Tuesday, 4 March 2025

heresy-davidB(91 points)


Skulls AND spikes...definitely a bad guy
The Black Legion who were formerly the Sons of Horus, formerly the Luna Wolves; really could fit Wrath. I am using them to pass the ring of Heresy. They fell in the sway of Chaos and were corrupted most by their vanity. Their hatred though is what makes them so wrathful. Although some fell further and were corrupted further; most of the Black Legion are so black of heart that they hate the demons as much as the Imperium. They really loathe the newer marines that they believe are inferior parodies of "honored" foes that they despised. Abaddon leads them and has many failed Black Crusades against the Imperium, launched from the Eye of Terror. In the latest effort, he destroyed the planet Cadia  and has been relentless in their march forward.

the oldest chaos lord in my collection.
My first foray into 40k was just collecting the wonderful Scifi models of the Rogue Trader days and I knew nothing of wargaming except Risk and Stratego. I painted the miniatures in colours I liked and even when I did get the Rogue Trader book I made my blue marines Ultramarines and faced down with the grey Space Wolves. The Imperial Guard were the next large force followed by Space dwarves, eldar, then genestealers and forces of chaos. Space Hulk was a game I got for Christmas and soon I had every single terminator model that GW made. Including these six classic Rogue Trader chaos terminator troops.They were used against the genestealers and then using White Dwarf rules they were used in very intense games against loyalist terminators. 
In the day these old sculpts were painted in bright glossy colours of testors enamels. Just lurid combos of eye bleeding colour combinations. I then painted them years later in acrylic, that never covered them well, directly over the thick enamel in various schemes of the original chapters that started the heresy.
I stripped them(mostly) past summer by soaking them in simple green as Ray had already eliminated any chance I would use dettol after reading his exploits with Fran! 

The simple green did not get all the paint off, but it did eliminate some of the excessive layers of enamel paint and after washing, a black prime coat adhered well. Now these old skool boys are sporting the livery of the black legion and are ready to dominate in more games of space hulk and 40k.

No speed paints and very few washes were used. I used the fanatic black grey paints  and shaded them to highlights with those.

except the swords, I used that arkelian green to get that glowy dirty turquoise on the blades.

In the 90's I got these lads. four extra spikey terminators of chaos and the classic sculpt of Abaddon. 
Abaddon and his terminators were literally tossing my Leman Russ tanks off the game table. I picked them up at hobby shop for real cheap being used and white primed. This is the first time they have seen color beyond the chipped white prime coat. They have only been used in solo games where I found the best way to deal with Abbadon is to tie him up with a lot of ogryns or pull the tanks out of his reach and blast him to oblivion. Still he and his bodyguard deal an impressive amount of firepower on top of the tank wrecking melee capabilities. To this day ogryns trot faithfully behind my tank squadrons just incase  something like Abaddon appears.

Skulls and Spikes...big spikes!

so here is Abaddon with his extra spikey bodyguard. Not only do they serve as ablative armor for Abaddon, but they are combat monsters in their own right.

I am not sure if he is still allowed such a large force, but Abaddon and 10 terminators beaming down next to your squadron of tanks is still a bad day.
For some more stompy death, I have these mechs to get me on the board for my own sideduel of big stompy robots of death. Sander has definitely buried me again, but it is keeping me busy at painting up these mechs for  a first game of Battletech proper. I have no plans yet on an actual army, but plan to keep things calm and group the mechs in lances of four and try something different in paint schemes for each one. These are from the starter box game and feature the commando which for some reason was always given to my RPG character. I never took down another mech with it, but I could scamper and give suppressive fire for my team while they did the heavy lifting after my scouting.

I mimicked "real tree" by using browns and greys to paint their legs in branching stripes over a blue and white camouflage of cloudy winter sky. They cannot hide from radar,satellite, or infrared heat, but perhaps if they stand still in a winter forest they might be missed!

Moving on we have House Steiner Lyran Guards in a striking blue and white colour scheme. In the game, skill level of the mech pilots adds to the capabilities of the mech. I plan on a few more famous and infamous colored regiments to indicate the more skilled elite lances. The rifleman and warhammer are some of my favourite machines. 

expect more rifleman and warhammers as well as atlas and longbow mechs. I do have many mechs laying in the mountain of neglect and several are the mechs that I like most....even the commando that really isn't the best one available!

And another swath cleared from the desk to make room for more models needing attention,
8 battle tech warriors I will count for 40 points as they are like 28mm troops
11 chaos terminators for 55 points
20 points for Heresy
115 points cleared

Skulls holding skulls
I have now 8 stompy robots of death and am on the board in the side duel
for the skull tally
the old skool termies have 71 skulls on six models
the version 2 chaos spik-ey boys have 68 skulls with Abaddon bringing 26 himself...and trim so much gold trim!
139 new gold and bone domes for a new total of 280 skulls

David's last post for the week impressed with the old school metal termies and Mechs of yesteryear - warms the heart to see these classic models getting some love!

Sorry, but I'm obliged to score the Mechs as the 6mm vehicles that they are, for a total of 91 points

- Paul

1 comment:

  1. Some classic old metal in there I see! Very nice to see old castings getting some love!
