Saturday, 11 January 2025

From Curt: 'Such a Good Boy' - Cerberus (25 Points)

 Hi there!

'Gluttony' is the Third Circle of the Abyss. Dante describes that it's guardian is a giant three-headed hound named 'Cerberbus'. 

Most of the models for Cerberus has him in some kind of ferocious pose, whereas I wanted something more of a guard dog vibe. I found this model on Thingiverse which, while a bit soft in detail, fits closer to what I had in mind.

This was a fairly fast job with the airbrush using a variety of ink layers to give the beast's coat a bit of depth (Panzer Grey base, lifted by adding IJA Light Grey Green. Then highlighted with increasing levels of white being added. Finally the shade areas were shot in with Shylish Purple Contrast for a more spookly look.) Eyes/socket areas were sprayed in with light grey and then glazed with yellow and orange.

I think he just needs a scritch behind the ears (all six) and some treats and he'll be quite chill. Now, how to leash him...

I'm sure I have a treat in my robe somewhere...

Five points for Cerberus and the location bonus should give me 25 total. Thank you Sylvain for letting me roll-out with your Saturday crew!


- Curt

Sylvain: Cerberus is definitely a big dog(s?) and the glowing eyes are lovingly spooky. He definitely fits in well in the Abyss environment. A great new canto in Dante's Divine Comedy!


From BrianC: Zombicide Survivors,Zombies, Doctor Jones? (115 points)

 Hello! Hello! This will be very short. I didn't get much done this past week. Let's begin with another old plastic Reaper Miniature, Frank Buck, aka Indiana Jones.

I made a big mistake when I applied the matte spray, I used the gloss clear on these minis! Oof!

Next, we have some more Zombicide Survivors. Cowgirl Jane and Old Man Terry.

Again, I used nothing but Army Painter Speedpaints. 


Lastly, I finally painted the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Zombies! I've had these lying around in the closet for a good 5 years or so! 

If you look close enough, you may see Superman!

That's all I have this go around. They are good enough for the tabletop. Keep up the great work you all!

3 x 28mm = 15pts
20 x 28mm = 100pts
Total = 115pts.

Sylvain: I would gladly offer my brain to a bunch of such colorful zombies. Your 3 heroes, with their trusty weapons at the ready, are obviously ready to tackle their next adventures. A very good production for you this week. Nicely done!

From QuinnM: 4 Layers of Hell (150 points)

For this week I have 4 models for 4 different games(WH40K, AOS, TOW, Warcry) for 4 different layers of hell(lust,gluttony,Greed, Wrath)  

I am not a fan of only panting the same model over and over again so the challenge really appeals to me so i spent this week working thru some layers of hell and will be back to a unit of elves next week as my ultimate goal is to get all of them done by the end of the challenge.  

First up we have lust and we have a big one. a 3d printed proxy for a knight tyrant. by Ghamhk . Even though I only started painting this year, I have loved the setting of 40K since i was a kid, follow that up with a love of robots, big guns and excessive violence. all that led to my favorite 40K faction being genestealer cults (lore wise not to play). My second is chaos knights so when i found this model i knew i needed to do a whole list in Khorne colors. I didn't intend to paint up this knight till all my chaos wardogs were done but I pushed it forward for this challenge.

It was an interesting challenge to paint as this is by far the biggest model I have painted. Despite it having relatively simple geometry there was no good spot to hold it, and the shoulder pads took the longest to paint as the spikes got in the way. I have been told it is too clean for chaos but am happy with it, so if there are any suggestions other than more rust and more grim let me know.   


Next we have a troll for gluttony . His name is Frank and he is feeling sick today as he ate a few too many fish and elves. I painted this up in a more standard paint scheme for a river troll. This is the first time I have shaded this much flesh (only ever faces and hands) even if it is green. The rest of the unit may be hard to paint as I had to mix all the flesh shades from my 1 dark green and the scales for the same dark green and some blues but may make for some subtle variations. as i only have so many paints 

We have greed for this one, and it was fun to paint. This is a free guild cavalry from AOS(cities of Sigmar). I like to treat them as Bretonnian knights and am painting each one in different heraldry. I am taking inspiration from my favorite books and shows for the whole unit. Introducing Sir Dlimount of the throne bearers of Calanfer. a whole order of knights decorated in gold and purple to demonstrate the wealth of the kingdom From the book “The wandering Inn” 


And lastly we have a Ogre form warcry as my entry for Wrath. This was my angriest model and painted it up to work on flesh tones. I don't have much to say. I am happy with the paint job but i feel it is missing something. There are 2 skulls on the base.  




















