Saturday, 28 December 2024

From Curt: Third-Tier Security Mooks (50 Points)

Hi There!

For this submission I have a team of third-tier security mooks to help quell all sorts of volatile situations. Things like chaos incursions, vehicle parking arguments and particularly aggressive seniors at grocery checkouts.

These models are from Knucklebone Miniatures, one of my favourite 3d designers.

I wanted a quasi 'Mega-City One' look for them so went with a distressed yellow ochre for their shoulder and knee pads. Also to give them a little 'somethin' somethin' so I provided them with snazzy looking chromatic visors - besides, the bad guys need something to aim for...

I had a few of mishaps removing supports with a couple of their weapon magazines going missing. Bad words may have been uttered. Anyway, I rolled with it and came up with some sprue replacements, but I placed them at their feet, figuring that these hapless new guys had accidentally thumbed the magazine eject on their weapons and are now caught wanting.

I like 'Number 10' the bare chested officer with the cigar. He has a sort of Robert Crumb counter-culture look about him. 

I had some extra Adeptus Imperialis decals laying around and so gave the bunch their very own shoulder pad numbers. Easier for body identification I figure.

These chalk outline aspirants will be valued additions to future games of Mothership, Kill Sample Process and Cy_Borg. 

Aaand another 50 points to add to my tally along with another Squirrel Point - wooo!

Thanks for dropping in for a peek!

- Curt

From GavinB, Some Walking Dead All Out War Vehicles and a unit of Fodder for T28 (140 Points)

This Christmas I was graciously granted The Walking Dead All out war 2024 Collectors Edition, and an extra box of perry French Napoleonic infantry! There is no better way to spend holiday break than painting up more miniatures! 


Looking through the assortment of minis that comes with the collectors edition of this game I figured it would be best to begin with the cars because I have not painted a vehicle in a very long time, also due to the fact that I am not fully sure how I want to base the actual miniatures yet... There is really not to much to say about these so, Four 28mm vehicles for 80 points!

A bullet hole in the windshield... Someone's a good shot 

Does not look like this cars going anywhere anytime soon...

I made this truck less broken down then the rest because we plan on using it for a scenario where you have to get it up and running before the enemy survivor group finds out and stops you.

This truck needs a good cleaning.


My new regiment, the Parsnip Pustules 91st was looking way too small, with only one toady and a unit of chaff, I wanted to add a unit of fodder, and since I had received a box of French Napoleonic perry plastics I decided to take the opportunity to pull out my green stuff and clippers and get to work mutating these little fellows, chopping off their torsos and replacing them with those of Agincourt foot knights from a previous project, then I did some sculpting to their helmets to fit the signature Turnip 28 art style! I also was given the Woodland Scenics water effect for Christmas and had a lot of fun sloshing this stuff on their bases to give them that muddy effect. Twelve 28mm foot figures for 60 points!

Anyway sorry for boring you with my ramblings, now, the photos!

Sorry for the camera angle, it was hard to get them all into the pictures

I put my graphic design to use and made a flag on photoshop. Hand Painting them is too hard for me! I have a lot respect for those who can do that.

Adding up the points for cars and the Fodder should total up to 140 points (If my math is correct). Huh I think I set my point target too low...
Happy painting everyone!!


Great work Gavin. I have this same set of vehicles and they're such wonderful bits of kit. I like how you've weathered them, especially the dusty windshield on the last one. Personally I wouldn't bother basing them as I think they look great just plopped on the tabletop as is, but horses for courses. I'm loving your Parsnip regiment! I did a large force of Turnip28 models a few editions ago and really enjoyed the whole free-ranging, no-rules approach to it. I especially like your dolorous standard bearer - great work on the mods. These guys will make great fertilizer to the Great Root in your coming games.

- Curt

From Kerry T - Old Iron Boots - or A little man tries to set a high standard!- Avatars of War Dwarf standard (30 points + Limbo)

 Morning, afternoon and evening all.....

Its great to catch up with you all once again and also say hello to some new faces. Thanks once again to Curt for allowing me to take part in this my fourth challenge. For me, it has to be the highlight of the wargaming year and not only have I benefited from and been enthused by the wonderful support from the participants here but I've also now caught up with a few in the flesh meeting several of the guys on my trip to Parizan wargames show last year. I've also been fortunate to make new friends in Millsy and Kent Galpin and though we've never met in person we've been meeting online most Tuesday nights for a paint and chat.

I've got off to a slow start this year and this is my first entry. I've set myself a target of 2,500 points this year simply to try and gain entry to the 10,000 career points club. To that end I've spent much of the holiday period painting a multitude of horses in the hope of making the challenge of producing weekly entries less onerous. If only the challenge went on for longer - I'm due to retire from work the week after the challenge ends! Hopefully I'll get there with a mix of figures that reflect my butterfly tendencies and wandering ill-disciplined brush. My plan is to knock off a decent chunk of my unpainted ECW cavalry leadpile, add to my Italian Wars and Reconquista projects and hopefully shoe in some Napoleonics, WW2 and make a start on my main 2025 target, a 100 Years War Medieval project. As always I'm likely to jump from one thing to another in the hope of keeping productive and I suspect some figures that didn't make earlier challenges may push their way up the painting queue.

