Thursday, 13 February 2025

From JezT: Arthurian Mixed Bag - 28mm (53 points)

Dear All 

Happy Thursday all and late post this morning UK time so hope came be posted today. 

Last Challenge painted some Arthurian infantry on round sabot bases and the idea was to mix these with my Saxon Levy spearmen and make a new Arthurian Post Romano-British option. For the cavalry my idea was always to use my existing Goth cavalry bases. However when I set up the army the two parts did not gel and lacked impact. Basically I was missing the signature "White Chi-Rho" shields carried through on the cavalry. 

My solution has been to touch up the Goth cavalry shields with a more general white and red design and select some for sabot basing, to this I would add in some purely Arthurian characters. 

The one newly painted figure being presented is this Arthurian standard bearer painted using some unused Foundry left-overs I had. 

I am adding a few pictures just to show how he fits on the sabot base as part of the unit. I had to have an Arthur so just painted up the shield on an existing Goth captain, 

Also I realised if I followed the same idea I could "convert" my Welsh Dark Ages army into a Pict army as opponents for the Arthurian army - my brother will eventually finish off his Early Saxon army for the classic battle match up. 

So these are the new Pict character figures painted up - again these will fit on sabot bases for the Basic Impetus units. 

These are new Figures from Footsore the light cavalry part of the Welsh range:

Finally a couple of odd foot that painted up and gave square shields to give some Pict character.

Altogether is 3 x cavalry and 4 x foot 28mm so should be a simple 50 points for me and looking forward to trying these out in a game shortly. 

All the best Jez

TeemuL: Fine additions to your projects, Jez! And don't worry, as you can see, your post is in good hands. There were 2 entries ready yesterday, couple of more came during the night, so this is a quiet day (for a Thursday). I'll give you couple of bonus points for the handpainted shields and banners.

From MattW: This is the way (10 points)

 This Is The Way

Of the recent pieces of the Star Wars Universe the Mandolorian saying “This is the Way” has entered my vocabulary, in much annoyance to Vanessa my wife, and my children. 

This is a great little 1/144 kit by Bandai, a easy wet afternoon build, a gunmetal undercoat, ink wash, then dry brush, painted the windows and paint on the markings which I copied as best I could. (The kit supplied ones were stickers !)  really happy with my result. 

1/114 model  @ 6 Points 

Total 6 points 


TeemuL: That looks excellent! The backdrop creates awesome athmosphere here! Your method might be simple, but is effective. This is the way, indeed. This one is tricky to score, since even you give the scale, this looks much bigger vehicle than a tank for example. I'll throw in additional 4 points to give you a nice 10 points for this.

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - 2nd Duchy of Warsaw Infantry (45 points)

As you may have guessed by the title, for today's second post I have more Retreat from Moscow figures. These 9 figures represent a detachment from the 2nd Duchy of Warsaw infantry regt, who were part of the V Corps, 18th Division under Brigadier Grabowski, but they could easily be any of the Polish troops that fought as part of the Grand Armee.

This time round they're mainly Murawski Miniatures, now sold by Skytrex, with a few Perry's thorwn in for good measure.

Six of the figures are in greatcoats, while the remaining two were in plain uniform, so out came the greenstuff and now they're both toasty and warm, one figure more than the other!!

The Command figure is also form Murawski and he's sitting on some new sabot bases that me and Lee had made especially by Martin and the team at Warbases. the 25mm hole is offset so it allows a bit more decoration on the base. 

Contractual bum end photo.

The points should be pretty easy for this post, 9 figures x 5pts = 45pts
With maybe a little bonus for the added blankets??? You never know your luck?

TeemuL: Nice (and living) addition to your project, Ray. Good looking reinforcements, I guess I have nothing new to say, I have used all my praise words already. And Ray, don't push your luck too much. ;)

From PeteB: Gluttony, Greed, Wrath and some other figures (143 points)

I couldn't post last week, so now I have a bit more things to show. I managed to finish three circles of "The Abyss", a Dulcop Robin Hood figure and some 20 mm figures. Let's start with the circles.

Gluttony - Paul Hicks - Lamme Goedzak and friends - 28 mm - 35 Points

These figures are the CRISIS 2017 Antwerp figures. For those who has been there they know there was always an entry figure in the goodie bag. That year it was Tijl Uilenspiegel and you could buy two extra figures and a base. And one of the extra figures was Lamme Goedzak, a man that like food and wine very much. Two things on the figure point in that direction, a spoon and a rabbit. the third figure is Nele, girlfriend of Tijl. For this circle I couldn't seperate them. 

Unpainted figures

- Gluttony                        = 20 Points
- 3 x 28 mm foot figures = 15 Points
- Total                              = 35 Points

Greed - Crescent - Sheriff of Nothingham - 54 mm - 30 Points

This figure made by Crescent joined the gang of Prince John for more power and fill his pockets. That's why I choose him for thsi circle. You can find him as an original Crescent figure but also from Kellogg's. Only the markings under the base can make that clear. This one I'm showing is original. I only have the Kellogg's figures complete and unpainted. This one had some paint on him so now he looks better. The color pallet I took was random. 

My collection.
Top = Crescent, 3 figures missing.

- Greed                   = 20 Points
- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points
- Total                     = 30 Points

Wrath - 3D - Plague Doctor - 54 mm - 30 Points

The plague was also known as "The Wrath of God" and therefor this doctor is the ideal figure for this circle. The figure is a 3D print (no brand) made by a German friend of me. I paint these figures for my wife because she reads everything that has the plague as subject. The first one was from Speira Miniatures (= link to my blog) and since then I collect and paint them for her. Second one can be found here. I have some more to paint but not now.

