Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Thursday, 11 March 2021
From PaulSS: [The Laboratory] Fellows of the Royal Society (45pts)
For Sander & Arthur: The Altar of the SnowLord
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Altar of the SnowLord (brought to you by the kids of Kinsmen Park South) |
Congratulations Sander and Arthur for making it down to the Altar of the SnowLord!
Okay, Arthur, you can paint me any type of figure you want, but it has to be in at least four different colours - the brighter the better. :) Sander, it's been dog's years since you've done up any Napoleonics for us, so let's see at least one unit from that period - any nationality. Once you two meet the challenge then you can claim your prize (specifically painted for the both of you).
From JamesM: 28mm W40k Ur-Ghul - Curtgeld (40 Points)
Hi folks,
In a change to my usual posting, these are not green. As I knew I would have limited in time this challenge, I decided that my Curtgeld should be relatively quick and simple. I picked up a few Blackstone Fortress models which I figured might fit in a range of settings.
From DaveS - It's An Abomination (77pts)
So, continuing the Wild West Exodus painting (I've really found these models have inspired me to up my work rate, they truly are things of beauty)
First, we have Rabecca Capelle, sister of Missy, who I posted last time. Another Outlaw/Lawmen model, another "Soiled Dove" and another beautiful model to paint.
Moving on from one of the newest models I own, to some of the oldest WWX ones. A few years ago, I bought a few bits for the game, and then never did anything with them, as I only ever got a single demo game in before my local group shelved it somewhat. I managed to dig them out from the black hole of shame, and decided to give them a quick paint job.
So here we have 5 Abomination Widowers, and 5 Abomination Seekers. Beautiful models when assembled, but honestly, each one of those monowheels comes in about 7 parts.....
One thing that this run of painting has proved again is just how much of a Magpie I am when it comes to painting. There are 8 factions in WWX, and since the beginning of January I have collected and painted models for 6 of them. The only ones that I have left alone are the Warrior Nation, and the Union, and that is probably just a temporary thing, if I am honest.
So this is 11 40mm models for 77 points. I've just built 15 of the less fancy Constructs for the "Enlightened" faction to go with these, along with their de-facto leader, Kyle the Black, so expect to see them soon.
From JasperO: One man and his Lard (the Larder - 50 points)
With 10 days to go until the end of this year's Challenge, it's high time to get myself across the half-way point towards my own goal. To do so, I present my entry for The Larder.
This vignette consists mostly of two sets from the Black Hussar Miniatures 7-Years War bakery range, but I figure it'll work well in a corner of my AWI tables. I've painted the workers in various colours that might be parts of a uniform, especially if this is the Continental Army.
The thief making off with a piglet is a Foundry figure from their civilian range. Size-wise, I suppose this is meant to be a child in torn pants. I painted his clothing as a sort of random combination of items he 'found' here and there, just like he did the piglet (and I see I forgot to paint the buttons on his vest - better do so quick!)
Overseeing the entire operation, perhaps the personification of the Larder, is a figure from a Eureka Miniatures 18th century civilians set. I find their range is very fun to paint, and it was interesting to attempt a fat face, generally a rarity in wargaming (figures).
This was a nice, colourful variety on all the green and brown that I've painted recently and with six figures and the Larder bonus, should net me 50 points and neatly across the midway point to my goal!from RayR - Warfare Miniatures - Ottomans Balkan Timariot Siphis 60pts
More great Warfare Miniatures figures for my next post and its more Sipahis, this time from the Balkans.
Unit of Elite Sipahis of the Porte - armoured, lance, pistols and shield - 3 models
Unit of Drilled Balkan Timariot Sipahis - armoured, lance, pistols - 6 models
Unit of Recruit Tribal cavalry - bows - 9 models
6 x Mounted 25mm figures @ 10 points each.
English HYW archers Matt Williamson 40 points
English HYW Longbowmen
From MilesR: 6mm Seleucid Army, part 1 (327.5 Points)
Despite a lack of updates for the challenge, there has been a bit of work going on at my painting desk. I present to you my Seleucid army, part 1, in glorious 6mm scale.
Please accept my apologies for photographing these chaps on my messy painting desk but due to the ongoing repair work after the basement flood there just isn't any room. These miniatures are from Baccus and are superb.
From: AngusW - 28mm The Preacher Man - Shrine - 25pts
Moving from the Orc's Pit I enter the Shine with The Preacher Man. Yet another lovely figure from the Foundry's Prussian Camp Followers pack.
Not sure where this will get used. I keep meaning to buy a town cross as a piece of tabletop clutter, he'd fit well with that for Sharp Practice.
I was heading to the Adventurers Landing, but I now realise I can already have painted something for the Oubliette so I may change direction.
The Preacher Man (5pts) + Shrine (20pts)
From SimonG: The Dark Lord for the Snow Lord - Lucifer Is My Altar Offering (40 points)
Finally I complete the descent into the Chambers of Challenge and my offering at the Altar of the SnowLord is the lord of hell himself -- Lucifer Morningstar!
Once again this is a Ludus Magnus Studio Black Rose Wars figure -- nominally it's 38mm scale but Lucifer is actually 54mm tall and the overall figure is about 12cm top to bottom and side to side. It's a technical tour de force with barely visible assembly marks or mould lines and accessibility for painting throughout despite the intricate inter-twining of snakes and clothing -- a real pleasure to paint. This WIP shot gives you a sense of scale relative to Citadel paint pots. I also really loved the attention to detail on the wings -- the upper set (the webbed ones) are actually greatly expanded hands with five grossly distended fingers and webbing between them.
The weakness of the model was his sword which was both bent and also broken at the joint to the hilt. After thinking about glueing it back on I elected instead to make a new blade from brass strip I use for labelling my 10mm tanks! Overall I think it came out OK -- sorry the etched (ok scratched with a knife) design on the blade doesn't come out too clearly in the photos! For more on Satan's sword I recommend you check out "Rachel Rising" by Terry Moore -- a great story by one of my favourite artists and writers.
The fun thing in this paint job was to choose how to paint the snakes. The eagle eyed among you should be able to identify the following: Russell's Viper; Yellow Lipped Sea Krait; Black Mamba; Eastern Coral Snake; Tiger Snake; Boomslang; Green Pit Viper and a Brazilian Rainbow Boa. All of these bar the last are exceedingly poisonous so good choices for Beelzebub himself!
Wings were modelled on a crow and the leathery wings were originally green but repainted half way through to the finished ochre. I finished the ribbons of clothing with Citadel Spiritstone Red as it gave them extra energy and glow -- the jewels all over the wings have the same finish.
Overall I've really enjoyed navigating the Chambers of Challenge and believe it has really pushed my painting forward so congratulations to Carl and all the minions for a superb job organising everything this year and I can't wait for AHPC XII!