Tuesday 12 March 2019

From RayR - Beneath the Lily Banners - 15mm Spanish Brigade (250 Points)

Back down to 15mm for my next Painting Challenge entry. I've been promising myself that I'd paint a Spanish brigade for my Beneath the  Lily Banners rules for a few years now. well 5 years to be exact, where'd that time go?? I bought a copy of The Spanish Armies of the League of Augsberg, here, after winning a competition which got the juices flowing.....

So here we are!

There are 4 units of infantry, 4 artillery pieces, a stand of Grenadiers and 3 commanders. All the figures are from Donnington, which are not my usual goto company for my NYW figures. I bought 98% of this on ebay for  a bargain price. Then had to top up a few bits and bobs. They are a little larger than Essex

A pic from the back

Tercio Sevilla or old Violet’s (Morados viejos)

Maestros de Campo : (1685) D. Thomas de los Cobos y Luna, (1695) D. Francisco Antonio Diaz Pimienta 

Tercio Cordova or old Green’s (Verdes viejos)

Maestros de Campo : (1682) D. Carlos de Eguia, (1691) D. Juan Vasquez de Acuña, (october 1694) D. Esteban de Olalla

Tercio Valladolid or old Yellow’s (Amarillos viejos)

Maestros de campo : (1677) D. Antonio Serrano, (1689) D. Pedro Tolesano y Velasco, (1695) D. Fernando Davila Bravo de Laguna.

Tercio de Aragon

Maestros de Campo : (1678-1691) Artal de Azlor, conde de Guara, (1692) Guillén Ramon de Moncada, marqués de Aytona, (1693) D. Geronimo Pérez de Nueros y Pueyo

1 Heavy, 2 Medium & 1 Light artillery piece

1 Base of Grenadiers

Governor General and Captain General of Flanders 03/01/1686-December 1691 D. Francisco Antonio de Agurto, Marqués de Gastañaga.

D. Juan Vasquez de Acuña

D. Pedro Tolesano y Velasco

Spanish flags are a right pain, there were a quite a number captured at various battles but we don't know which flag belongs to which regiment, with the exception of Tercio Aragon on the left. So I picked the ones I liked and added them to the regts. All flags are taken from the book previously mentioned, The Spanish Armies in the War of the League of Augsberg 1688-97 by Giancarlo Boeri, Josè Luis Mirecki and Josè Palau with Artwork by Robert Hall available from The Pike & Shot Society

So by my calculations, we have
4 x 21 figure units =  168
6 x Grenadiers = 12
12 x Artillerymen = 24
4 x Artillery pieces = 16
6 x Commanders = 24
For a total of 244 points!!

You have been a busy boy Ray. I don't know how you find the time?! It sounds like an interesting period, the big question is, when are the Rejects going to see this lot on the table in the shed-o-war? 

You're spot on with the points but there are also 4 flags which will get you some more points. And I'm throwing in a few more for impressing me with your output...I don't happen often folks, but now and again I am impressed! 


  1. Really nice work Ray. They look great against those buildings

  2. Lovely work in front of your nice new buildings, bargain army meets bargain terrain! Great work and really impressive output!
    Best Iain

  3. That's a great looking force Ray!


  4. Very impressive quality as well as quantity.

  5. Ow come on you old badger: those are NOT 15mm surely! How did you get the details and colours so good? Who did you hire to pant these? Great stuff mate!

  6. Great work Ray. What a cool setting.

  7. Lovely stuff and brings back fond memories of a Louis XIV army in 15mm that I painted many years ago using the old Hallmark figures.

    1. Blimey that must have dented your wallet Paul, they're very expensive figures.
