Wednesday, 8 January 2025

From SebastianR: Not ghosting this challenge (5 points)

Happy new year all!

Just a quick post to lock myself in for this challenge.

Due to my personal painting priorities being basically the opposite of the challenge bonus rounds, further entries will be delayed.

I could just ignore the bonus rounds of course, but where's the fun in that? 

Anyway, one Wraith, painted in the Gardens of Hecate style that I still haven't mastered, but still looks pretty good. See you all soon.



Welcome to AHPC XV Sebastian! This lovely (well, actually, very scary) Wraith keeps you in the boat, and that's what matters! You are on the board, and we look forward to more, and feel free to enjoy whether you align with the bonus themes or not!


JamieM - Grey Alien Warband (67 points)

A second post of the day (or possibly first of next week if I don’t get it finished in good time!) and it’s a slightly random one.

I have a lot of rulesets. A lot. It’s a bit of a standing joke at the club that someone finds a game and I’ve already got the rules and either have a force or two or have bought a force, painted it and since sold it. A lot of my rulesets are miniature agnostic, which is great for buying a bunch of unusual miniatures that take my fancy. On the downside, this gives me licence to buy a bunch of unusual miniatures that take my fancy.

And in this vein, enter the Alien Grey warband

The miniatures are from the Wild West Exodus game system, but I decided they would work as adversaries in my budding post apocalyptic games.

This is the leader fella, scary looking big chap with a standard grey for scale.

These normal fellas come with two weapon types for the most part, standard rifles and larger rifles.

There is also a grey with a heavy weapon and a slightly different alien who probably sings the cows to sleep before they are taken away by the look of him….

I couldn’t resist the box when I saw it and I’m not sure whether it’s a good thing that a mate of mine bought me an expansion and the rules for Wild West Exodus for Christmas as a present/punishment for my lack of willpower.

12 28mm figures and one 40mm figures nets me 67 points I believe.


A second post in one day! Another veteran tactic by a seasoned AHPC participant...thankfully you appear to be done with the naval nonsense, and must resort to more honest work. For now...

I salute your commitment to ensure you never commit to just one rule set! After all, there are so very many rules out there, and your "comprehensive consideration and collection" (CCAC) approach to gaming rules is one I have no doubt many Challengers will relate to. Hobbyists such as yourself are essential cogs in the psychological ecosystem of gaming - when we see rules we might like, and take a chance on them, we can still tell ourselves "well, at least I'm not as crazy as Jamie!"

My shelves (and storage) heave with piles of rules I have tried, or want to try, and the cycle of rules-meaning-I-should-buy-figures-which-is-a-good-reason-to-buy-these-other-rules is nothing other than...a perfectly normal, healthy approach to this great hobby!

The Grey Aliens here looks wonderful - ready for a military skirmish, or perhaps to snag a few subjects for some, er, probing research back at the base, all to determine what is going on - post-apocalyptic setting or otherwise!

67 points for you, and a great start today to your Challenge!


From SylvainR: D&D - 28mm Party of Adventurers/NPCs (45 points)


Another batch of figurines for D&D, this time a party of 9 adventurers that may also be used as NPCs. First, there are 2 barbarians and a ranger (elf of course!). To help me when I DM a game, I painted the minis with a color code in mind: brown for barbarians, dark green for rangers, blue for clerics, yellow for wizards, orange for sorcerers, etc. It looks like my obsession with organizing and coding WW2 units has contaminated my D&D endeavors... These figurines are from the same lot given to me by JeremyM and are vinyl versions of Reaper miniatures.

In this next group of heroes, I tried different skin tones, to add some variety. The fat cleric is definitely my favorite. He reminds me of Brother Tuck from Robin Hood and he carries a barrel of booze for emergencies... The potion cleric will certainly come in handy. The winged lady is not a pixie but a druid with wings (I know...).

In the picture below, the face of the young wizard woman did not came out good on this picture. Actually, I tried to go back to an old style of painting with these figurines (instead of black, to prime the figurines in white or very pale colors), thinking that it would make the colors more vibrant. In did make the colors more catchy, but to create more depth, I relied heavily on washes, which makes the figurines look dirty sometimes. Oh well, I have a lot more figurines to practice with.

Points claimed:

9 x 28mm foot figurines at 5 points each = 45 points

Total = 45 points


Thanks for reading!


Some fine work here once more Sylvain. A barrel of booze for emergencies is something we should all keep on hand, so it's good to see you painting figures that will not only entertain, but set a good public health example for all AHPC stakeholders. 

I sympathize with your desire to codify and organize, and fear not, in no way does it, or will it, take away from the enjoyment of these classic character types. I think the spell effect in particular is really well done!

Another 45 points for you!


From BobV: WW2 U.S. Winter Infantry and U.S. Paratroopers (200 points)

Happy New Year Everyone!

