Tuesday 14 January 2020

From PaulSS - "Chick Challenge IV" for For Sarah's Balloon to Docherty’s Dock (5 points)

Chum Drew gifted me this miniature and I was rather at a loss as to what it was or what to do with it. It came with a card insert that pointed to a broken URL, but a bit of Googling for "Chick Challenge Four" turned up that it was likely produced for Spyglass miniatures as a limited edition sculpted by Steve Buddle.

It appears that you can get some of the old Spyglass stuff, but not this one, from Heresy Miniatures.

As she is wearing a Hussar jacket I wanted to paint her in a pastiche of an 11th Hussar with pink leggings in some Flashman like tribute.

I really don't like slotta-bases, especially these with the void in them, but I decided that I wanted her stood in shallow water, much like in Stranger Things when Eleven goes into sensory deprivation, it's a layer of gloss gel, painted with black and grey shades, then another layer of gloss gel on top.

I think she came out much better "in the flesh" than in these shoddy photos, after four attempts I gave up trying to get the lighting right.

So, could I please have a "Standard single fare to Dochertys Dock"

I think a single 28mm fig should net me 5pts. No champers this time...


By Paul:

I think old Flashy would be pleased to have this young Miss sidle up to him anytime Paul!

5 points and off to the Docks with you Sir


  1. Great figure Paul! I like the puddle. :) She definitely has Flasheart's 'pelvic air' about her. Woof! Woof!

    1. Thank you Curt, now you said it I see she has a Flasheart "thrust" to her.

  2. Welcome aboard Lady Sarah’s Balloon Service.
    “Chick 4’s” Hussar Jacket and pink leggings are very flash & stylish.
    I’m sure that the tales of her adventures will require that the Bar Service is open ... it is a chilly -42C and Lady S has decided that Single Malt Scotch should be imbibed ��
    Your Frequent Flyer card has been punched: remember 3 flights earn an additional 10 points

    1. Thank you Sarah.
      I'll have to see if I can but some more tickets to ride then.

  3. Very pneumatic but love the uniform

    1. Thanks Martin, she is sporting a rather good 'top hamper' as Flashy would say.

  4. Very well built that lady...ahem.. pardon me. Very well painted I meant.

  5. Thats a fun and very well painted piece
