Thursday, 5 December 2024

Side Duels for AHPC XV

HI folks, PeterD here in my new role as Duels Wallah for AHPC XV.  Every year we see a number of side duels running as part of the Challenge.  Against my better judgement I've agreed to oversee this year's side duels.

So here's an overview of how it works.  You can challenge an individual entrant for a one on one duel.  Slap him or her across the face, tell them they're ugly and their mother dresses them funny or tell them what you REALLY think about them.  Or you can take on all comers in a Wrestlemania style free-for-all.

In either case this is typically done view the comment section on this post and/or by emailing me.

Prior to start date of the challenge I will need the following for each and every duel

  1. A list of everyone who is participating using their Challenge ID.
  2. A defined subject for the duel, and what any post needs to include to be included.  This might be Old school Fantasy, Napoleon's, 6mm or smaller figures, 40k silliness, ships, or squirrels (i.e. the number of different projects the painter has started).
  3. An evaluation criteria.  Is it most points, figures or hulls?  Is it first to meet a certain goal (first to 1000 points or first Kill team faction etc)?  Is is a qualitative criteria (best looking unit say) to be voted on by other parties.
I am assuming that Barks will be adjudicating the annual skull counting event again this year, but otherwise anything is fair game for a duel.

Once we got the Challenge up and running then let me know every time you've got a post that qualifies and I'll do my best to keep track of the scores.  To avoid overly cheesy and/or questionable entries, I will however reserve the right to deny entrants that I think do not meet the definition and spirit of the Duel.  

There will be subsequent posts about the admin details of the duels (i.e. how to let me know you've got an entry etc, where to see the scores etc), once I figure out what these are.

So let's se some good duels!

PeterD Duels Wallah


  1. I propose a Warhammer 30K challenge. All scales (Imperialis, 32mm, etc.). Winner gets a themed figure from the vanquished.

    1. I am in! I look forward to the many figures we will see (and perhaps receive!)

    2. I'll begin preparing your figure now, dude. For fun, perhaps we could consider an end of duel figure exchange.

    3. Curt - given that I am sitting on a stockpile of 30k models sufficient to open my own store, I propose a handicap - let's apply some kind of corrector or something, so that way I really need to hustle :)

    4. We will conduct a 30K geek synod to determine the numbers. :)

    5. So I’m hearing anything 30k, any scale or faction. Victory based on total points but with a handicapping system that’s yet to be determined. Is this one open to other entrants?

    6. Sounds right. Open to anyone! Any points handicap to be determined by the participant.

    7. I have loads of white scars needing to be painting...count me in for the Khan! ;)

    8. Well I like to get cracking with my 1st Legion as well so I am in too if you will have me!

    9. The more the merrier in the GrimDark!

  2. As the reigning Lord of Craniums, I guess it is mandatory for me to enter the Skulls Duel and demonstrate my Skull skills once again! Are there any who dare climb the mountain of noggins to attempt to knock me from my throne?

    1. I will leave this to Skull taker Barks to organize, but this is a good thread to start the skulls rolling.

    2. I will happily take your skull...challenge, Stuart! :)

    3. I will take up the skull tally again too...can't have Stuart getting a three-peat! ;)

    4. The incantations of awakening are being recited over the tallying cogitators- the Skullz will be counted!

    5. Can I suggest that we let people throw their hats (and skulls) in the ring here and leave the noggin numbering to the master.

    6. I'll chip in for skullz...

  3. I have quite a few mechs needing paint. Battletech mechs mainly but any stompy machines of death are welcome from any scale. Points tallied as per mech as quantity is quality of its own be it amrmigers and titans from epic, mighty mech warriors, 30/40k dreadnought, or warmachine behemoths.
    Winner gets the accolades from the vanquished as supreme BBEG of the primo legion of metallic stompy death

    1. Sounds fun! I'll have to see if I have anything in my to-do list that fits the bill, Dave.

    2. I have quite a lot of mechs lying around too, count me in!

    3. I am looking forward to the clanking footsteps ! ;)

    4. My Black Widow Company can't wait to get some paint on their mechs. I'm in!

    5. I will join in on the stompy robots. I also have some battletech tanks to paint. Will those count?

    6. Duly noted Tom. I will let the other chime in on battletech tank eligibility.

  4. Curt, are you up for the usual Squirrel challenge? 1 squirrel point for the first 25+ point entry for a given “genre (period, army, size),” winner is the Challenger who has painted across the most genres?

    Is anyone up for a Spanish-American (Span-Am) duel?

    1. I was going to stay out of the duels given my Duels Wallah role, but Span Am land or naval?

    2. Peter, lets do air, land and sea!

    3. Actually, I think I should stay neutral. Plus I only get two points a hull, so I wouldn’t be much competition.

    4. Hey Peter, I only have two regiments of French and Indian war troops left to do. We could race to see who completes 7 years War stuff first.. .just for the gentle bludgeoning to get them done! ;)

    5. Since there doesn’t seem to be much interest in Span-Am, would anyone be interested in expanding it to any post-1860 colonials?

    6. David B, I am long way away from completing my SYW goal. I am short several brigades on each side!

    7. Then the first one one to complete two regiments wins the duel, Peter! ;)

    8. We will have to save that for another year. I don’t have enough SYW figures in my lead pile and there’s a postal strike so likely won’t get any delivered in time.

