Tuesday, 14 January 2020

From ByronM - Earth Elemental for Cooks Crevase (35 points)

Well, that was a close call!  I was all set to have a submission published, it was all written and submitted, and then I went looking at the next spot on the map and realized I was about to waste a perfectly good submission for a space.... See, that's what you get for not planning ahead!

So, a quick stop was put to the submission and I went digging for something for the space I was coming up to so that I could delay the already done entry for the next space.  The only issue was, WTF did I have to use for Cooks' Crevase???  Nothing!

3d Printing to the rescue!

These pieces are what will become an earth elemental, I know they are hard to see detail on since I used clear resin.

Once all the support structure was removed, it started to look like something!

Now it was time to paint it up.  Pretty simple over all since it is all stone.  Black, greys, some brownish wash to mute it a bit and add some warmth.  But it was still missing something.

That's where I remembered doing green moss on some terrain I painted and I figured that would work to add some more colour to him.  I washed in a few layers of green into the cracks and he started looking much better!

So, there we have it.  I started the printer with a free file from Thingiverse yesterday, cleaned him up, primed him last night, and painted him this evening, all in about 24 hours.  Man do I love modern UV SLA 3d printing technology! There are not even any lines or printing marks!

This simple, easy, and essentially free (maybe $0.50 in resin) figure should net me a quick 35 points.  He is on a 40mm base and bigger than 28mm figures, but he was so easy to paint, it would be wrong to claim any more points than a normal figure for him!


by Paul:
Your rapid print & paint capability is very impressive. 
35 points nicely earned - he looks great!


  1. 3D printers will always make my head explode, but the skill of those who can handle them never ceases to amaze - well done Byron.

    1. Lol, they are super easy Greg.... But then I do realize we have a different scale on that thinking... similar to airbrushing!

  2. Great painting and a quick turnaround Byron :)

  3. Love it, need a figure so I’ll go print one off. A fine elemental.

    1. Certainly saves having to leave the house when it is -32 outside with the windchill!!!

  4. Great save, Byron. The green moss in his nooks and cranies is what makes him. 3D printer to the rescue!

    1. Thanks Curt, yeah, he just seemed to plain with just greys and some browns. I think it really made him look better with some green.

  5. Nice work on this Byron. I think I'm off to the hobby shop later to see if I can find something similar.

    1. We don't really have a general mini shop in the city here, so 3d printing is a big savior. And with the huge price drop resin printers have seen in the last few years, I think pretty much everyone (other than maybe Greg) will add one to their hobby room soon.

  6. Lovely looking elemental!
    Best Iain

  7. Very nice, particularly the mossy bits. I’m still tinkering with FDM, mustn’t fall into the resin trap...
