Saturday 28 December 2019

From MilesR: WWI German Naval Landing Party makes landfall at Reidy's Reef (280 Points)

 My second entry for this challenge is also the start of my meandering trek across Challenge Island.  My journey starts at Reidy's Reef (of course) with this WWI German Naval Landing party.  The figures are 28mm in scale and from Brigade Games here in the US.  They stock a fairly large WWI collection and have lots of nice esoteric stuff.
Thee are 43 Sailors armed with rifles, 4 figures in the command group and a 3 man heavy machine gun team.  These will work great for some raiding scenarios and also general pulp gaming.
The selection of poses is a limited limited but then again the demand for WW1 German Naval troops is likely fairly limited.

A close up of the command group.  Please accept my apologies for the poorly staged pictures.  My gaming area is still a bit of a wreck due to the pipe burst and will be a few more weeks in repair mode.

Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of uniform guides for WW1 German Naval Troops but I did find a picture of this gentlemen, so patterned the uniforms after the colors in the picture.
The final tally for this entry should be 280 points.  50 28mm figures at 5 each and 30 for my first "X-marks-the-spot" locale.  While there is a machine gun, it's just painted gunmetal grey and based so let's just throw that one in for free.

Why WWI German Sailors?  You'll just have to wait to find out.....


A Pipe burst?! Have you been eating spicy food again, Miles?

50 German naval troops. Wowzers. You never just test the waters do you, Miles? From looking at this entry I get the very strong sense that a BIG convention game is being cooked-up here. Based off of how cool these guys look I'm eager to see how this project unfolds over the next few months.

A very well earned 280 points for you, Miles. Welcome to Challenge Island!



  1. thought it had been quite, great entry

  2. Your sailors look great, I can't wait to see the next part of your project.

  3. Smashing sailor boys, Miles :)

  4. Great looking naval infantry types!
    Best Iain

  5. Great looking naval troops Miles. I’ll be lucky if I get 50 28mm infantry figures done in the three months but for you it’s just a Friday afternoon.
    Lots of gaming ideas. Did you know that SMS Emden left a landing party behind when ambushed by HMAS Sydney, and that they sailed across the Indian Ocean and ended up in Arabia during the Lawrence rebellion?

    1. Now, that would be a great skirmish scenario!


    3. that would be a very fun game. My game will be, ummm, more whimsical in nature

  6. Awesome work! I love that you’ve managed to paint 50 figures so nicely, while I’m yet to finish my first :)

  7. Very good stuff, thanks heaps for the reference photo by the way!

  8. You never do things by halves, do you, Miles. Another wonderful entry to add to your long list of wonderful entries.

  9. Super sailors, mate! A fine landing party, assembled with aplomb for the trek to the interior !! Looking forward to following their progress!!
