Tuesday, 14 January 2025

ByronM - Warhammer 40k Armigers and Trench Crusade [110 points]

Today I have a fully 3d printed submission for your enjoyment, all happening in Grim Dark Universes.  

First up we have my first group of Warhammer 40k Armigers, in for form of a cadre of 3 Armiger Helverins. I have wanted to do a new Warhammer army for a long time, specifically an Imperial Knight army as they have such a low model count, however the models are all the typical insane GW pricing.  However, I recently found some great 3d files for Armigers, so I could print my own rather than dealing the GW.  So, Away we go!!!  Expect more to follow.

I could not decide on a colour scheme for these, but found some colours a while ago from Scale75 that I fell in love with the shades and bought them with no real idea what I would ever use them for.  I randomly saw them when trying to figure out colours for these and decided now is the time, so from darkest to lightest I used Scale75 Anthracite Gray, Abyssal Blue, Caspian Blue (the main colour showing) and Bearing Blue.  All were airbrushed on after painting the chassis and seran(cling) wrapping the chassis to protect the paint job while allowing me to airbrush the carapace.

Once painted, I really wasn't sure what to do to base them, and then again stumbled across a set of wrecked concrete foundation pillars from Epic Basing and thought they would look good on the bases so printed up a bunch of them and away I went.  I think they add a bunch to the base and are something different.

Next up is the first part of a new project from a new game, Trench Crusade.  The art and lore of the game is brilliant and very Grim Dark (go figure since a lot of the crew is made up of ex-GW employees), but I am not really sure about the rules, seems a bit too simplistic.  However, a bunch of friends want to play, and since I subject them to random weirdness that may not be their cup-o-tea but they humour me, I figured I should humour them as well.  If anyone wants to checkout the rules, they are available here for free: Trench Crusade.

This post has the first 2 models that I 3D printed and started painting, only to find out that I am not likely to actually use them in my list, but oh well, they look cool!  I selected the Iron Sultanate as I felt like doing some Persian models and these are all based on Persian lore with the Jannisaries coming in a later entry.  These two though are the Assassin and the Bronze Bull.

The Bronze Bull is absolutely massive being based on a 50mm round and standing over 100mm tall and 150mm wide.  Being such a big chunky boy I am counting the Bronze Bull as my Gluttony model because at this size I am sure he eats a literal ton!

Since the world of Trench Crusade is an extremely grim dark war torn setting, I wanted to keep with a very dark look as well.  So the whole force is going to be painted in mainly bronzes and reds that are muted / muddied down for lower contrasts.

Here is an image to show just how big all of these models are, as the marine is a standard 40k marine on a 25mm base, the bull on a 50mm and the Armiger on a 100mm base.

Points for this post should be something like the following, but am unsure as most of these are much bigger than normal entries of the classification:
- 3x Armigers @ 28mm scale vehicle @ 20 points each = 60 points
- Bronze Bull @ 32mm scale vehicle (?) @ 20 points each
- Gluttony bonus @ 20 points
- Assassin @ 5 points
Total: 105 


Your Armiger trio look great in those pastel blues Byron - very neat indeed, and crisply printed too.
But the Brass Bull is my favourite here! Wonderful to see a mythological favourite steampunked up and unleashed on the minions of Hell! I'll score his as a 40mm vehicle given his tanky look

I'm sure we will be seeing more of Trench Crusade as the Challenge continues - at last count with late pledges, I understand that KS netted over $4million!!!

- Paul

From GregB - 10mm High Elf Heroes for Warmaster (11 points)

High Elf heroes for "Warmaster" - 3D prints, mostly designed by Forest Dragon.

We kick things off this week with...eleven points! Not exactly a "points bomb" - not even close - but I'll take what I can get! Here we have a small collection of High Elf heroes in 10mm size, mounted on round bases to serve as characters/heroes for the game "Warmaster". These are 3d prints, most of them (although not all) designed by the amazing "Forest Dragon".  There is a mix of warrior-type heroes and mages, a cadre ready to lead a High Elf army into battle on the table. 

Valiant mounted High Elf warrior, leading the cavalry to battle!

"Warmaster" is one of the very best "specialist" games GW ever released - the bones of those rules went on to serve as a foundation for a number of very, very popular rules. Plus, they are just great to play on their own. Those rules are so awesome in terms of how to mix the actions of the different troop types, of heroes and of magic. Heroes and magic have an impact, but cannot carry things on their own - but for all that, you can have a lot of fun with the hero figures!

When you have the right sceptre, one can read AND ride into battle!

GW's original line of metal 10mm figures for Warmaster were incredible, and for the most part are now very hard to come by. But holy smokes, have the 3d printer ever filled the void! Not only can you find equivalents...the current 3d prints are functionally even better IMO. These character figures are all 10mm, but they are just...they are amazing! All sorts of wonderful little details one can take a stab at with their brushes!

A mounted "not-Tyrion" - another fine 3d print!

Does 3d printing have ANY weaknesses? Well...these resin figures do kinda maybe break if you drop them on the floor...one can say that about ANY figures, I suppose, but there have been, let's call it, "V2 requirements" after encounters with the hardwood floor in my house. No matter how much I swear, it seems you can't always fix broken figures...but here we have, at last, a group of non-damaged 3d prints!! Re-painting broken 3d prints is massively f*cking frustrating super-rewarding but it all works out in the end.

Floating on a cloud, but carrying a flaming sword...ready for whatever comes up!

I have strips and strips of 3d-printed High Elf infantry and cavalry waiting for their turn under my brushes...one of the 10 "top priorities" I had lined up for this edition of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. Will they get any paint this year? We'll see...but I'm glad to get these heroes finished off at last. 

