Sunday 31 December 2023

From PeterB - First post - Back to old school Space Marines - History [70 Points]

Well hello there. It is great to back in the challenge once more. Christmas was super busy but I did finally manage to get some painting finished to sneak in a post before the year came to an end. (If I get this typed up and published in the next four hours, UK time anyway) So, Happy New Year to you all if you are reading this in 2024, well some of you it is already as I type!

So, for a bit of History. My first ever foray into painting toy soldiers was due to a free plastic Space Marine free on the cover of an issue of White Dwarf. This then led me to paint up a Blood Angels Space Marine army as my first full army. I have long since sold on and repainted it all. Recently I started painting up some second edition Orks and Grots to begin a nostalgic 2nd edition army based on the starter box set. I then felt I needed to add some Space Marines to the project to recreate the starter set experience.

I ordered a ten man tactical squad from Ebay described as "tabletop ready" although when they arrived they had only painted the fronts! Luckily I was planning on stripping them anyway and repainting as Blood Angels.

The first time I painted these I did add the transfers but I discovered flat transfers and curved shoulder pads were not a great combination. Over twenty years later and I have discovered the wonder that is Micro Set and Micro Sol and Lahmian Medium. Hopefully they won't go anywhere this time.

It could be a photo from an old White Dwarf!

I have also discovered Mephiston Red. The first time I painted these I used Blood Red which as some of you may know did not paint over black at all, Mephiston Red however has a really nice strong pigment, if black went anywhere it shouldn't, the red covered so well without having to add some white first. (Also I have learnt if you want a nice crisp yellow, pink first. I know right? Try it, trust me.)  

Yep, they have the leg transfer too

I tried to stick to some classic colour schemes and minimised any fancy highlighting to keep an old school look. I even painted the entire base Goblin Green (from Coat D'arms) against all instinct.

And yes, the backs are painted


Welcome back to the Challenge Peter!

I love these old school Blood Angels, especially with the fancy decals and Goblin Green bases. Take a little turn on the catwalk - they are ready for a nostalgic cover shot for White Dwarf! :)

Well done!

- Curt


  1. I love these classic miniatures. Goblin Green is great!

  2. Quality old school approach, love it

  3. Classic is never out of fashion... great painting work

  4. No school like the old school, very nice nostalgic hit!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Just don't try and work out how old they are. 😉

  5. Takes us all back a few years, nicely done classic figures

  6. Mmmmmmmmmm............. old skool goodness. Love em!

  7. Excellent old school marines. Great throw back Peter.

  8. Excellent Peter, I do like the early space marines


  9. Thanks Matt. They are a classic.
