What no Arthurians! No, not this week - but there are more on the workbench for next week...
Warlord Games, 15mm Epic, Allied Italian Infantry |
Warlord Games, 15mm Epic, Celtiberian Infantry |
First off, this week I have two more units of 15mm Warlord Games Epic Carthagininans. Namely a unit of allied Italians and secondly, a unit of Celtiberians, each of three bases of 20 figures.
Now I must say that my knowledge of the Punic Wars is pretty sketchy, mostly based upon a once long running campaign run at my Wargames Club, so my uniform guide on these figures was basically taken from the Warlord Games website and the desire to base my Carthaginian Army largely based upon the Red, Black, White & Gold colours scheme of previously completed units.
The method of painting was similar for both units and basically the same as last week's units.
Close-up of the Allied Italian unit from the left. Again shield designs have been done free hand
Same unit from their right side, all crests and plumes on this unit are white.
Final shot of the Italians, from their rear, showing their armour and the light grey tunis that they all wear. |
I had no real idea about who the Celtiberians were, so after a quick check it appears that they were a Celtic people who lived in the north of what is now Spain - many believe that the Basque peoples are derived from these ancient guys.
The Celtiberians, have been depicted with a slightly less uniform stance than other units in the Carthaginan Army. So I assume that they were somewhat less disciplined than their Lybian, Italian & Carthaginian comrades. |
The Celtiberians, from the left side of the unit, again with red, white & black shields, crests and plumes.
The same unit from thier right
And teh rear of the Celtiberian unit, showing their light brown tunics and sparce armour |
Again I have to thank Nigel, from my Wargames Club, for the donation of another plastic frame of figures - this time Warlord Games 28mm Landsknecht pikemen, who will join my existing collection for the period.
As these Landsknechts mercenaries were renowned for their excessess - in particular in their clothing and carousing, I am taking the liberty to claim the Greed Bonus for 20 Points.
6 x 28mmLandsknecht Pikemen, based and ready to go!
Same guys but with the the rear rank to the front.
I must say that I enjoy painting Landsknechts, at first it seemed daunting but having discovered a 'recipe' for doing them, it is really quite fun. As ever a white undercoat and then literally picking paints at random to colour in sections of their dress. In this case
- Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange etc picking figures and painting panels and stripes as I see fit.
I used brown as a unifing colour to tie in all the leather jerkins and belts etc and the obviously silver for the armour. The secret is a watered down black ink wash that adds definition between the colours and in my mind finishes off the figures nicely.
Close-up on two of the little guys. |
And aother two |
And the last two! |
Next week back to Arthurians and hopefully the balance of the 28mm AWI infantry frame that I started last week, as well as some 15mm Punic Wars Cavalry and Skirmishers!
SQUIRREL POINTS +1 Landsknechts
120 x 15mm Carthaginians @ 2 Pts ea 240 Points
6 x 28mm Landsknechts @5 Pts ea 30 Points
Greed Bonus 20 points
TOTAL 290 Points
It's hardly an original thought, but I keep being struck by the great effect of these Warlord Epic figures when deployed in mass. Great work Mike, they look absolutely fine! The Landsknechts are also very good, your recipe definitely works. Your calculations are spot on, but I'll throw in a couple of points for the free-handed shields, so 295 points it is.