1x 28mm on horse @ 10pts =10 points 

2x 54mm footman @ 10pts = 20 points

2x 28mm vehicle @ 20pts = 40 points  (for one knight)

Lust = 20 points (for the Chaos Knight)

Gluttony = 20 points (for the troll)

Greed = 20 points (for the Bretonnian Knight)

Wrath = 20 points (for the Ogre)

Total = 150 points


2 skulls

Sylvain: You offer us a BIG post this week. The Bretonnian knight is colorful and the metal of its armor is perfectly done. The troll shows that you are a master of shading. The ogre is crisp despite a limited palette from ivory to light brown. Finally, the Chaos Knight dwarfs all the other models in size and details. Because of the point system, I have to consider it a 28mm vehicle for 20 points, but because of its humongous size, as demonstrated in the first picture, I will count it as equivalent to 2 vehicles. So, a total of 150 points for you. Well done!  






From ColeF: Open The Pizza Dungeon! (110 points)

      We were getting real close to that mid January cut off for first submissions (Sloth? Is that you!?) and I frantically spent the last two nights painting.

    First, we have an old Wizkids cannon I've had sitting on my desk for almost 5 years, primed, but never completed. I challenged myself to go from primed to fully painted in a half hour, since it's mostly just a prop piece. Even though I'm not totally happy with it, I'm glad I got it off the bench, and out of LIMBO.

Not my best work, but definitely my quickest.

    Next up, is a Reaper Bones Rakshasa, one of the main villains, Vimanda, of my Pathfinder Curse Of The Crimson Throne campaign. Sadly, I had never gotten around to painting her before the campaign came to a conclusion! She was one of the main string pullers, using her guiles to appear as a beautiful woman, make men LUST after her, then force them to do her bidding.

Brings a new meaning to "Eye of The Tiger"

    Last, but not least, I pulled out some "Pizza Dungeon Animatronics" from Reaper. Personally, I'm a GLUTTON for pizza, and could easily eat one or two in a sitting, and imagine the Pizza Dungeon is a pretty tasty place to be.
The Pizza Gang

First time doing jewel style for the eyes and screens.

(My nephew pointed out the troll has a 'juicy dumper', and I can't deny he's right)

Glad to be back in this challenge and thanks for holding the hellfire to my heels to get some stuff painted again this year.

4 x 28mm foot @ 5 points = 20 Points
1x 54mm foot @ 10 points = 10 Points
1x Large Cannon (54mm?) @10 Points = 10 Points
Limbo, Lust, Gluttony Ring Travel Points = 60 Points
100 Total  Points. 

Sylvain: This is a great start of the challenge for you! In one post, you knocked off 3 infernal locations. You really nail it when it come to painting metal, the shades are nicely graded. Your Rakshasa is also very well balanced in tones and hues. Because of its size, I gave counted your cannon as a 54mm mini, thus 20 points for a total of 110 well deserved points!

From FrederickC: Braving the Box Barrage - Der Gegenstoß (160 points)

Germans Stormtrooper in Action by Gerry Embleton

My third submission for AHPC XV is a group of 28mm First World War German infantry from Renegade Miniatures that I bought along with last Saturday's Canadians on the same visit to Calgary some fifteen years ago. It consists of four sections of eight soldiers. Each section contains men armed with rifle and bayonet, fighting knives, entrenching spades, and lots of stick grenades. These sculpts are also a bit on the chunky side compared to other First World War miniatures, but I like the variety in the weapons being carried. The only real criticism I have is that I think the puttees should go higher. These only come up to mid-calf, but photos clearly show them coming up to just below the knee.  Alas, they are also now out of production.

