Another Regiment of Renown marches forth - the Marksmen of Miragliano take aim! |
For my last submission this week I have another Regiment of Renown for my Dogs of War project. Behold the Marksmen of Miragliano, the finest crossbowmen in all of Tilea!
A couple of the Marksmen. |
Under the leadership of the dashing Maximillian Damask, the Marksmen have a long tradition of service throughout the Old World, their deadly crossbow bolts bringing victory in countless battles! Only the most skilled crossbowmen can join this regiment. It is said the recruits must prove their ability by putting a bolt through the head of the prince on a gold ducat at 300 paces!
Love the many, many little details on these beautiful sculpts...rabbit on one belt, a pheasant on the other...some fine stew around the campfire tonight lads! |
Maximillian Damark and the regimental musician. |
These figures are Perry sculpts, and are just so wonderful to work with. I love their character, and all of the little details that hearken back to the high-water market of GW's Fantasy figure sculpting. Things like daggers in boots, different packs with a variety of kit, all add character to the sculpts. Several of them are carrying animals they have hunted - rabbits, a pheasant - for stew around the campfire after the battle. And many of them wear the coin they had to shoot in order to prove their skill to join the regiment in the first place.
D'oh! Broken standard in the box... |
Best not to look too closely at that left hand...or either hand for that matter... |
These are very, very old casting - and time is not always kind to old castings which have bumped around in a box for 20 years. Sadly the standard bearer had broken apart in the box, and in practically the word possible way. I attempted a repair, seeking to drill out the broken standard and replace it. But I am just dreadful at such hobby engineering, and made a total hash of the poor fellow's left hand. Best not to look too closely...I painted the poor chap regardless, and he has taken his place here in the regiment for now, but my hobby OCD is such that I have been scouring eBay for a replacement - it has been found, and will be painted after it arrives.
"We hit the right spot every time!" |
In the WHFB game the Marksmen were a fine regiment to employ as their ability with the crossbows actually lives up to the hype, and a shower of bolts from this unit will hit a fair bit more compared to the average human archers in the Old World. They can also operate as skirmishers, causing even greater harassment for opponents, particularly ones already trying to figure out how to deal with the pikemen.
For scoring purposes, we have 12 x 28mm foot castings, which should be good for 60 points. That's it for me for today - thanks for reading, and I hope to be back with more next week!
Another lovely Regiment of Renown Greg! Beautifully rendered in a Renaissance style. I agree, the Perry sculpts for this period are just terrific.
I've added a few bonus points for the flag and general awesomeness!
- Paul