Tuesday 26 December 2017

Social - from DaveD - Challengers Planned paint and chat - Wednesday 27th 9.00am uk time

Hi All,

I have a fairly full painting day planned tomorrow so i will open the chat link in the morning uk time - around 9.00 am   (or 8pm in Sydney in Oz - OR 3.00am ish in North America) ,  and will be on for most of the day - 8 hours or so..- so if anyone is around to pop on an say hi then feel free. The link is in the various groups

Click through to take you the group .

Click through to take you to the Facebook group.

If anyone wants to contact me direct to ge tthe URL - do so through my blog if you dont already have my e mail

Google hangouts is a plug in you can download - it usually just fires up when you click through on the link published in the g+ or Facebook page. just follow the instructions to install.

So feel free join in the fun while twirling those brushes.

my project for tomorrow is this :-

i will need all the company i can get


  1. Looks like you got your hands full tomorrow. I‘m off to throw a few dice with ChrisS so can’t make it tomorrow. I‘m rather intrigued by the whole thing though, so I might give it a try next time.

    1. enjoy your game... and yes you must ... dont be angsthase!

  2. That's 8:00pm Sydney time. I'll likely be along to watch you suffer Dave :-)

  3. I'm still working, and like a true infantry grunt, I'm mystified by the magic of computers! I DO know they don't work to good when you Crack the case and the magic smoke escapes! ;)

  4. Good luck with the tartans Dave. Every colonial project needs mad Scotsmen. Don't think I'll be able to join the chat tomorrow as its my mother in laws last day with us.

  5. A full painting day? Crap that means you’ll finish up at least 100 Sudanese troops

    Will try to join later in the session as I’ve got relatives visiting

  6. Sorry I missed this one, Dave. Too many relatives underfoot today. Hopefully I can catch one of your upcoming longer sessions. I hope you had a good time of it and got a few stripes done of your tartans.
