Tuesday, 4 March 2025

wrath DavidB(80 points)


Wrath is this stop for Circle of Hell, it is also a chance to clear more minis from the haphazard piles I have on my desk. To keep the post shorter, I will focus on a few miniatures for this entry. I tried to focus on just the phobios kill team, but somehow 30k white scars got added since I am incapable of focus.* this is why I won't do the squirrel duel as it is far too easy. It would be better to attempt a duel where i have to focus on one period, game, army! ;) 
White Scars can definitely be wrathful, however there is different measures of wrath. There is the shock and awe of artillery and bombing runs bringing wrath from the heavens.The wrath brought by whole legions of troops scouring all before them. There exists another wrath. When you also need to send a message that no matter what your opponent does, they cannot hide, they cannot prepare, all their defensives and armies are for naught as you can just send forth a small team to wreck them. A small team that is sent to kill a general or political leader, wreck a command site or radar station, maybe raid and destroy an important site. I have painted a Phobios strike team before for the Iron Snakes, but these are White Scars and will also give my 40k force Infiltrators and Incursors. Phobios kill teams can include reivers as well. This 10 man team lets me add two units of infiltrators and plus up the Incursors which will give my White Scars additional options in deployment before battle and close support for the outriders...when not lending options for a White scar kill team. 

A few basic troops. 

just bog standard infiltrators. I did use bare heads for most and added dags and splashes of red. Some of the White Scar bare heads for 30k were used. One of the marines above has the bare head from the storm-seer. I wanted them all to have a more special heroic look in kill team and even raided my bit box for additional marine decorations and medallions

an infiltrator commo troop as well as icursor sniper and another veteran specialist that can sub as a sgt in 40k games

a mechanicus trained demolitions troop and a medic

a signal specialist that can double as an infiltrator commo upgrade

The 30k praetor bare head was used for the Sgt. I went entirely the rule of cool for this killteam.

the praetor has an ornate mk3 suit while the stormseer has a newer mk6 suit of armor...and a snazzy staff.

I only was able to finish this praetor and storm-seer from 30k. In the Horus Heresy, the White Scars took Imperial guard tanks and led an all out blitz on the Lions Gate spaceport held by the Deathguard. Only a few Scars on other duties were left behind. It was a very wrathful charge. The lead Stormseer died unleashing his powers against traitor forces. speeders, bikes, and chapter thunderhawks and fighter craft did CAS runs letting the tanks, rhinos, and landraiders punch through defenses. The White Scars brought wrath to the Deathguard. They were fighting brining battle to their foe instead of hiding behind the walls of Terra. Jaghatai khan wanted to lead his marines in a charge to the foe and most including him thought they would die inflicting damage on the forces of Horus. Mortarion was banished to the warp as Jaghatai brought him down, but the great khan himself was brought near death in the duel. 
Traitor and loyalist alike felt the fall of their Primarch. The deathguard lost all hope and many despaired at the corrupted forms they had become. The White Scars went the other way. In their grief they fought in berserk, wrathful, fury. Only a terran born praetor was able to make them stop their pursuit of the despairing Deathguard. Jaghatai wasn't dead but very grievously wounded. In one wrathful charge, the White Scars achieved a sliver of hope for the besieged imperial forces but at a great cost.

two 30k heroes- 10 points and 4 skulls
ten 40k marines for 50 points and 34 skulls
20 points for wrath and new skull tally of 133

In a prolific week, this is the first of 4 seperate submissions from David this week. White Scars have always been cool despite them being a blatant copy of genocidal maniacs. Then again, they fit right in with the other happy-go-lucky denizens of grimdark universe

- Paul


  1. Always nice to see some 30k Characters Dave - well done.

  2. Great looking kill team.
