red and green paint handy on the painting table because of something else I was working on, that I hope to share here shortly :)
Lots of maces handy for up-close smashing and bashing work... |
The Kataphractoi were the heavy, heavy hitters of the armies from the "Thematic" Byzantine era (which I believe is a reference to the "Thema" - or provinces/districts - used as administrative divisions within the empire at that time...something like the 9th/10th century although I'm not 100% certain). Well armed, heavily armored, drilled, disciplined and experienced in war, they would be present on the battlefield once the Byzantines had exhausted their sizeable bag of usual tricks (bribery of the enemy, bribe someone else to attack said enemy, assassination of said enemy ruler or key advisor(s), delay via negotiation, outmaneuver or other trickery etc.) and force or arms would be the only way to settle things.
Some of the riders are equipped the long fighting spears used by the ancient heavy cavalry, while others are brandishing maces. And of course, as the heaviest of the heavy cavalry, these fellows are covered head-to-toe in armour, as are the poor horses. The LMBS stickers are fiddly as heck, but are still so worth it in in the end!
Another view of the unit leader...his barding, mace and helmet are all a touch fancier than the others... |
That's all from me for now - Merry Christmas everyone! I look forward to sharing more work with you, and enjoying all of your submissions, as we go into 2021! Cheers.
From Matthew Williamson : (Virgin) Challenge Entry
A big Season Greetings and very Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year
Sticking with the season greetings I have painted a 28mm Saint Nicolas miniature, I am not certain who made him but a easy kick off never the less.
I have almost completed preparation on my figs and have settled on 28mm Romans about 250 odd, 20mm Napoleonic Cuirassiers 200 odd, some 40 odd medievals and 80 odd 20mm commandos and artillery and vehicle crews. That lot should keep me busy for three months plus keep me from straying too much.
From BenitoM: Roman Centurio & Curtgeld Entry Fee (30 points)
Introducing Centurio Marco Benitius a.k.a. "Interfectorem", Primus Pilus and champion leader of the XI legion bringing the civilization to the Barbaric peoples living beyond the Rhine river limes.
This is 28mm plastic model belonging to the Roman Generals range produced by Victrix. I must say the model size is a "(quite) large 28" probably closer to 30mm. They don't mix well with other Roman ranges (particularly with the Wargames Foundry models); however I have made a full Auxilia unit with Victrix models to be put together as a unit in a table; you hardly notice difference when playing a game against another army made with a different manufacturer.
The model is also my entry fee (or Curtgeld) to participate in the Challenge and will be awarded to the champion designated by our Snow Lord in due time.
If my maths are right, this entry is worth 30 points: 10 points for a cavalry model + 20 points for the Curtgeld bonus. I also score another 10 points in the Roman and his enemies duel.
Time now to return to the kitchen for the Xmas Eve dinner. Difficult to wish a very Merry Xmas considering the situation around in all our countries, but at least the best possible Christmas to all.
From DrQ: The Golem's Haunt (30 points)
Alright folx, onto the Golem's Haunt! When I think of the cobbling of tissue and technology the nature place my mind rests is with your average Ork boss.
This big boi doesn't have a name as of yet (still working on the fluff of my force), but he's here for all your lootin' needs.Speaking of kitbashing, here is an example of that dwarven (or Duardin) holiday spirit: Krås Krüngle.
The Kharadron claim that they believe only in the power of the capital and the cunning of a mercantile meritocracy. They tell stories of how their god told them to fend for themselves, and this was the impetus for them to learn grit and self-determination—how they have outgrown the Old Ways and are beholden to no god, creed, or superstition. However this only the official party line.In the outer rings of the skyports and the below decks of almost any skyvessel of the line, things are different. The old ways persist, and even new stories and myths have emerged as the Age of Chaos turns to the Ages of Sigmar.One of these stories is of a Duardin of old—ancient in years beyond counting. One night a year, he visits all the skyports in a single evening and delivers presents to good little dorf of various genders. His name is Krås Krüngle.As the days grow short and the nights grow long, and as forces of chaos stretch out their evil tendrils to ensnare all that is good in Chamon, Krås Krüngle calls forth the fallen Duardin heroes of yore and leads them on a yearly hunt across the heavens. He and his host bring light to the darkness, spreading goodness and cheer across all the skyports by giving gifts to the younglings.While the Geldraad don't like to admit it, the stories are good for business and so they let the "superstition" go....
Bruce R Pit of the Pendulum offer (25 pts)
Bruce R "Pit of the Fanatic"!!
As our band of adventurers delves further into the Chambers our rough map makes reference to a Pendulum Pit. After losing one member to spider venom (see previous Trap chamber) the members are on their toes for this Pendulum menace. The group hears maniacal cackling around the next corner. As Bloaty the thief is sent forward to spy, he turns and exclaims, not a pendulum per se...
I considered loading the brush and getting one of my SP2 female characters painted to jump the pendulum pit and than had this idea. A quick look and of course with WHFB in the past I had an unpainted fanatic, not a pendulum, but going in circles as a whirling dervish of death, so similar to a pendulum. Old metal fanatic. Some putty, string and the hallway. So here is my fanatic so hopped up on mushrooms he cannot figure out how to untie the rope. So 20 points for the Chamber and 5 for the goblin fanatic.
To all happy Christmas. These little side ventures keep me painting the actual wargames figures (stay tuned for 4 more Old Sweats at Little Bighorn)
From PaulSS: [The Chamber of Darkness] Hugh Jarse (25pts)
Seasons Greetings to you all!
The Chamber of Darkness: For this chamber challenge, you’ll need to paint a model in luxurious greyscale. Quick, buy some more Vallejo “Neutral Grey”, dear Challengers!
I was wondering which figure I should use for this challenge and then I remembered that I had a spare Hugh Jarse figure from the Too Fat Lardies release.
This figure is straight out of the Commando comics of my youth with his gangster Thompson SMG with drum magazine, perfect for being captured in greyscale.
The figure is done from a base of VMC Basalt Grey, Black Gray and Pale Gray (sorry no Neutral Grey) followed by a glaze of Black Grey then worked back up with basecoat and highlights. I was not too happy how the flesh came out so that was gone over again with a thin wash of Tamiya Smoke so he looked less like a zombie.
I really struggled with the photos, I think it took about 20 minutes to paint but 40 minutes messing around with the camera settings. I eventually settled on my usual green background as more monotone backgrounds came out terrible.
From ReillyOG - Dwarf Irondrakes(100 points)
Whilst not technically my first painting challenge, this is my first real go at one and I'm really happy with my start. Recently a small Warhammer 8th edition replay of the old "Grudge of Drong" campaign has resparked the love for fantasy and with it, my love for little hairy lads with big axes and even bigger tankards. So the first victim of AHPC XI had to be these GW Irondrake Dwarfs. These boys in blue are joining my old school Throng of Zhufbar, made up of largely old 2000ish GW metals with this unit being the exception. These fellas really forced me to get in the zone as I had been challenged to a positively mahoosive game as a finale to our campaign but 48 hours after challenge start, and their presence was needed to hold the flanks.
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The unit all squared up in its unit tray, eager to follow through on the ancient grudges |
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The new irondrakes charging the final chariot as they attempt to protect the rune-laden great cannon. |
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They hold the line better than most, most beasts of war flee at the sight of their flaming blunderbusses. |
So there we have it, the first entry of many. 20 infantry figures in the unit at 28mm counts for 100 points total. Happy Painting!