This fellow could be a mage, or some kind of sword-master type hero as well. 

Scoring is obviously super-modest for this post, but hey, points are points! We have three mounted 10mm figures, and two 10mm foot figures, for a grand total of, er, 11 points! Hey, progress, is progress. Hopefully the next post I have for today will increase the score counter a bit more...


Very nice indeed Greg! Some lovely detailing and highlighting on these tiny fellows. 11 points well earned indeed.

I was, however, shocked. SHOCKED I tell you with this bold statement of yours:

"Warmaster" is one of the very best "specialist" games GW ever released 

Clearly you have not played....

AndrewB Season Opener Inferno Blitz! Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, and Greed! 260pts

Hello folks!   Sorry for the delay, but let’s get to posting!  I decided this year aside from a couple projects I’m working on, I’d blitz through the Inferno Challenge as best I could. Now that I’ve gotten some basing glue, here we go!  

First is Limbo!   These are some Old Glory ‘voodoo’ warriors I acquired many years ago to attempt to play some good James Bond style Baron Zavoodie henchmen.  Alas, they’ve sat unpainted on washers for the better part of a decade, and I ran across them while digging for other projects, so here we go!  They’re quite characterful, despite lacking many different sculpts   

The second circle provided me some trouble as I don’t have many figures which are particularly ‘Lusty’.  That said, I ran across this bundle of cave folk while shuffling through shelves, and here I am.  Not outright lusty, but she’s got her chest out, and the boys seem to be enjoying it, so here we are!  I’ll try and find some relevant 3D prints to come back here maybe.  In the meantime, it makes good sense in that monosyllabic, unshaven way.  

Next, we have gluttony!  While trying to find a suitably rotund model, a four-legged friend knocked me on the knee with a stainless steel bowl, and then proceeded to eat the dog food I put inside with a vigor that would put the Cookie Monster to shame.  Bam! Gluttony!  Not sure where all these doggos are from, but they’re certainly hungry, and will certainly serve my games of 02 hundred well until I get the plastics in the box built and painted.  

Moving right along to Greed, this group of unsavory bootleggers, loan sharks, and bookies along with some of their other flunky buddies   I like to think of these folks as side characters like Forrest Gump at some of history’s most notorious gangster moments, all with the dreams of bags of stolen cash. I even managed to sneak in a dashed my lady gangster for Lady Sarah, so that was fun to find.  We’ll see if crime really pays!  

That’s about all I can get into this post, so look for more next week!  As for my points, I think we’ve got 13 Voodoo warriors for 65pts, four cave people for 20pts, seven puppies for 35pts, and 12 gangsters for 60pts.  There are four circles in the challenge for 80pts, and two women for Lady Sarah at 40pts.  This rounds me to an even 400, which I’ll need to be picking up the pace on!  

See you all next week, and happy painting!


A fine opening Salvo there Andrew! I like the variety of figures you've been able to get done

I'm sure it was satisfying to finally get those Voodoo warriors completed too!

Unfortunately, there are no bonus points for female figures in this year's challenge.

65+20+35+60=180 + 80 bonus points = a total of 260

- Paul

From MikeF - Corporate Security Droids - 50 Points

Last week I presented the wave 1 baddies for the game, Exploit Zero. This week I skip over wave 2 and go straight to 3 (wave 2 wasn’t primed yet). These are the top level threat of the game and arrive late in the game when the player agents have been battered fighting the 2 previous waves. Once these guys show up, it’s time to complete the objective and beat it. In cyberpunk settings, the corporations are usually messing around with robots and cyborgs, usually in the form of some secret weapon system or “initiative”. As such, wave 3 should be represented by something unburdened by human frailty.

I’ve had a group of Mantic Enforcers sitting around for years. I’ve never been a big fan of Mantic sculpts and the proportions of these models are a bit odd to look like humans are inside. That works perfectly for robots however (or cyborgs I suppose). Painting was kept simple and dark to reflect the cold, calculating malevolence of kill bots.

This guy represents an enemy Agent which provides an additional challenge for the players.

That’s 11 28mm miniatures for 55 points.

Thanks for visiting.


Oh yes, I also love a good battle droid. Nothing like an unstoppable, merciless and heavily armoured killing machine for a bit of table top fun!

- Paul

From TomL, Stompy robots & Lust ( 55 points)

This is the first of two posts for this Tuesday. Continuing on with our tour of the Abyss This Pulp Figures Gangland Gal will accompany us to the second circle: Lust


Here we meet the beautiful, self-centered, hedonistic, lustful Dorian Grey from Westwind Productions.

These figures were painted using Foundry, Reaper and Two Thin Coats acrylics.  Taking a break from the Abyss we have some stompy Battletech robots.

These were painted using my airbrush and Vallejo Model Air paints, Vallejo deck tan drybrush and a light game colour wash.  This will get me on board with the Stompy Robot side duel.

Following previous years posts the Battltech Mech points would be:
2 40-50mm mechs @ 7 points = 14
3 roughly 28 mm mechs @ 5 points = 15
Lust = 20 pts
2 x 28 mm figures = 10 points

Total: 59 points.


Ahhh Mr Dorian - a wonderful character. I wonder what he would do with all this social media stuff? Probably have a few million 'followers' I guess!

Great to some Mechs hit the table and get on with your Big Stompy Robots duel! I'll score them as 28mm figures, which seems consistent with their size as well as previous submissions

- Paul

Another Tuesday

The Tuesday Crew have been hard at it again this week. 

Thus I have more submissions to present and souls to torment - Let's get at it!