Sunday 31 December 2023

From Curt - School of Magic Heroes for 'Hametsu' (15 Points)


Hi All,

As several of you know, I like to have a LOT of things happening on my hobby desk, and this Challenge is no different! 

Last winter my good pal PhilH pointed me towards a new game coming out called 'Hametsu' from Black Site Studios. I looked into it further and thought it might be a good candidate for our group, being as it requires a fairly low figure count, has simple, fast moving rules, and seems chock-full of flashing katana character. 

I duly plunked down for the rulebook and have been very happy with my purchase. The rulebook is gorgeously produced, very high quality stuff and more importantly the rules are excellent as well. So I've been busy ever since, amassing 3d prints and getting things ready to churn out for the Challenge. In fact, I was so keen to try the game that I've hosted several sessions with my primed figures (clutches pearls!), and even have had a few online games with pals from away using Discord. It's been well-received so I'm eager to move forward and get some colour on these figures.

'Hametsu' is essentially a cooperative monster hunting game. It's set in feudal Japan, built around the premise that a cataclysm has created fissures in reality across the country, letting demons (Oni) through into the material world. The population has largely retreated into the relative safety of the cities, while the countryside has been overrun with roving bands of Oni and other nasty creatures. As a result, Japanese society has created bands of 'Hunters' to go out into the wilds and try to stem the tide of evil infesting the country. I know, it sounds very reminiscent to 'Rangers of Shadow' deep, but it has a mannered structure and groovy Boss fights that make it quite unique and compelling.

In the base game the heroes originate from three 'Schools' of martial prowess. They are The School of Magic, The School of Stealth and the School of Strength. Each of the Schools has three 'classes' or archetypes.

Today I have three 'classes' from the School of Magic: A Monk (close combat/healer), a Bunraku (necromancer) and a Onmyoji (mage).

The Monk is a metal figure from Otherworld Miniatures. Surprisingly, I found him to be sort of ropey, which is kind of weird as Otherworld stuff is usually so darn good, but I liked his minimalist pose and so stuck with him (so many of the 3d designs for monks are a little too Marvel for me, if you know what I mean). I'm happy I preserved as I quite like him now.

The Bunraku is a 3d print from Kyoshuneko Miniatures. I was smitten by the effect of her flaming ensorcelled hands (great word: 'ensorcelled'). (Although to be honest, the real character class can't actually cast fire, but don't mess with my jam...).

The Onmyoji is a print designed by Epic Miniatures. I was curious about the whole basket-helm thingy and found that these guys were (and still are) Komuso monks from a specific Zen Buddist sect. Originally descended from samurai, the basket is worn over the head as a symbol shunning one's sense of ego. Interesting. Following this train of logic, I suspect Sarah will suggest that I get my head measured for one...

I know, all this for 15 points. Yeeash...

In the future I plan to post figures from the other two Schools of Magic along with an assortment of the baddies that the heroes have to face and overcome. If I get especially fired up I may even get some terrain completed. Hold my beer.

Happy New Year Folks!!

- Curt


  1. Sublime painting Curt! And some very fun minis and a really cool looking set of rules. The art style reminds me a little of Mork Bjork, but with red not yellow. I'm now off to see if the rules are available in the EU!

    1. Thank you Ed. Yes, the rules do have a bit of a Mork Borg feel to them, though not as over-the-top. The shipping for the physical book can be a deferent, but there is a PDF available, I believe.

  2. I'm enjoying this resurgence of boutique indie games. I like the Komuso monk.

    1. Yes, I'm definitely having fun collecting these more outlier titles and giving them a go.

  3. Great figures and sounds like a great set of rules -- reminds me of the Okko band desinee which I am a great fan of and I believe have a game system around as well

    1. Thanks Simon. I looked up Okko and am now searching for the English translations through my local library. Thanks!

  4. They look absolutely smashing, lovely brushwork. And now I’m off to look up that set of rules, as I always seem to do when someone in the AHPC makes a new set of rules look fun!

    1. Thank you Jamie! I think you'd quite enjoy the rules. The cooperative, players vs Boss aspect is a fun mechanic.

  5. These are some beautiful models, I love the baskethead!

    1. Thank you Brian. Yes, the Komuso is my favourite of the batch as well.

  6. Your painting quality is outstanding, but what I admire the most is your ability to find and trod totally unexpected paths in the wargaming landscape

    1. Thank you Benito. I admit I am a gaming squirrel for sure. :)

  7. I’ve enjoyed our Hamatsu games, especially as I get to loot dead bodies before Sylvain for once. Great to see my flame wielding necromancer so nicely painted. Love her red pants and bow.

    1. Yes Peter, your Bunraku has had some good fun puppeteering, looting and generally foiling the plans of the Oni. :)

  8. Great looking characterful figures and sounds like a fun game!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! Yes, the game is a real hoot.

  9. Beautiful figures, as always

  10. Love seeing these "weird shit" projects of yours Curt, the figures themselves are often astounding and the painting is always top notch

    1. Kerry, I'm ALLLL about the 'weird shit'. ;)
      Glad you enjoy them!

  11. Super painting and photos as always Curt 👍

  12. Great work, especially the Bunraku. So many great 3d printed figures available now.

    1. Thanks Tom! Yes, the quality has really skyrocketed these past few years. There are private designers out now that easily eclipse many 'pro' production houses.

  13. Nice work mate. The flame effect is superb. Seems like there is a trend in skirmish game design for the rulebooks to look more and more like graphic novels...

    1. Cheers buddy. Absolutely on both fronts!

  14. Cracking end of year submission Curt. The brush work is brilliant and your description makes the game very appealing.

  15. Super stuff Curt, neat looking figures


  16. Cracking stuff! Black Site do some really interesting games. Go check out LUNAR! :-)

    1. They do a lot of neat designs. We're spoiled for choice!

  17. Great painting and appreciate the interesting intro to new set of rules ... like this part of the Challenge as always good to be inspired into new directions. Cheers Jez

  18. Great brushwork Curt! I look forward to our discussions wearing baskets on our heads...

    1. It will be an improvement over the lampshade...

  19. Excellent painting as always Curt, and a very interesting rule set. I look forward to seeing more painted for this game.

    1. Thanks Byron! I hope we can get in another game soon.

  20. Terrific figures, painted beautifully!

  21. Wow Curt you painting is beautiful, lots of brush work skills going on here it really brings these figures to life

  22. Lovely work, Curt.

    Those rules look interesting, too. I will have to take a look.
