Thursday, 8 January 2015

From Millsy - Yet More Blumin' Savage Orcs (225 points)

You'll be please to know this is close to the last of the Savage Orcs, so those who are starting to feel ill at the sight of little green men will get some respite. :-)

First up we have my fourth units of Savage Boyz with hand weapons, in this instance "Da Deff Kaps" after their icky yellow face-paint. They were to be "Da Blak Deff" but black face-paint over green skin looks awful and my test minis convinced me to go with Curt's favourite yellow.

In total I now have 96 infantry with hand weapons which is more than enough to see off most things. They are tough, resilient and completely unpredictable. Half the time I play them I'm merely there to move the miniatures around while they merrily go about their business completely uncaring of my wants or desires.

All that infantry left me in need of a change so I threw the first of two units of Boar Boyz onto the painting table. These chaps are "Da Purpul Porkas" and hopefully will do the business for me on the table top.

I had enough shields for these by scavenging left-overs from my skellies and I rather like the designs as they seem suitably savage, The motifs match up with the skullz and severed heads that adorn pretty much everything including the leader's cloak. That's also covered in feathers, rocks and other crap and has been nicknamed his "cloak of many dead things".

There's a design flaw in the early model boars where the tails are shockingly fragile and I had to make 5 up from wire, curled about and then glued in place. I then broke the leader's tail when finishing the painting so I had to glue that back on for the photos.

Cue bad language pour moi which then elicited the usual "Are you sure you enjoy this?" from Mrs Millsy. It'll have to be replaced and I might as well do the other two at the same time as it will inevitably happen again.

I've only got enough boars for half the remaining unit at present so if anyone has another four they have no use for I'm happy to trade or buy them from you.

I also managed to squeeze in a few Flames of War German trucks this week as I had promised my mate Evan I'd finish off any outstanding stuff from an army he bought. The paint job is pretty basic by my standards but it matches the rest of the force which is the key thing. The Kubelwagen with the roof down became known in our group as "Das Kubelwagen der Schande" after the original owner constantly appeared with only one unpainted item in the whole force.

And lastly, here's a pic of the usual type of chaos which goes on during painting. I have so many projects on the go at any one time that I use the lids from icecream containers to move them about. Empty tea cups are also a typical adornment. The wooden blocks are a major tool in enabling me to paint quickly, giving me a good grip on the mini and preventing touching the paint work, plus a solid base when not in hand.

So that's 24 x infantry and 8 x mounted figs in 28mm for a total of 200 points. Throw in another 24 for the 4 x 15mm vehicles plus whatever Curt deems a pigtail or three and some swearing to be worth and I'm back in pole position...

PS. I just did a quick bit of math and my total so far for the Challenge is 464 miniatures and vehicles.

From Curt:

464 minis! Holly smokes, that is A-Mazing!! The hobby industry needs to give me some sort of promotional kick-back for the hobby frenzy the Challenge creates. You know, something like a Ducati. No? Okay, how about a bicycle? Roller skates? A free coffee mug full of paint water..?

This is an awesome entry Millsy. Even though the yellow is fabulous (again, my favourite colour) I have to say that the bright purply shields are completely ace, love 'em. 

Yeah, I remember those freakin' faulty boar tails, for sure. I don't think I have a single one of those old school hogs in my cabinet that doesn't have its original rump ornament snapped off. I'll have to check 'Shed A' to see if I have any of those blighters left. If I gots one I'll sends it.

Love the pic of your hobby space. The ice cream lid organizer idea is genius - especially the square-shaped lids, very space-saving and efficient (twitches in an OCD spasm of delight).


  1. I love these orcs. I may have to go dig some out of the basement for later in the challenge. I know I have some that are primed. How do you attach the models to the blocks. Those look much better than the wine corks and bottle tops I've been using.

    1. Blu-tack mate. Not sure what it is called elsewhere but it is used to stick posters to walls without damaging the paint. Its reusable and you can use as little or as much as needed. The blocks are 35mm square.

  2. Excellent work by Michael. Well-deserved points!

  3. Not more Orks? *grin*

    Lovely work on these boyz Millsy :)

  4. Fantastic entry - the boar riders are a hoot

    I would expect that given your blistering pace your lead mountain would be depleted but I noticed that there seems to be a good number of unpainted figs in the upper right of the workbench photo. I'm not sure I can keep up!!!!!

    1. The mountain is by no means depleted but it has shrunk a bit over the last few years. I refer to what you can see there as the tip of the iceberg. Everything else is away in cupboards i.e. hidden beneath the surface :-)

    2. Hmm... Millsy's alter ego strikes

  5. Awesome. I love your style. The boys on piggy back are great

  6. Very nice orcs, I love the way you paint the way they paint their faces.

    1. Thanks Baconfat. I promise you, no pigs were hurt during the painting and photography!

  7. Great stuff ... We need a big group shot!

    1. It's coming sir. A few more bits and bobs and I'll post one or two.

  8. You are a mad man! 464 miniatures is huge!

    Great work on all of them! Love the boar boyz. One of the best and most hilarious units in Warhammer world :) Nothing beats deranged orcs riding on Boars that just go anywhere they want

  9. beautiful wild orcs, savage Orcs Boar very beautiful

  10. Nice work mate. Your out put is very impressive.

  11. If you'd fielded some Boar Boyz on Monday, things might have gone rather differently!
    ; )
    Great work mate and special thanks for fixing 'The Kubelwagen of Shame'!

  12. Wonderful submission. Really enjoying the high quality being dished out in the race for top spot


  13. Wonderful painting work: Those Orcs are really nice.

  14. The colour choice is superb for the Orc sculpts - really smashing!

  15. I luv da orcs! Because of their unpredictable nature and how they will willingly fight themselves or a friendly regiment, made them my favorite army to lose with! ;) sigh...I miss the mad boys rules from 40k too!
    I hope you have the the "headbanga" boar riding mage for this army, he was one of my favorite fantasy characters that I never bought!

  16. A shame we're coming to the end of your orcish period! I really loved 'em and I think the boars are your best work among some outstanding stuff. 464 figures? That's twice the total of my whole year...

  17. "You'll be please to know this is close to the last of the Savage Orcs..."

    I am very far from pleased. Thanks for sharing these; they've been great!

  18. Outstanding work once again.