After cleaning up the mold lines, etc. the figures were glued to 1 inch fender washers, and then sand was glued down with PVA. I primed them using a rattle can of Army Painter Uniform Grey primer. The figures were then painted using primarily Vallejo Acrylics as follows: skin - Flat Flesh; uniform - German Field Grey; boots, pouches, and helmet chin strap - German Camo Black Brown; puttees - one of Charcoal Grey, Hemp, or Parched Grass; Blanket - Stone Grey; rifle stock, grenade handle, and spade handle - Beige Brown; spade - Gunmetal; metal rifle parts - German Grey; bayonet and knife blades - Steel; mess tin and gas mask canister - Charcoal Grey; helmet - one of AK Interactive Dunkelgrau, Olivegrun 1 or Olivegrun 2.

Once all the painting was completed, the figures got my usual treatment with Army Painter Strong Tone Quick Shade. Again, this worked very well on these figures as the detail is quite pronounced, so the quick shade flows readily into any grooves or corners.

 On an historical note, German tactical doctrine following the Somme battles was 'defence in depth' with the forward zone only lightly held by machine gun posts. They were to just slow down the enemy, not stop them. Any ground lost in the main zone was to be regained by an immediate counterattack before the enemy could consolidate their gains. The box barrage was designed to prevent the Germans from moving their reinforcements into the captured area. During the Battle of Hill 70 in August 1917, the Canadians used the German doctrine against them.

Haig ordered Sir Arthur Currie, who in June had been placed in command of the Canadian Corps, to launch a frontal assault on the city of Lens. Instead of attacking the heavily fortified city directly, Currie, after studying the ground, convinced his British superiors that a better plan would be to capture Hill 70, directly to the north. If this dominating hill could be taken, the Germans would have no choice but to counterattack. Currie planned for artillery and machine-guns to smash these German concentrations, thereby weakening their hold on the entire sector.

The Canadians attacked on 15 August and captured many of their objectives, including the high ground. They then held their positions against 21 determined German counterattacks over the next four days. Canadian probing attacks against Lens on 21 and 23 August were unsuccessful, but Currie’s forces had inflicted severe casualties on the enemy and gained the high ground overlooking the city.

 The Canadians lost more than 9,000 soldiers at Hill 70, but killed or wounded an estimated 25,000 Germans. Currie proved an able and innovative commander. His Canadian Corps would soon move north to help Haig and his faltering Passchendaele campaign.


"Your Fatherland is in Danger"


The points being claimed are as follows:
32 x 28mm foot figures @ 5 points each = 160 points

Thanks for stopping by. 

Sylvain: I don't know what impresses me most in your posts between the quality (and quantity!) of your brushwork or the historical knowledge you bring to the description of your minis. I like how your bases blend with the mud of the trenches. I also like that you shared your list of paint. I had to struggle to find the right type of green for my BEF Cruiser tanks. Thanks for the great post!  

From AaronH: 28mm Lord of the Rings Whargs and Wizard(s) (65 points)

 This entry is six wharg riders to go with Sharku from last week. These are, technically, Hunter Orcs, which are Hobbit armies not Isengard, but GW had a gap in production of the normal whargs so I had to buy these. 

Six of these dudes.

They don't have bows but I'll run them that way most of the time. These are vicious looking, both whargs and riders.

The mounts are very dynamic and the riders are sculpted directly on at the legs.

These are also based for my Mordor army as that list has more options to take Wharg riders.

These whargs are much fiercer than the older sculpts. They almost look like werewolves.

This entry also includes Radagast the Brown. I have the old version. I guess I also have the new on but he's an abomination and I have no interest in painting him. This one, however, is one of my favorite miniatures of any line or game. It's just really well sculpted.

Radagast the Brown. Without bird poop and rabbits.

The sculpting on this is nice and sharp and deep. It took my several years to source him in metal.

The face and pose are just perfect on this guy.

This is from the same era as the non-precise plastics but this is fantastic sculpting.

I can't imagine that I'll ever take him in Lord of the Rings (MESBG) but he'll work great for a wizard in D&D, Pathfinder, Five Leagues from the Borderlands or Frostgrave.

This is six 28mm cavalry x 10 pts each = 60 points
One 28mm infantry x 5 pts = 5 points
Total = 65 points
 Sylvain: I really like how you kept you palette simple, mostly brown and grey, for your miniatures, yet you were able to achieve great definition in the facial features. Like you, I prefer a de-pooped Radagast and your re-booted version looks great. Bravo!