So, we are done. That flew by quicker than the lifespan of a GW rulebook. Once again I had an excellent time seeing all the super work you all have posted from the 50 pointers to the 5000 pointers. I can only apologise if I missed any and didn't comment, or if it seemed I ran out of vocabulary and used the same words to describe the excellent painting.
When I first started this hobby back in the last millennium, painting my models was just a means to an end. I was a gamer that was told I had to have paint on my models to take them to my local store to play every week, so I painted them as quickly as possible. (They were terrible and yes I did finish some at four in the morning). Now I game a few times a year and instead I get great joy out of spending hours painting models, some of which may never take part in any gaming.
This challenge is full of an inspiring bunch of people who are encouraging, informative, constructive and generally just darn nice. Yet, for some reason we have a weird fixation with accumulating as many skulls as possible?
Anyway, here is the obligatory photo taken by Mrs B once again this year, with a double thumbs up again. (I know you approved of the pose last year Ray, so why change,)
I knew i was busy this year and so kept my target a low 500 again, but still managed a good round 1000 points and surprised myself by how much i did do. The to do pile is once again looking thin (It never completely empties does it?), ready for Salute next month for which my shopping list is already under construction.
I shall, like others take this opportunity to thank Curt for being the crazy brainchild behind this great endeavour, Sarah for supporting Curt in his crazy endeavour, Miles for his minioning duties and wrangling the spreadsheet of doom and everyone else for just being you. (Oh and Teemu for an informative education on Finland. I am almost tempted to visit, but I really don't do cold. -10 not really cold, really? You're all crazy)
We had one day of snow this year. A nice novelty, it was enough. |
So, may your paint pots never run dry, your brushes never split, your glue never stick your fingers together and your bayonets never snap off. (Oh, and if you are in the area, see you at Salute next month!)