Monday, 17 February 2025

From KentG: 28mm Templar knights and peasants & cavalry (230 points)

This week we are sticking with the medieval theme
My daughter and her husband gave me two boxes of 
Wargames Atlantic foot knights, so I thought for the first 12 I’d 
Do knights Templars to go with the cav I did last week.
I took a day off work and spent 9 hours painting them 
It was a blast and I have to admit I really enjoyed the build and paint
I added a bit of green stuff for some belts to put shields on their backs 
Hopefully the video work I did on how to paint them will come together so 
I can share on YouTube later down the track, I hope you like them as much as I do.

For the guy above I cut the lug off his hand which was designed to hold the shield
Cleaned it up put little holes to help it look like chain mail then added a little ball
Of green stuff on the top of the handle, cut the top off the sword scabbard and 
Slotted that under his hand, this is my command figures for the wee group

As you can see I’ve added a banner, I printed out a low resolution 
Banner which was black red and yellow and just repainted the flag 
Black leaving the cross adding a few dots and some dark grey shading, I think it looks ok.

The chaps below a more figures By Wargames Atlantic For Barons wars
Age of chivalry, this time a wee commission, funny thing is two boxes 
Of these turned up with a few other boxes from the team at Wargames Atlantic 
For me to paint so this was a good test, 

They will make for a good band of peasants and I look forward to fielding my own 
Babble rousers

Lastly 5 mounted knights all Perry metals only 5 more to do 
Once again really enjoying the shields they are a challenge but also a joy to paint

Ok so we have 
36 x 28mm foot @ 5pts each = 180pts
5x 28mm cavalry @10pts each 50pts
Giving a grad total of 230pts for this week.

From Millsy:

Another great addition to the growing pile of crusaders you've been showing off Kent.

Having heard you talking about the Wargames Atlantic peasants I've been keen to see them painted up. You've done a fine job, balancing muted colours and visual interest really well.

The crusaders are very fine indeed and I really like your treatment of black which is much smoother than my own efforts. Maybe it's just me but the chap with his helmet under his arm bears a strong resemblance to the Snowlord himself...

230 more points to your increased tally. Nice one mate.



  1. Brilliant Kent, good to see these after hearing about them in chat - well done

    1. Glad you like them I've completed the next 12 for next week, so more to look forward to

  2. Replies
    1. might need a wizard and maybe a jester for that, Glad you like them

  3. Great painting - love the Templars!

    1. They are great figures easy to paint looking forward to starting the next box, think I'll paint every figure different in that one

  4. Very nice. The leader holding his helmet is fabulous

  5. Thanks Bruce, he's one of my favorites in that batch

  6. Wonderful work Kent. Those peasants are very good sculpts also/

    1. Thanks Richard, I still have two boxes that Atlantic sent me to build and paint so might see what fun I can have with them

  7. More beauties for the collection, well painted Kent!

    1. Cheers Ray, Really enjoying these wargames Atlantic figures the sculpts are much better than earlier figures

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Barks, I have a lot to do with the Christmas presents the ones Wargames Atlantic sent and a customer who has also bought heaps

  9. Fantastic brushwork, love the muted tunics of the peasants


    1. Thanks Matt hope the customer feels the same

  10. That‘s some very nice painting, especially on the black. Well done

  11. Fantastic painting. The peasant figures look great.

  12. Wonderful stuff, great sheilds and liveries

  13. glad you like them the next batch are completed and onto the bowman now

  14. Excellent knights and great looking peasants!
    Best Iain

  15. Gorgeous work Kent! I particularly love your Templars.

    1. Thanks Curt I really enjoyed painting these and had fun with the next batch for this coming Monday, just started work on cleaning up the next box.

  16. Kent you have a wonderful painting style. The black and white on the templars is magnificent!

  17. Thank you Peter, funny thing is no actual white was used on the templars, final highlight i silver grey but it just works
