Monday, 6 January 2025

From GeoffT: Heresy, Napoleonic Spectres (45 points)

Hello Challengers,

I know even less about religion than I do about photographing miniatures.  As such, for the Heresy theme I needed to look up what constitutes Heresy, and Necromancy is one of the Heretical activities.

A year or two ago I sculpted and cast my own Spanish Fusilier model with intent to use for Sharp Practice.  I wasn’t overly excited by the outputs, so didn’t use them for much.  However, the new Calabria supplement for ‘The Silver Bayonet’ game needed spectral soldiers, with spectral muskets.  These casting fit the bill well enough for something of moderate tangibility and substance.

Some may even consider the fusion of ‘the beautiful game’ of Napoleonics with fantasy gaming somewhat heretical.

Is nice to find a use for my home sculpted minis, even if it wasn’t as grand a plan as I originally envisaged.

5 x 28mm miniatures = 25 points

A bonus 20 points for being heretical.

These troops are raised by il Negromante, the big bad of the Calabria supplement, so I’ll claim they are from Napoleonic Necromantic faction for a squirrel.

This is also the sixth circle of hell I visited and the sixth squirrel I found there.  This says more about squirrels than it says about me.

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

Silver Bayonet is a great game for combining a love of history with fantasy. I think it's a more appealing option than Flintloque but that's mainly cost of entry from my POV.

It's wonderful that you've found a way to use your own scuplts. For me there's nothing wrong with them at all and sculpting is something I have never even been game to try apart from a few green stuff upgrades so kudos to you mate.

45 more points for your tally!


From AlanD: Border Reivers from Flags of War (40 points)

Happy New Year everyone!

After finishing my big Palmyran army, I need a nice, achievable little project to get stuck into. The perfect solution is to paint up my Border Reivers from Flags of War.

When Ian from Flags of War ran his Kickstarter over a year ago, I couldn't resist backing it to the hilt. This group is a foot reiver family from the starter set (although I now realise I was sent two of these accidentally instead of their mounted versions). They are lovely figures - slightly smaller and more realistically proportioned than other ranges of reivers, and with loads of character and animation. 

Eight Reivers on foot should score me 40 points thanks Millsy! (And thank you for Minioning Magnificently again this year.)

From Millsy:

These are absolutely gorgeous Alan. The title alone had me interested, it's a period I've long been interested in and the FOW minis are amazing. You're doing nothing whatsoever to help my resistance!

There's so much to like about these but I think the thing that stands out for me is the palette. Just the right mix on interest and muted tones to really make them feel like they belong on the borders. I hope you have more planned mate!

40 points added to your total.


From Kerry T: Men in Buff - ECW Cavalry (240 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

I hope you all had a good new year and have a great  hobby year to look forward to.

For the this my third entry and for the first few weeks of this challenge I had planed to try and knock off some English Civil War cavalry. I'm painting both Royalist and Parliamentary forces for the ECW because I'm largely a solo gamer. My main inspiration came from Simon Miller and his blog and a few years ago when I got an unexpected windfall (my annual bet on a golf tournament at my home club) I bought some Empress Miniatures ECW figures with the winnings.

Since then I've added figures, mainly infantry but then you do need  a fair few cavalry I'm told for ECW. In the main infantry regiments are close to 40 figures strong and cavalry around 24figures. My aim is to use For King and Parliament but I'm also intrigued by the prospect of Never Mind The Matchlocks.

This year I sold a  "never would be used" painted Prussian SYW army and have since used the proceeds to buy some ECW cavalry from Empress Miniatures, First Corps, Bicorne Miniatures and lately Bloody Miniatures.

I painted more than 100 horses over the holiday period as I prefer painting these in large batches. Hopefully than means I can produce a new unit in each of the coming few weeks.

Given my last post was Men in Black, I now give you men in Buff - does this mean they are Buffoons?

Bicorne Miniatures Dragoons

Though these Dragoons carry the colours of Sir Henry Washington (Royalist) my intention is really to use my cavalry generically for both sides - call me a Philistine if you like. There used to be a great web based ECW resource that I used for coat colours but sadly it seems to have been lost forever now. If anyone has any web ECW sources they recommend for painting I'd be grateful. Consequently I have no idea if the coats match the flags!

Another Flags of War ensign

Only 12 figures strong at this stage

The second unit are definitely a Royalist unit though -The Kings Lifeguard of Horse. 

The Dragoons show the Lifeguard the way

Again only 12 figures strong and with a mix of sword and pistol

They're no longer down wind of those smelly dragoons

This way to ye old tavern

On the way home from the tavern, lets charge that house

Finally, never ever ride next to an officer, especially if he's been to the tavern

Its not easy to fit 3 Bicorne horse on a 60 x60mm base

so look where the officer's pistol is pointing!

The Lifeguard are also Bicorne Miniatures and will allow me to open myside-duel challenge for         the title Masterchef or Chief can opener. 

Unlike the Dragoons they each wear a cuirass/breastplate over their buff coats and thus I claim 60cans/points and 1 squirrel
No breastplate only a mold line!

Thus in summary

24 Mounted 28mm figures @ 10 points each= 240 points

Best wishes

From Millsy:
Oh my, these are just gorgeous Kerry! I've been hearing about these on our regular chats and it has certainly whetted my appetite to see them completed. The wait has more than been worth it too.

What a wonderful collection of mounted troops and representing the rightful King as well. It's great to see a Royalist lifeguard unit, and also one of the lesser known in Washington's Dragoons. I can almost hear the thunder of hooves as they charge and rout the rebels before following them off the field.

Let me also compliment you again on both your table setup and your photography. Both are superb and prove the perfect backdrop.

240 well earned points mate!


From GeoffT: Violence, WW2 German (70 points)

Hello Challengers,

For the seventh circle of hell there are a lot of options for wargamers.  I felt ww2 would be the most significant exponent of violence, as worldwide it was the largest number of casualties of any war.

Here we have some miniatures representing the Germans in WW2.  I play a lot of Campaigns in war games, and I do very much like Chain of Commands pint sized campaigns.  They are very respectful of the subject matter with a lot of research going into them.  More like an interactive history lesson than a game.  They do require addition of various equipment to one’s arsenal as campaign demands.

The Sdkfz 250/1 is by Rubicon models and will be used in ‘Martlet’ campaign set in Normandy, so is painted with a Normandy esque camouflage.  I’m never quite sure of the accuracy of modelling the various German camo designs as they varied so much I’m never convinced I have the right one for the campaign.

The Volksturm with MP 44 are from Artizan design, and have been painted with a mix of new and old uniforms.

So, we have, a 28mm scale vehicle for 20 points, 2 x crew for 10 points, four guys on foot for 20 points, and the Violence theme bonus for another 20 points.  A total of 70 points.  This also is a squirrel for the squirrel side quest.

There was one more crew painted and buried deep inside, but since I only painted his top half and is largely obscured, he can be a freebie.

Kind Regards

From Millsy:

That's a very cool looking half track Geoff and I really like your camo choice. I see a lot of airbrushed camo for WW2 and I think that underrepresents the fact that so much of it was applied with whatever was at hand in the field, including brooms and rags!

The volkstrum and a nice little unit to ride along. Artizan make some lovely sculpts and you have done them proud.

Another 70 points for your tally!