  5. I see that Rob has proposed resurrecting the Squirrel Challenge (as he says, the first 25+ point entry for a given genre). I'm open to allowing a 'genre' to also mean a 'faction' (Space Marine Chapter/Legion, Napoleonic nationality, etc.).

    1. I did intend it to mean that way!

    2. As long as there’s clear separation between squirrels. So British AWI and British SYW count as two entrants, as do opposing Yank and Rebel ACW armies.

    3. Yes, I think it will encourage the brushes to greater exertions.

    4. Yes! But cavalry and infantry for the same army in the same scale are not separate entries.

      Do we want to differentiate between winter and summer themed troops?

    5. Squirrels you say? Hmm, I may have a few...

      I would definitely say that different unit types of the same force would not be a squirrel point. I think a good guideline is:
      If you would put two units in the same army in a usual game, (special scenarios and huge multiplayer games being easy exceptions) then they are NOT extra squirrel points.
      Personally I'd be okay with Winter and Summer troops, so long as they are clearly different. E.g. snow basing, winter camo patterns etc. Similarly, different theatres should be okay. WW2 British for Europe, Africa and India are all pretty distinct. Whereas two different regiments of British Infantry in Europe would be functionally identical except for their insignia. I think the onus should be on the entrant to show that they deserve the point for uniqueness.

    6. Since I’ll be the one identifying 🐿️ can I get a clarification on allies. Eg. I’m looking at building Napoleonics. Do Austrians and Russian allies count as two 🐿️ or one. I would suggest that Polish and Italian units in the French army wouldn’t count as separate unless you’re doing something like Sharp Practice and doing an all Polish force et .

    7. Good question. I guess it depends on the army. Austrians and Russians could certainly be fielded on their own as two separate forces, so I would say that they count as 2. A battalion of Dutch and a battalion of Hanoverians for the Allied army at Waterloo would probably only count as 1 though.
      Honestly, I think it shouldn't be too much of an issue. When I oversaw the duel a couple of years ago, the biggest problem was misunderstandings about unit types (e.g. artillery and infantry), which were usually easy to resolve, and people not entering their duel information properly (e.g. tagging posts).
      While some people can get pretty competitive when it comes to hunting Squirrels, we all stick to the guidelines pretty closely.

    8. I’d suggest if they’re a different country (however nominal), they’re separate enough to squirrel.

      But only one squirrel point per nation per theater/season per scale. So 25+ points of Napoleonic Polish and 25+ points of Italians would be 2 squirrel points. So would 25+ points of full dress Italians for Borodino and 25+ points of greatcoated and scraped together winter garb for the Retreat or the 1814 winter campaign. However, painting 25+ points in bicorns and 25+ points in shakos is not 2 squirrel points.

    9. That sounds okay to me.

      Any other takers for the annual Squirrel chase?

    10. I would like to squirrel and yes to separate factions

    11. I'm in as well (until I'm distracted by something else...).

    12. Hi, think I can be in on the squirrel thing. I picked up a big pile of discount blisters of old metal sci-fi and fantasy figs from defunct games, I’m dead sure there will be some various factions in there, even if I need to do some research to find out what the faction is!

    13. Sounds perfect for squirrelling, Geoff! Looking forward to it.

    14. Squirrel is my middle name. Although I was planning on a more focussed Challenge this year. Ah well, I guess that one just went out of the window. Count me in!

  6. At by one up for a WW2 or Napoleonic Challenge anybody?


    1. Did you want to stretch it to Weird War 2 as well?

    2. I'd join a Napoleonic duel!

    3. I'm all set for WW2 as I have entirely too many trucks and tanks needing pigment.

    4. It's Millsy, so super weird. ;P

    5. I'm in for the Napoleonic Challenge.

  7. I have an idea for a wide ranging/ inclusive challenge
    How about a "Can Opener" challenge - its like it say's on the tin...:-)
    Anything that would need a can opener to get at its vitals counts in this challenge and its points per figure. To kill a Cuirassier you'd need to get through the Cuirass and would need a can opener, similarly a Viking in chainmail, even a Roman in Lorica segmenta and mail, anything with a metal breastplate and so on. Hence a 28mm Cataphract is worth 10 points (mailed horse and rider) A French Napoleonic Cuirassier 5 points (horse is not mailed) for example. Then how do you finish off a Tiger tank? Maybe a bazooka but similarly and with perfect conditions and enough time you could open it with a can opener, hence they count - you've just painted 5 x10mm Mk1V tanks? well that's worth 5 x6 points etc. Now I know nothing about 40k - do they wear metal armour? If so they're in.................

    1. So can confirm that this includes anything in armour? Tanks included? Ironclad ships included? Based on total points.

    2. That’s my impression.

      It’s more a “can” duel than a “can opener” duel.

    3. Hi Peter, anything armoured I reckon as it widens the scope, as above in my original post a tank would be included and given that an Ironclad is a floating tank then it must also qualify

  8. Me and LeeH are going for a head to head Retreat from Moscow Duel. Anyone's welcome to join.

    1. Ok, in for Napoleonics although 28mm 1809 Bavarians, 1812 French 18mm AB, and 28mm French guard

    2. Ah, that's your partnered project - very cool! Literally. :) Looking forward to seeing it unfold.

  9. World War Two Challenge
    I am planning on
    British Infantry, armour and airborne, gliders
    American airborne, armour and regular infantry, landing craft, gliders

    Anyone else up for ww2
