Tuesday 2 February 2021

JamieM - 7TV minions and bystanders (90 pts)

Whilst rummaging through the lead pile, I happened upon some already undercoated and based figures that I must have got ready for a previous AHPC. So I decided to get them painted as a “quick win”. As ever, it took a lot longer than I thought it would, but I’m pleased they’re done.

These are one of the evil bands for the 7TV game from Crooked Dice.

These are the forces of the totally-not-evil corporation known as “United Radionics”. Led by the charismatic and completely benevolent Lancelot Cray, he has his bodyguard Lionel always by his side.

Standard jumpsuits and helmets for all of the minions, who stand ready to make sure that everyone has upgraded to the latest version of the United Radionics software and hardware, which is definitely not used for location tracking and stealing everyone’s data.

I’ve not played 7TV yet, but what with the stuff I painted in the last AHPC, I’ll be well placed once lockdown is done.

Next up are some bystanders/civilians for my super hero game, hence the change in basing.

These are metal reaper miniatures and made me smile. I see them as wargamers/RPG players, with the latest rules clutched under their arms.

The Gray chap is brilliant. I think he fits right in with his natty hat and suit..... perhaps he’s a scout? Or perhaps he likes human culture and so is trying to fit in?

18 28mm miniatures for 90 points overall.

Crooked Dice sell minions figures? Where did they get photos of all of us?...Oh, I see, minions as in lower-level henchmen of criminal masterminds...hang on a sec, if Curt is calling us his minions, that means he is a criminal mastermind. It also begs the question of who his higher-level henchmen are...

But I digress. Great work on these bods - a well deserved 90 points winging your way.



  1. These are great Jamie, love the bright blue jumpsuits on the minions. The RPG gamers are excellent too.

  2. Nice work. The Gray mini is very cool.

  3. Those look great, Jamie! I especially like the... "husky" gentleman with the ponytail and stained t-shirt :-D

  4. Great work Jamie. Always good to figures representing the many ethical corporations out there getting painted.

    Key question - which pro sports team(s)do/does "United Radionics" support or "sponsor"?

  5. Is the Betty Page pinup on the larger dude a transfer or hand painted? If the latter bravo on a great little piece of work!

    1. Hi Simon, very much a decal as I have almost zero freehand skills, but wanted to give one of them a slightly unsuitable t-shirt.

  6. These look great Jamie. I was just looking at my collection of 7TV/Crooked Dice figures and thinking that I need to get some of them painted.

  7. Wonderful work Jamie. Love the dog! (I know, I'm pathetic)

    Just to commiserate, I'm two weeks into a 'quick win' here...

  8. Crooked Dice do some great figures, top job on them 👍
    Regards KenR

  9. Great looking minions and wargamers!
    Best Iain

  10. Some excellent figures yet the bystanders are my favourites!
