Wednesday, 1 January 2025

From Sarah: Happy New Year and Two Venetian Carnevale Dancers

It’s great fun to be back for this years Painting Challenge and I really hope to meet my modest target of 300 points.

Curt has ‘enlisted’ me to also minion the Sunday Team which will definitely be a challenge for me both on the technical side and comprehending the sheer variety of models, genres, vehicles, game systems etc that will be put forward.

Bear with me everyone… (I’m not really a gamer - I just like pretty colours and cool models), and I’m sure Curt will be exasperated with all my questions before posting on Sundays with Sarah.

My first entry are these two Venetian Carnival figures. I’ve always loved the mysterious look of the masked Carnival and this pair really caught my eye. (Printed Obsession via MyMiniFactory).

I wanted the couple to look mysterious, elegant and even a little nefarious hence the deep black and metallic blue colour scheme - evoking night and water - all the better to blend with the shadows while plotting in the Venetian plazas.

Full disclosure … Curt painted the hands/masks and did some detail touch ups .. Truly, I don’t believe any figure could be painted in this house without the Snowlord adding his brush strokes.

Curt will be using these figures for his upcoming Carnivale games.

2 figures, 28mm = 10points

Next week, I’ll be visiting Limbo and then journeying through Dante’s Inferno, hopefully I’ll make it through Paradise by Challenge end.

- Sarah


Welcome back to the Challenge Sarah! I know I speak for all AHPC vets when I say your contributions are eagerly anticipated. These two figures look amazing, and the metallic blue is a particular stunning success. I feel like a dance with this couple could lead to all manner of outcomes...everything from an assassination plot to the launch of some sort of new crypto-token scheme...

Exasperated by questions? Don't be silly! One might assume that closer engagement with the hobby lowers the number of questions, but in fact the opposite is true. It is the nature of the gamer and hobbyist to ask more and more questions, of increasing levels of inanity! For example, someone, somewhere is seeing these two beautiful, mysterious carnivale figures, set for a secret ball or sinister celebration, and asking themselves "I wonder if I can get a metallic blue like that for my Alpha Legion Space Marines?" So I'm sure you'll love Sundays :)

Great opening entry Sarah - we look forward to more! Happy New Year to you and all who dwell in the land of The Snowlord!


From SylvainR: D&D - 28mm Band of "Pre-Dwarfs" (25 points)


Along with my main WW2-6mm project, I am also working on adding minis to my D&D collection, a game that is more appealing to my kids than my grain-of-rice size infantry and my ant-size tanks. I found this group in the lot generously donated by JeremyM. On the Reaper website, they are described as "Dwarf Figthers Derro", Derro meaning "a fictional species of monstruous humanoids". In my opinion, they look "pre-dwarf", having not grown a beard yet. Anyway, I'm sure I will find them a spot in a future campaign.

I see in the yellow guy a magic user / dignitary while the guy with the pike like weapon would be the captain.

Points claimed:

5 x 28mm foot figurines at 5 points each = 25 points

Total = 25 points 

Thanks for reading!


This is an interesting break from your more familiar (to us) 6mm projects Sylvain. Very nice! I'm sure over time you will get the hang of your new iPhone and share even nicer/brighter photos of your excellent brushwork! These "pre-dwarfs" look quite funky, and it is always great to have figures for games you can share with friends and family. 

25 points for you!





From SylvainR: Tray 01 - 6mm Early WW2 British Vehicles (82 points)

Greetings Challengers, and Happy New Year! Regarding my projects, this time, I am simply continuing where I left last year, with some transport units to complete my B.E.F. army. My  6mm WW2 project is entering its 4th season.

I got a new Iphone and I'm not yet skilled at getting good pictures out of it, so my apologies for the blur in some of the shots. I also used a gaming mat as a background instead of a white cardboard and I will get back to the white cardboard next time.

First, in this first tray, there are 6 elements of 2 cars each, used for various purposes in the game, like transporting observers. The models are from Heroics and Ros and some were painted plain khaki, some with camouflage.

 Then 6 elements of Daimler Dingos, for reconnaissance. These models are also from Heroics and Ros.

Next we have 8 elements of Marmont Herrington III armored cars, made by GHQ. I love the look of early war vehicles like this one. And then I realized that they were never used in France in 1940. Oh well, for the time being they will serve as proxies for the Morris CS9 armored cars.

 No early war British army would be complete without a good number of Light Tanks Mark VI. For the moment I only have 8, but 20 more will soon be ordered to complement the Cruiser Tank Squadrons. I like the boxy look of these little fellas. Models are from GHQ.

 Finally, a squadron of 13 Matilda I, the less successful sister of the Matilda II. As an infantry tank, it was not only slow but also lacked a decent gun and armor. A commentator I read said it was a good thing for the British army to have lost them all in France in 1940, so that better tanks could be built. Anyway, I like their primitive look with the uncovered tracks. Models are from GHQ.

That's it for my first WW2 entry of the Challenge.

Points claimed:

- 41x 6mm vehicles at 2 points each = 82 points

Total = 82 points

Thanks for reading!


Welcome back to the Challenge Sylvain! It is fitting that you should start with more of your tremendous 6mm work. I know I speak for many AHPC veterans when I tell you that we have come to enjoy your prodigious output in this wonderful scale. This submission highlights what you do so well - not just the careful work on the models, but nice basing to help them "pop", and a commitment to a full suite of available vehicles and support roles in any force you collect! Myself I often fell down when it came to painting trucks and the like, even though they were critical!

82 points, and you are off! Happy New Year!
