Wednesday, 22 January 2025

From MikeD: 20mm North Vietnamese Army (132 pts)

My current gaming project is to run a campaign of Charlie Company with some friends. It's a rule set published in 1986 for miniature gaming in Viet Nam 1965-1972. It's got elements of a typical skirmish war game, but also some RPG elements. For example, the players represent squad leaders in a single platoon, with one playing the platoon command. Each squad leader may have different levels of experience, and accordingly better command stats. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces are handled by the game-master/referee. The campaign will be a tour of duty, I'm thinking about 10 missions.

So I've been painting up a lot of VC and NVA. These are 20mm North Vietnamese Army figures from Britannia Miniatures. It's the second batch I've done for the project so it's mostly heavy weapons, officers, and a few vignettes. And a couple a water buffalo and pigs.

Group Shot

Small Mortar

RPG and Water Buffalo

Captured American Airman

Anti-Aircraft Gun

Tax Collector (I suppose it's healthy to feel a little ambivalence about this hobby sometimes)

Bigger Mortar w Radio man

Heavy MG crew backed up by pig

29 x 20mm foot @ 4pts each = 116

The past month has been crowded with a lot of life's 10000 joys and sorrows so it was touch and go if I would make this cut. I'm so glad I did. 


Hi Mike - congratulations on "making the cut" - we all know that life (or "1-to-1 scale" as I sometimes lament) can throw a lot of curve balls, and at times our hobby must take a back seat. But you have persevered, and here you are with a fine opening entry!

Gaming a setting such as the Vietnam War(s) is appealing, but daunting! How, after all, does one find rules which can recreate on our gaming tables the elements that made that period, particular the era of direct US intervention, so specific and unique? Congrats on finding and adapting a clever set of rules for just such a purpose.

Your painting is fine, and wow, I fear for whatever patrol might come up against this heavily armed crew!

Note for scoring I added extra points to account for the multiple crew-served weapons int the submission.

Welcome to AHPC XV!


From JonathanO: Evil Mastermind and Secret Agent (10 points)

Thanks to Curt for the reminder to get a first post in before the deadline!

Here are a couple of figures from Crooked Dice for the 7TV game.

2 x 28mm figures = 10 points

A close escape!


"Do you expect me to talk?"

"No, Mr. Bond - I expect you to paint!"

That is a close cut indeed Jonathon, but you have escaped all the same - 10 points for you today, good to see you on the scoreboard and on the right side of the dreaded cull...