This was the state  of my current Limbo entry this time last year

A dwarf standard bearer from Avatars of War

I really struggled to get to grips with this having bought it a few years ago. My intention was to have it lead my Dwarven hoard into battle. Fortunately in the past few days, despite the hot NZ sun, the Vallejo hasn't dried on the brush and I've managed to get it finished

Here's the man accompanied by a few Oathmark dwarves just painted

I'm not sure how such a little man is going to handle such a high or big standard, the standard bearer himself seems to be wearing a huge amount of metal which I assume must be a deliberate attempt to make him him as heavy as possible . When he unfurls that huge banner, its obvious, like it or not- the slightest gust of wind is going to turn him into an involuntary kite surfer and drop him off in the next valley!

From a practical perspective he's going to struggle to stay on the table so I felt it was necessary to make him his own base
He's even got his own base

I also painted a few hangers on from some plastic Oathmark figures to keep him company 

In reality, for the tabletop I think he's probably best grouped with some Oathmark metal command figures I painted last year and shown below

Better still perhaps the Dwarf King's banner even
The Kings banner

My Dwarven army is growing - pun intended!

Couldn't resist the group shot - to be clear its only just 5 Oathmark figures and Old Iron boots the standard bearer that were painted for the challenge

In summary

6 x 28mm foot Figures at 5 points each = 30 points

Limbo bonus  at 20 points

Total points = 50 

1 Squirrel

Many thanks and Happy New year to you all


Lovely to have you back with us Kerry! 

I always enjoy seeing your various project as not only are the fantastically realized but they're all something I'd like to play. Such eye candy.

Love this standard bearer. Like so many things in the world of fantasy this is over-the-top silly, which of course makes it completely awesome. I like your new blue variant much better than the original red, so good choice there, but better yet is the mini-diorama you've made for it. What a terrific centrepiece for the army. As an added bonus I'm sure these guys get great 5G reception. :) I'm going to give another 5 points for that great, honkin' standard as it's the size of several dwarfs in of itself.

A great opening for your fourth Challenge Kerry. Keep them coming!

- Curt

From MartinN: Panzer IV Ausf. A (20 pts.)

We're just into the second week of this challenge and I already got a second entry in *enter canned applause here*. Somehow I doubt it'll last though...

One thing that was sorely lacking in my Early War German force was a Panzer IV of one of the earlier marks. For some obscure reason I settled onto an Ausführung A variant instead of the more usual B/ C/ or D variants, which were all around and in greater numbers for the Invasion of France. Be that as it may, on first sight this Ausf. A can do service as a D just as well, the overall shape being the same.

Also, nobody likes button (rivet - ed) counters anyway ;-)

The model is a 3D print from Night Sky Models over on and I can recommend their files for their quality. 

I should have probably gone for the grey-brown two tone camouflage it was only at the end of July of 1940 that Panzergrau was to be used as the only color. Yet, while some pictures clearly show the earlier two tone camouflage, just as many seem to show plain Panzergrau. Given that dark brown and grey would be hard to identify correctly on all but the best black and white pictures, it might just as well be that they all still sported two tone camouflage. And frankly, I couldn't be bothered to dig deeper into it.

As I wanted this latest addition to fit in with the rest of my early German motor pool, grey it was to be anyway.

The decals on the turret were a b*tch to apply, due to the curvature on the back and the vision ports on the front. But after many a swear word and a few failed attempts we got there thanks to the liberal use of Micr Sol and Micro Set. I might have overdone the weathering just a little bit, but by May 1940 this old warrior had in all likelihood already seen combat in Poland. As it helps to make the otherwise rather dull looking vehicle look more interesting, I think it's permissable to go a little overboard. 

1x 28mm vehicle = 20 pts.


Fabulous work on this early Mark IV Nick! I've always like the look of the earlier panzers as they seemed less ferocious and more interesting in their design than the later cats. Your panzer grey looks spot on and I love the weathering that you've gone with, especially that dodgy exhaust system. While the decals may have given you some trouble you managed manfully and they look terrific. A lovely clanker, my friend, indomitable in France but doomed to be made into a smoking pile of slag on the Eastern Front. 

- Curt

From PeteF Shadow Hulk breaks out of Limbo (40 points)

This large gribbly horror is a Shadow Hulk from the Nightstalkers faction in Kings of War.

He's 7" (185mm) tall - much bigger than what I usually paint - which is one of the reasons he stayed in limbo for more than a year.  Encouraged by the category - and that he has that one-of-the-circles-of-hell vibe - I knuckled down and finished him.