- Wrath                   = 20 Points
- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points
- Total                     = 30 Points

Dulcop - Robin Hood Merry Man - 54 mm - 10 Points

I couldn't paint that villian of Nothingham without one of the heroes to give some resistance. An old Italian figure, hard to get like the Napoleonic figures. Lovely figure to paint and I'm happy with the result.

- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points

Waterloo1815 - Roger's Rangers - 20 mm - 38 Points

These figures were lying way to long in a box unpainted. I've got one sprue of these from a swap with a friend. When I started on them I saw two figures with snow shoes and the other eight without. So I based two groups on gras and the others in the snow. I base these figure only for storage as I'm not a wargamer. A review of these figures can be found on Plastic Soldier Review.

Snow is from Games Workshop.


I've painted the edges of the bases red to mark them as British troops. I know that the rules say that a lying figure is only half of the points, and I counted him that way, but I'm not sure that the figure is really lying. I've painted the whole figure before it was put on the base because most of the equipment he's wearing is visible. I let it to Teemu to make a decission.


- 9,5 x 20 mm figure = 38 Points

The whole bunch of this post! 😊

Final total:

- Gluttony                       = 35 Points

- Greed                            = 30 Points

- Wrath                            = 30 Points

- Dulcop figure                = 10 Points

- Waterloo1815 figures    = 38 Points

- Total points of this post = 143 Points

Thanks for watching and have fun!

TeemuL: Wonderful and varied entry, I especially like your Sheriff of Nottingham and the Plague Doctor. Great colours on them! No issues with the others, either, I find your brushwork pleasing my eyes. Quite a grab of bonus points, too. I'll give you full points for the half lying mini, because 1) you say you fully painted him and 2) I'm the bestest of minions.

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - Dead, Dying & Frozen! (43 points)

I'll probably get into someones bad books for posting these dead and dying figures.

I did last time I posted some 15mm FIW dead figures?

There are some weird people around???

Just remember these are toy soldiers, not real people!

Black n White photo just to work the button counters up a little more!!

These former fine looking fellow are once again mainly Perry minis painted up to represent various French and allied soldiers, who fell and never got up again during the Retreat from Moscow. There is even a Perry English casualty figure in there too, painted up as French. Can you spot him? Give yourself a hearty pat on the back and a packet of Jelly Babies if you do!

There are 13 laying figures and 2 sitting figures. Previously laying down figures have only earned half points, but I shall leave the workings out, up to the bestest Minion in the world, Teemu, who comes from Finland and infact he is my favourite person from Finland EVER!!!!

TeemuL: Bestest Minion in the world, you say? Everyone heard? Including the Treasure Holder of Snowlord? Very "nice" casualties indeed, they look frozen and dead, very convincing toy soldiers, I must say. I see you have some other entries in the pipeline, so I'll get over this quick, nice additions to your project and your maths are correct, half points for prone. That gives a total of 42.5 points, but since I'm the bestest minion, I can give you 0.5 bonus points and 43 points in total!

P.S. Just to get my list right, who other persons you know from Finland? Sami Hyypiä, Jari Litmanen, Mikael Forsell, Teemu Tainio, Mika Häkkinen, Kimi Räikkönen?

From DaveD: Kilroy was here (140 points)

This weeks first Ardennes addition is Staff Sergeant Kilroy and his supply dump. Without a form 1898-D you ain’t drawing anything … ooh well maybe that 88mm gives you sufficient authority …


The tent is an artillery set repurposed from the stash . The single standing figure has been lying around my paint desk for ages , and found a perfect position here , leaning out of the tent and shouting to the sentry “they better have the right form” . Although he might have an under the table supply of VAT69 if they ask nice 

“Kilroy was here” became a morale booster for troops, a way to leave a mark and connect with fellow soldiers. The doodle and phrase popped up on walls, vehicles, and even in enemy territory, symbolising the omnipresence of American forces. Naming my erstwhile supple deport Sergeant Kilroy seemed just right to me! 

There are 4 large stands of Jerry can's and one of ammunition. 

Next a Jeep and trailer having been to the dump .

Bazooka teams x 2 .

I have completed these on scenic bases too. 

Combat engineer unit 

5 large stands and two small . Again scenic bases used mostly .

HMG teams x 2

Next an M10 which was I think released as an objective marker, but is perfectly usable as in game model. It’s complete with Audie Murphy on the 50 cal 

And finally - I had time to knock out a few stands of Panzergrenadiers too 

As I haven’t been paining French Old Guard in the background this last week I have pretty much completed all the terrain work to the winter table The wrecked vehicle is a resin piece from Baueda (available from Model in the UK). A couple of ruined building pieces from Battlescale 


Next are a few crop areas and some bushes/marsh area pieces 

And also the stream is done - the first batch 6 feet - ready for the initial game.


I am pleased with how it has come out .

And finally some  transport 

I also added some snow stuff to a couple of trucks previously completed for the summer stash just as transport for the next reinforcements .

With this weeks work done I have enough stuff for a game ! Huzzah !
So the scores are :-
62 15mm infantry = 124 points 
2 15mm vehicles = 16 points 
Total 140

TeemuL: More excellent winter material, thank you Dave! Even though I start to believe you have stolen the winter from southern Finland... :) There's little bit of everything, some terrain, lots of infantry and couple often ignored supply trucks. You have gone over your Challenge target, too, making terrain hasn't slowed you down too much. Oh yeah, and congratulations on "finishing" the table or at least finished enough to have a game. Must be a good feeling, good luck!