Tuesday, 4 February 2025

From MikeF - Tokens, corporate baddies and old friends - 42 points

Further progress on Exploit Zero has been made. As hacking features in the game, the agents need something to hack. Due to years of building space marine rhinos, I have a ridiculous number of control panels that work great as data centres for the hackers to dig into. I also wanted to include some loot objectives and thought I had some future looking treasure chests. When I started painting them however, I realized they were actually generators. Oh well, guess you need some way of charging all those bionic parts.

Certain scenarios require you to capture a VIP and get them off the board. I figured the capture of a corporate CEO or government official would be very thematic. They also deploy with bodyguards that the agents have to neutralize before they get control of the VIP. I put them on clear bases as they are not targetable like other models and are really just a macguffin. Models are from Anvil Industry, Hasslefree Miniatures and 3d print.

Last up are some old friends who met in old Detroit. Crooked-Dice made an ED209 and Robocop miniature which I had to include for the game. Not sure how to integrate them into the game, but enemy agents are available for the different levels of security response.

For points I scored each token as 1 point for 10. There are 5 28mm figures for 25 and I scored Ed 209 as a 40mm figure for 7 points. Total is 42 points.

Now I just need to paint some agents to actually play the game!

Who doesn't LOVE an ED209 (and all the squealing animals noises it made in the original Robocop - fabulous!). Those computer screens are really well done too! 42 points well earned
- Paul

ByronM - Trench Crusade - Azebs and Alchemist [25 points]

This weeks submission is a little small as I have mainly been working on a big project that should hopefully be ready for next week.  I still wanted to get something up this week, so here are 5 more models for my Iron Sultanate warband for Trench Crusade.

These are 4 of the basic troopers for the faction called Azebs.  They are the basic troop and are not really good at anything other than filling out some bodies into the force.  They are also once of the only models that are breaking my limited palette of colours that I am trying to use.  Most of the force will be done in bronze and red, but these being in robes I wanted to do them in some traditional desert colours.  So they are in my attempt to create a linen colour/texture and tans and browns.  I did still tie in some of the red to help tie them in with the rest of the force though.

Next up is one of the elites of the force, an Alchemist.  I stuck with my very limited colours of bronze and red for her, but added in some very rough OSL for the blue flame coming off of her alchemical bomb.  I didn't want to spend too much time on this model as I am waiting to find a more accurate model for my warband as I have outfitted mine in game with a machine gun to make use of her alchemical ammunition that lights things on fire when hit.

Overall this is 5 28mm models for 25 points.


This project is really looking good Byron! I find OSL challenging at the best of times but your subtle effects there work nicely to contrast around the warmer colours. Good stuff!

- Paul

From DallasE: Keep on Truckin' (Fraud)(235 points)

So this week's submission is trucks. Lots of trucks. These were in a bag behind my stairs for a year or two but the current winter Russians project added some impetus to get them painted.

I undercoated them black, then sprayed them with a great paint - Krylon camouflage green. It's a light olive-y green but comes down nicely when washed with Agrax Earthshade. I love this colour for Russian vehicles, especially Cold War and modern stuff. But I thought it would be a suitable colour for "generic" WW2 truckin'. I washed the models with Agrax Earthshade AND Nuln Oil before sponging on the Corax White winter camo.

The trucks are perfect transport for the Soviet infantry, especially these ones based on 20mm squares. Six of 'em fit perfectly in the bed of the trucks.

While I was painting the trucks I snuck in another Maxim gun and crew for the winter Soviets.

Nice metal models, from Warlord Games of course.

While I was painting the winter trucks I thought I would also do the rest of the ones I had left to do. The great thing about these trucks is that they're so generic looking they could really pass for use in most WW2 forces, as long as you squint a bit. So I painted these up in camo green washed with AE and NO so they can be used in a Soviet WW2 force, as well as for Americans or Brits in a pinch. I painted a bunch a couple years ago in a desert tan for NW Africa usage on either side.

This is where we get to the Circle theme: Fraud. The models look pretty good in the pictures right? Like they were built from a kit? Or maybe cast in resin? But flip 'em over and you see the real deal. These are basically dollar-store toys, flimsy plastic junk. But when you paint them I think they look OK. And they're trucks, after all... they are never going to be the focus of anyone's wargames table. So I figure saving a bit on these makes sense.

They do look decent though I think!

Here's one of them with the Bad Squiddo Soviet traffic controllers.

10x 28mm vehicles        200
3x 28mm infantry            15
Fraud Circle bonus          20
Total                               235 points

Fabulous lorry borne troopers Dallas! Your winter effects are fabulous - frosty but not overburdened by ice and snow. Dollar store or no, its very effective indeed! They might be soft skinned vehicles but anyone is going to be challenged to shoot 10 of them off the table before they can unload. Great job!
- Paul


 Yes! Its time for another "This Tuesday in History"!!!

2004 - Facebook launched (not fact checked!)

1945 - Yalta Conference foreshadowed the coming Cold War

1826 - "Last of the Mohicans" is published, inspiring the first FIW wargamers 

1194 - the ransom for Richard I "The Lionheart" is paid to his captor the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry VI

146BC - Third Punic War came to a conclusion with the razing of Carthage

But anyway, on with the Tuesday show!!!