For this post I'm travelling down the Abyss on my way to Paradise, I've already completed some Wagons for Limbo, so my next stop will be Lust!
Everyone starts at the First Circle in the Abyss ('Limbo'). The only way to get to Paradise is to traverse five (5) of the infernal locations first. Once in Paradise you will have another 5 circles to complete and are not be able to return to the Abyss.Of course this could be something titillating but it could also be the miniature that you've always wanted for your collection but have denied yourself. One of the few times where I condone NSFW content. Young visitors may wish to avert their eyes.
Marie Tete du Bois, followed the Grande Armee into Russia giving out bacon bagets and shots of brandy to warm up the weary soldiers, trouble was, that wasn't the only thing she gave out to warm the soldiers up!!!
A vivandière was a woman who sold food and drink to soldiers in the military. The term comes from the French word vivandier, which means "hospitable man".
- Slaying the Nemean lion
- Slaying the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra
- Capturing the Ceryneian Hind
- Capturing the Erymanthian Boar
- Cleaning the Augean stables in a single day
- Slaying the Stymphalian birds
- Capturing the Cretan Bull
- Stealing the Mares of Diomedes
- Obtaining the belt of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons
- Obtaining the cattle of the three-bodied giant Geryon
- Stealing three of the golden apples of the Hesperides
- Capturing and bringing back Cerberus
Fourth Circle: Greed
As the depraved Emcee in the musical 'Cabaret' sang, 'Money makes the world go around...' Submit something illustrating an unbridled lust for filthy lucre.
Seventh Circle: Violence
Hmm, as many of us are wargamers I don't think I need to elaborate on this one too much.