I make that 11 skullz for this entry including the ones on each side of of the creature's head.

Not really any prettier from behind. The model is from Mantic Games and is a mi of resin pieces and a plastic giant figure - they thought it would be a good idea to use this plastic giant as a basis for other giants - frost giant, rift-forged Orc giant and this one.  

I joined this merry band for Challenge VIII and haven't missed one since - back in those halcyon days I wasn't fully employed (at least at an office by someone who was paying me).  I've had to set my points sights a little lower and don't have as much time as I'd like to enjoy and comment on everyone's work - but here goes...

At 7" I think this giant is worth maybe 20points plus 20 for limbo for a total of 40 to get my Challenge XV started.  Good luck everyone - may your paints flow smoothly and you brushes twirl swishily!

40 points
.8 of a squirrel
11 skulz


Lovely to have you back with us Pete (Challenge VIII? Has it been THAT long - yeegads)! 

This is one big brute (7" is quite impressive, as the ladies say). That being said, as scary as he is, his face ironically reminds me of a Jim Henson creature, perhaps Grover or Cookie Monster?  Still, I'd definitely be getting my coat if he crested the horizon. Very Noice!

- Curt

From BruceR, Rangers for Rangers of Shadow Deep, Offering to Lady Sarah, Fifth circle Anger (50pts)

In the past I have shared my happy place, doing the feeding chores for my son while he gets away. Little early to ranch sit this year and I might return as I have pulled the plug and join the aging gamers in retirement. It’s been a long year and while I’m somewhat apprehensive it was time. So I am available to watch dogs, cows, horses and relax.  A few hours a day to keep things running and after that my time is my own. 

I do bring a travel paint kit and did finish some Roman archers, but did not bring basing material so will have to wait until I return to civilization after the new year. 

I did have primed and based two great Northstar figures for Rangers of Shadow Deep.  I’ve had the game and have not played, due to too many other interests. I saw these figures in a shop and liked the set and added to the pile.  The group I game with have enjoyed Frostgrave and The Silver Bayonet, so I imagine I’ll enjoy solo or as a co-op session  

Offering to Lady Sarah: (passage from the First circle to the Fifth circle)

This fine lass is a two bladed whirlwind. Her face was somewhat malformed and unable to fix I simply painted the clump on her cheek as hair. Seemed to work alright. 

So my two bladed she devil. 

Fifth Circle of Hell: Anger

I was really grabbed by the figure as a woodsmen taking out the trash. This brute is sullen and wrathful all in one. The head of a transgressor clearly taken as proof of some scheme the local powers will not believe without physical evidence. 

This dude can scowl. 

Head Evidence 

The dynamic duo. 

Gratuitous doggo photos near the temp paint station. 

Proposed Points 2 28 mm @ 5 pts for 10 pts

Offering to Lady Sarah 20 pts

Fifth Circle of Hell Wrath 20pts

Total 50 pts 


Great work on this pair Bruce. We've played the first campaign of Rangers of Shadowdeep and thoroughly enjoyed it. That being said, I understand that each rendition of the core game 'engine' has become more fulsome and better realized, so I think you're playing the best rendition of it with Silver Bayonet. Still, I fully recommend trying out RoSD as it is terrific. Blah dee blah, let's get to the minis shall we!  

I really like that two bladed she-devil. I think it's the red trim on her cloak that really sets her up. The scowling chap (Sarah calls him Mr. Balenciaga from the first 15 min of 'Triangle of Sadness' - check it out for a laugh) is terrific and a great example of 'Wrath'. Great work on the face! 

Doggo pictures are always appreciated!

Well done sir!

- Curt

From RaulM: Black Seas Speedy and Hermione (25 points)

This is my first time posting to the Challenge, so I'm excited to dive on in. With a lull in the action between Christmas and New Years, I had some time to get some hobbying done. My first offerings for the challenge are two vessels from Warlord Games Black Seas: the HMS Speedy and L'Hermione. 

Speedy is an English 14-gun brig-sloop, famous for her action against the Spanish xebec-frigate El Gamo. The hull and masts are metal, and she's painted in the typical Royal Navy fashion with a yellow stripe on a black hull. 

The Hermione is a French frigate, which I based off the current replica of the ship. This is the standard plastic 32-gun frigate model with bespoke metal sternplate and figurehead from the French starter navy.  

Based on some past posts of Black Seas ships, I scored the brig at 10 points and the frigate at 15, for a total of 25. 


First, welcome to the Challenge Raul! Every year we have new faces in the ranks which I always enjoy to see.

These two tall ships look absolutely tremendous Raul. I'm especially impressed with your shading on the sails, the pennants and flags and the tidy (and painstaking) job on the rigging. Bravo! A great opening broadside for your Challenge debut!

- Curt