I am very excited to take part in another AHPC and hopefully excavate yet another slope of the Mountain of Opportunity. Today I present a small squad of U.S. WW2 Paratroopers and the remainder of a platoon of U.S. WW2 Winter Infantry (40 28mm figures in all).

Here are the Paratroopers:

These figures are a few years old. They are Warlord metals painted to a wargames table standard using mostly Vallejo acrylics over black. I finished them with a slightly diluted strong tone wash. I am not entirely happy with them but I still feel a bit rusty after taking the Spring and Summer off (the explosion of spring flowers is covering a serious injustice in basing).

Here are the Winter Dogfaces:

These figures are also several years old. They are an Artizan Designs range and very easy to paint. Like the Paratroops, I am not entirely happy with them either. I have had better luck with face shading by painting a tan contrast paint over a white or grey facial base. Here I washed strong tone over Warpainter Fanatic Ruby Skin base. I found that I have more control with the contrast paint so I will likely return to that method on my next project. These guys also took far longer than I wanted, I was hoping to get them out before the New Year. I ended up burning through more than one episode of "Brews in the Binyard" without hitting the pause button.

For Points I am claiming 40 X 28mm foot @ 5 points for a total of 200 points.

So glad to be back and see you again soon!   


Hello Bob, and happy new year! So, 200 points worth of 28mm infantry to kick things off? That ought to get everyone's attention! 

While many of the bases here are cold and wintry, it warms the heart to see proper metal castings being painted up for service on the gaming table (and say this as someone who paints buckets of plastic and resin as part of my 30k obsession...) I have always loved the interesting character of the Artizan sculpts in particular, and it is so nice to see more of them ready for action!

You expressed some incomplete satisfaction with the outcome of your brushwork - I would say it sure looks fine, although would gently suggest and increase in lighting so we can all see just how nice they will look in the photos!

That's...200 points for you! Boom!


From JamieM: Ghost Fleet for Kings of War armada (140 points)

Hi all, great to be back and painting through the winter and see what everyone else is up to!

I decided to start for once with something relatively simple so I could get an early post in. I then completely lost track of time over the festive period while I feverishly worked away at the painting table and missed the free fire posting period!

So I now present my first post, of a naval variety (to my minion’s great excitement I’m sure!)

This is a small fleet for Mantic’s Kings of War, which is a great fun little naval game based on Warlord’s Black Seas game.

Mantic recently started their “Vault” which is a website hosting STLs for their resin miniatures. They release them monthly mainly with their backlog of resin stuff. They’ve recently taken the opportunity to start releasing STLs that they’ve released physically and the ghost fleet was one of those. As one of the people at my local club has a resin printer I jumped at the opportunity to get some printed and painted up.

There are four larger ships and six tiddly ones. They’ve worked so well that I’ve ordered some more….

The game has various profiles based (no pun intended) on the base size of the ship in question. These two are the second largest. I’ve converted one with the pyramid whereas the other is just a large ship from the orc fleet that I’d also had printed previously which I decided could join the fleet too.

The next two are medium ships of the line.

These last are the smallest support ships and as another mate was extolling the virtues of the new fan written “warmaster navy” rules (based on the venerable GW man ‘o’ war rules) I picked up more ships than I’d need for armada and based them on bases needed for that game instead.

Nice and simple paint scheme with washes and drybrushing.

With regards points, scoring for naval stuff seems not quite as simple as for standard figures so I’ve worked on the basis of the black sails submission from yesterday for points meaning 20 each for the two larger (L) ships, 15 each for the two medium (M) ships and 5 each for the six smallest (T) ships to make 100 in total.


"They’ve worked so well that I’ve ordered some more…"

So say we all - if only to ourselves.

Wonderful to see you back in the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge once more Jamie! Not only is your brushwork fine as ever, but I see you are learning the habits of the true Challenge veterans - namely that of embarking on some silly naval project so you can grub some extra points...

In fact, according to my spreadsheet, which never is wrong, this lot is somehow worth 140 points! Ghost points! Such a clever opening gambit...who needs the "Free Fire Period" when you can just go naval...

But it does look excellent - and the idea of a fantasy version of "Black Seas" is pretty cool. I would also love to hear more about the "Warmaster" variant as well. Anything that makes you pick up more figures than you need holds promise!

Great stuff Jamie - looking forward to more! But just not more naval :)


From SylvainR: Tray 02 - 6mm Early WW2 British Tanks (74 points)


Moving forward with the British Expeditionnary Force, this week I present a tray full of early tanks. First, 7 dreaded Matilda IIs, the "Tiger I" of 1940. The models are from GHQ. The BEF had two camouflage patterns for their tank, and this one is khaki/dark green.

Now, a squadron of 10 Cruiser Mk.I (A-9), easy recognizable with their twin MG turrets at the front of the hull. The blue triangles indicate that these vehicles are part of the 1st squadron of the 3rd regiment. Also note that the road wheels of different sizes are similar to those on the Valentine tank. The camouflage is of the second pattern, mixing khaki and light green. I really like this combination, it has a kind of "vintage" feeling. Models are from GHQ.

