Sunday, 16 February 2025

From RichardM: Sudan, more Nile Navy, baggage trains, artillery and Mahdist cavalry (291 points)

Quite a mixture of units for the Sudan game this week:
  • more for the Nile Navy
  • baggage train 
  • British mule trains for the guns and maxims
  • British artillery battery
  • Mahdist artillery battery
  • Mahdist light and heavy cavalry
After the papyrus rafts of last week, I now done the remaining two types of vessels that I have for locals on the Nile. I have a few more of each of these - but wanted to paint some as a proof of concept and to get the colours right. So we have a ‘dhow’ and two rafts. Like the papyrus boats, these are actually 15mm and are from Museum Miniatures.

The baggage train is made up of native porters and baggage camels - like all the other 10mm stuff they are from Pendraken.

Then I’ve got two different mule trains for guns from the Pendraken North-West frontier range. Three bases are Maxim Gun teams (standing in for Gatling Guns) and the others are a Mountain Gun teams with an extra base as they included three extra barrel mules. These will stand in for any British Artillery battery - even though I have limbers to do.

A few shots of the baggage all together.

The British artillery is a 9lb RML battery from the Pendraken Zulu Wars range.

While the Mahdist artillery battery is using captured Krupp guns.

Finally there are two types of Mahdist cavalry - armoured and light cavalry. From reading I understand there is no evidence that they wore their armour into battle - but Pendraken make them, they are different and I hadn’t read anything about them when I made the purchase a few years ago. 

The points come out as follow I think:

Nile Navy
- dhow (6 points for the boat and 3 for the crew) = 9
- rafts (2 boats each 6 points for boat and 4 for the crew) = 20

Baggage train
- Camels (10 camels * 3) = 30
- Porters (16 foot) = 16
- Maxim mule teams (3 teams with 2 mounted and 1 foot) = 21
- Gun mule teams (3 teams with 3 mounted and 1 foot plus 1 team with 3 mounted) = 39

British artillery battery (three guns and nine crewmen) = 18

Mahdist artillery battery (three guns and nine crewmen) = 18

Mahdist cavalry (40 mounted) = 120

Total for the week = 291

From Millsy:

This project is the gift that keeps on giving! More boats! More camels! Plus loads more cool stuff to boot.

The Mahdists cavalry are the pick of the bunch for me this time. You don't often see much of these in larger scales and they were a constant and numerous threat in reality so this is a great way to represent things more realistically on the table.

I would love to see some staged shots at the end of the Challenge if you can be convinced to put in the effort? The sight of a British column with baggage in the centre surrounded by masses of native troops would be something special!

291 more amazing points mate!



  1. I'm with Millsy on this Richard, it will be great to see the massed end result with a British square in the centre

    1. Thanks Kerry. I'm going to need to do some terrain if that is to happen and I'd like it to - so maybe cut back on the painting for a few weeks. Let's see.

  2. Wonderful . I am a fan of the Sudan , being in possession of the camel or hundreds . Look forward to group shot

    1. A fact I am well aware of Dave. Seeing your collection on-line and in pictures from the WHC was one of the strong inspirations for me in planning these. Thanks for starting that and for the comment.

  3. Excellent mixture of water vessels, ships of the desert and troopers. Wonderful project.

    1. Thank you Bruce. I am finding myself doing one or a few of each of the various unit types I have in the box to bring variety to the challenge

  4. Some fab looking figures, Richard!

  5. Wonderful stuff, love the logistics elements.

    1. Thanks barks - i do like having these extra bits in my armies

  6. Richard just wonderful stuff, so tempting to go down the 10mm route


    1. Thanks Matt - it's only painting so should be no stopping you

  7. One of my favourite projects to watch. Love the Nile flotilla and gotta have pack artillery.

    1. Thanks a lot Peter. It is all the little extra bits that really bring a project to life for me

  8. Gorgeous. Love the various Nile vessels. What a great project.

    1. Thanks Curt - I do need to get a Nile for them to sail on :)

  9. Millsy, when do you sleep? 😴
    Fantastic bunch of figures!

    1. Peter I don't know about Millsy's sleeping habits - but being retired I am able to spend a few hours a day on these. And they are only 10mm, so very forgiving.
