Sunday 31 December 2023

From DaveS - Exploring the Congo - 70pts

 So, it's my first entry into the challenge this year.  I have set myself a very modest target this time, and my goal is to try and use the Challenge and the library to work my way through the "Pile of Potential" (or cupboard full of shame depending on whether the wife is listening)  To this end, I have decided that I will be trying very hard not to buy new models for this challenge.

The fates have already conspired to make the Challenge as hard as possible for me.  Whilst I was basecoating a pile of Battlemechs in grey, I noticed that the Airbrush trigger had gone weird.  Closer examination revealed that the bottom of the lever mechanism had broken off, rendering the brush inoperable until I can replace it.

So, faced with having to change plans very early, I reached into the drawers of potential, and came across the models of Lady Isobel Poppington's expedition.  I bought these for Congo by Studio Tomahawk a long time ago (Years........), and when I looked at the quality of the casting, I simply lost heart, and they got put in the drawer.  But since I am supposed to be reducing the pile of shame, I got them out and got going.

First up, I tackled the Bowmen (women?).  These were probably the cleanest of any of the casts, and were also really easy to paint, simply using citadel contrasts.  They aren't the best models that I have ever done, and the photos show up a LOT of issues, but at gaming ranges they look good enough.

Next were the two Bearers.  These models are again painted really simply with contrast paints.  Again, I am happy with the way they look for "tabletop use"

And finally, we have some Askaris.  These were also painted with contrasts in the same way as the others, and again I am happy with the results.

One consequence of finding these mixed in with a load of other "potential" in a drawer was that I managed to miss a number of the models in my first gathering.  What this means is that I have another Bowman, and Another Askari to paint for these units, as well as the rest of the expedition.

So this should count as 10x28mm models for 50 points, and I am also going to claim the overdue and returns bonus from the library since they should have been painted several years ago, making a grand total of 70 points to start me on my way.


Welcome back Dave!

While you may be a little uninspired by these models, I think they look excellent. I really like the contrasting yellow and the bases fit the theme perfectly. If I may ask, what Contrast colour did you use for their flesh? The results look great. 

Well done and Happy New Year!

- Curt


  1. These will look a treat on the tabletop! Well done on clearing out the pile/cupboard a little.

  2. I like the consistent colouring. What was the Contrast for the skin?

  3. Liking these a lot. Nice use of colours.

  4. Nice work, sometimes contrast paints do work don't they?

  5. Very effective painting work. I haven't used contrast painting techniques yet, but I'm currently researching driven by my gaming group (they've become fans).

  6. Great work on the skin tones!

  7. Interesting project ad great painting - looking forward to seeing more .... Cheers Jez T

  8. Great work Dave. The skin tones are excellent and set off by the clothing color. Well done.

  9. I've painted these before myself, they are just a fun paint and you've done a cracking job on them. Skin tones are perfect

  10. I really like the skin tones on these models too, well done