The finger helps to estimate the size of the model.

Now, a squadron of Cruiser Mk.II (A-10), sporting the same boxy turrets as the A-9 while the MG turrets were removed. The blue square signals that this is the 2nd Squadron. Models are from GHQ.

Finally, a squadron of Cruiser Mk.III (A-13), with the angled turret and large road wheels familiar to wargamers of early WW2. This time, models are from CinC, which means the guns on these models are tiny and brittle and the hull features less details, which makes the camouflage pattern more apparent. The blue circle means that these tanks are part of the 3rd squadron.

Points claimed:

- 37x 6mm vehicles at 2 points each = 74 points

Total = 74 points

Thanks for reading!


Another fine 6mm treat for us Sylvain! Once more, you have done excellent work on these small tanks. Not only is the painting of the figures excellent, but the quality of the basework does so much to at once set them AND make them "pop" a bit. It is am excellent combination. 

While I love the Matildas in particular, I do find that 95% of the British early-war armour was awful...but hey, that's what they rolled with! And these all look terrific. Also, I agree completely re: the CinC vs. GHQ...quality wise, there is no comparison, but sometimes you need to go with what you can get to...

Inspiring stuff Sylvain, this will help motivate me to turn to small smaller-scale projects of my own!


From BruceR - Celtic slingers, Sarah the Succubus, 2nd Circle Lust, (70 points)

I played one game of Midgard Heroic Battles and enjoyed the game.  We used Rome v Briton and I was short Roman archers and Briton slingers.  To the clicker and ordered some Warlord Celtic slingers and saw some excellent Celtic archers as well, so click they were ordered.  I painted the Roman archers (8 of the 24) last week.  

There are 8 figures and they are okay, with a couple of duplicates.  I do like the mustaches and the different hair styles.  Some look young and others old, so I guess why they are slingers.  This will make 2 groups of 4 light troops. 

I've been using speed paints or contrast paints more lately and decided to do the same with these.  I didn't do any designs on the clothing, maybe later, as I want them done and on the table.  I went with solid colorful clothing.  Black undercoat, white dry brush , and then the base colors.  I then highlight some of the colors and finally a dry brush with Iraqi Sand w/ my trusty makeup brush (well my daughters).  A little static grass, tufts and done.  I've also added some plugs for bases to use bases I already have to plug the open holes.  

First photos were taken as a guide for some gaming friends interested in the speed paint technique.   I ran out of steam after 3 photos.  I think they will get the picture.   

The finished troop ready to dent some Roman helmets or break an arm or two with bullets.  

Our game group continues to enjoy The Silver Bayonet and to that end I tend to need some additional adversaries in the form of monsters.  I usually look to Reaper Miniatures for these as their bones figures are cheap as chips and paint up just fine, with quick shipping in the US.  This monster painting is another reason I've taken to speed paints/contrast paints as I'm not looking for ultimate quality just down and dirty monsters.  

I had ordered a number of evil creatures for the Carpathian Book and saw a 3 pack of succubi (I  think that is plural) and for the price clicked.  Back to the circles of Hell.  I used one of the  succubus and did a quick contrast paint job on the wicked flyer.  

Next, I spotted an old GW figure from Blood Bowl sitting on my unloved figure shelf.  An Orc Cheerleader (I think I was given the figure by an opponent at a tournament gathering in the past).  We have just jumped back into Blood Bowl and I'll likely have to get an Orc team to go with the cheer section.  Looks like she punched an empire cheerleader and stole her Altdorf pompoms.  

I'm traveling to the 2nd Circle "Lust" with a female figure offering to Sarah the Succubus and use the other figure to accomplish the Lust Circle.  I'll let the group decide which is which.  The succubus to travel to the 2nd Circle and the Cheer Leader for "Lust"  (I'm sure there is some Orc out there who will agree).  Or the Cheerleader to travel and the succubus as the key to the Lust Circle.  

Hope you enjoy and I don't offend.  Scantily clothed, yet clothed.  

Cheers Bruce

Points sought

10 28mm @ 5  =                                 50 pts
Offering of a female figure to travel = 20 pts
2nd Circle =                                        20 pts

Total                                                    70 pts


"To the clicker and ordered some" - ah, how familiar that is to me, and so many of us...

Hi Bruce! Thanks so much for this lovely assortment of figures - even if the term "lovely" might only apply in, shall we say, very general terms in some instances above (and of course I am referring to the Celts here, obviously). You have done fine work with the so-called speed paints, and the results on these figures look excellent. 

Your offerings for both the travel and the relevant circle in the inferno are both excellent, and shows that a figure collection can cater to an, er, "wide spectrum of tastes". 

A reminder that painting a female figure allows one to travel outside the direct line in Dante's circles, but does not, in itself, confer bonus points. So you have 70 fine points well-earned here Bruce. Great job. 
