Tuesday, 4 March 2025

TomL, ACW, the Wise and Faithful (Points: 180)

Returning to my ACW project on the Unions side, I decided to try another variation of the base contrast colours. The Ultramarine was a touch too light (saved by the wash) but Pylar Glacial has horrible coverage with a single pass. I can see how this will be useful for a cold shade or a winter base but I returned to Briar Chill during the first base.  Anyway, here is the 5th NJ:



Continuing on in Paradise we visit the Fourth Sphere: The Wise. Here contemplative, sage, scholarly types contemplate reality, heaven & hell and how to correctly spell "Orc".  


This Scholarly version of JRRT was from Boarshead miniatures. Painted in Foundry acrylics and GW washes. My attempt at a vaguely green herringbone using washes was not very successful. Ah well. The pilgrimage through Paradise continues on to the Fifth Sphere: Warriors of Faith.

Father Pious, Brother Repentant and Reverend Alms

These Footsore Miniatures were painted with all Foundry Acrylics. Picture background are from Jon Hodgson's backdrop painting books.

Points for this week: 180

60 Union ACW 15mm figures @ 2 = 120

4 28MM figures @ 5 = 20

Wise & warriors of the Faith = 40


Your union troops look quite the business Tom, and the army is looking great! 

Footsore do make some lovely models don't they! always nice to see them painted up. Brother Repentant is resonates with all the Minions at this end of the Challenge! :-)

- Paul

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