Monday, 17 February 2025

From GeoffT: Four Spheres of Paradise (115 points)

 Hello Challengers,

This week I have a small number of miniatures claiming a large number of points, courtesy of them representing four of the Sphere of Paradise.

Some of these have been waiting painted until I got the miniature for the preceding spheres complete.

First we have ‘warriors of faith’, these are fantasy minis that are based of Christian knights.  Knights being the arm of faith used to kill infidels. I painted them in a French type of scheme. Think these minis are from Harlequin.

Next up we have ‘the just rulers’.  In my youth, the TV show ‘the bill’ portrayed the English Bobby as a paradigm of honest justice.  This bobby could be Hollis himself.  Miniature by Reaper.

Meanwhilst on the foreign language channel, Ronins demonstrated being ‘Contemplatives’, silently and mysteriously arriving in town, thinking about stuff using no words, then killing the bad people with swords, then wandering off.  This Ronin is by exmanus studios.

Next, we represent the fixed stars of Faith, Hope and Love.  In this case, I am representing Hope, which is symbolised by Unicorns, according to random wikis that cover symbology.  This is an old Grenadier miniatures model from the 90’s

So there we have four themes for Dante’s comedy = 80 points

Two mounted 28mm miniatures = 20 points

Three 28mm foot = 15 points.

No squirrels.

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

You've shared some wonderfully eclectic posts over the Challenge Geoff and this is no different. This is another great cornucopia of minis, painted in a range of different styles and colours.

The knights are particularly good, especially the spiral decoration on the lances which I can attest from personal experience is really hard to execute. Cracking work mate!

115 awesome points!


From KentG: 28mm Templar knights and peasants & cavalry (230 points)

This week we are sticking with the medieval theme
My daughter and her husband gave me two boxes of 
Wargames Atlantic foot knights, so I thought for the first 12 I’d 
Do knights Templars to go with the cav I did last week.
I took a day off work and spent 9 hours painting them 
It was a blast and I have to admit I really enjoyed the build and paint
I added a bit of green stuff for some belts to put shields on their backs 
Hopefully the video work I did on how to paint them will come together so 
I can share on YouTube later down the track, I hope you like them as much as I do.

For the guy above I cut the lug off his hand which was designed to hold the shield
Cleaned it up put little holes to help it look like chain mail then added a little ball
Of green stuff on the top of the handle, cut the top off the sword scabbard and 
Slotted that under his hand, this is my command figures for the wee group

As you can see I’ve added a banner, I printed out a low resolution 
Banner which was black red and yellow and just repainted the flag 
Black leaving the cross adding a few dots and some dark grey shading, I think it looks ok.

The chaps below a more figures By Wargames Atlantic For Barons wars
Age of chivalry, this time a wee commission, funny thing is two boxes 
Of these turned up with a few other boxes from the team at Wargames Atlantic 
For me to paint so this was a good test, 

They will make for a good band of peasants and I look forward to fielding my own 
Babble rousers

Lastly 5 mounted knights all Perry metals only 5 more to do 
Once again really enjoying the shields they are a challenge but also a joy to paint

Ok so we have 
36 x 28mm foot @ 5pts each = 180pts
5x 28mm cavalry @10pts each 50pts
Giving a grad total of 230pts for this week.

From Millsy:

Another great addition to the growing pile of crusaders you've been showing off Kent.

Having heard you talking about the Wargames Atlantic peasants I've been keen to see them painted up. You've done a fine job, balancing muted colours and visual interest really well.

The crusaders are very fine indeed and I really like your treatment of black which is much smoother than my own efforts. Maybe it's just me but the chap with his helmet under his arm bears a strong resemblance to the Snowlord himself...

230 more points to your increased tally. Nice one mate.


From Barks: Journey through the spheres (Wise, Warriors of Faith, Just Rulers, Contemplative) (130 points)

I have a selection of figures today to propel me around the last of the spheres of Paradise.

To get me there, I summoned Sarah with these Sci-fi civilians I made from assorted Stargrave kits. I love putting these together and matching bits, and then experimenting with colours I don't often use. The fifth civilian is made with a Fireforge zombie body (hence the unhealthy legs). I think she lives somewhere in the ash wastes protecting her claim.

My favourite is the surrendering one in green...

Sarah Connor vibes.

The Wise

You can tell this person is wise, just look at the size of their brain! Surely it won't implode and release warp daemons everywhere. He's made from the excellent Frostgrave wizard sprue, with a spare head I had.

The Warriors of Faith

Hot on his heels are these two thugs warriors of faith. The photos make me think I should redo the robe highlights.

1998 metals

The Just Ruler

Faramir. What a guy. Briefly the Steward of Gondor before some smelly ranger waves some jewellery about and claims he's the long-lost king.

2003 metal sculpt


I liked painting this Genestealer Cult character, who is Contemplating the plan of attack on this awesome hovering holo-map. I used Contrast Aethermatic Blue for the hologram. I'm thinking of adding somemorehighlightsand glow, but don't want to ruin it. The building complex is based on Warhammer World in Nottingham- a little Easter Egg.

That completes my journey though Hell and Paradise!

10x 28mm figures (50 points)

4 x locations (80 points)

Side Duels:

Squirrel +1 (sci-fi civilians)

Skull Duel +6 (total 18)

From Millsy:

What a great collection of painted miniatures and I love how you have aligned them to the various spheres mate. I've been very tempted by that Genestealer character myself for some time. It's a great sculpt with loads of interest and the composition is excellent. There's so much story telling going on there.

The warriors of faith are really cool too and I'm pleased to see you sticking with canon by painting hazard stripes on the chainsword. If ever there was pointless and redundant safety labelling this is it!

130 pointeriffic points for your tally sir!
