Sunday 31 December 2023

From EdwardG - A New Year Napoleonic Opener (New Acquisitions - 25pts)

 Hi all, 

Happy New Year!!!! 

I hope everyone has had a good holidays. It's been impressive the amount of minis people have already painted! 

This year of the Challenge, my main focus will be on the British 3rd Division, in two different guises. But more on that in later submissions. 

To kick off, I've managed to get one of the side projects started, with my first mini for my Silver Bayonet crew. He's a French staff officer, who's role in the crew I'm not totally certain on yet. But he's a nice mini and painted up using mostly contrast paints and a few acrylics. 

I acquired this mini and his colleagues from a fellow wargamer here in Germany, via the Lead Adventure forum. He arrived in November and was the most recent purchase I made. 

The photos are all taken on my phone as currently I'm not able to make my little studio as I did last year! 

I would like to claim the following points:

28mm foot figure = 5pts

Challenge Library location = 20pts

Total = 25pts

Also I'd like to apply this as my first entry into the Napoleonic side duel 😀

Hope you all have a good slide into 2024!



Welcome back, Ed! It's great to have you back in the ranks for this year.

I love me a good bicorne, and this is a wonderful example atop a wonderfully colourful Napoleonic officer. I'm sure he will be a ferocious defender of humanity against the Dark Unknown, or will make a very elegant corpse for his efforts. Well done!

- Curt 


  1. Splendid looking Napoleonic entry!
    Best Iain

  2. You ain’t going to miss him on a battlefield !

  3. Great painting, love the basing too.

  4. nice figure do they do it in 6mm

  5. Lovely work. One should always look their best for a battle.

  6. He's quite the man! Great work.

  7. Excellent brush work Edward. Superb start.

  8. Great character ! Cheers Jez

  9. he looks ready to give some commands, nicely done

  10. Super cool, figure! Your basing is great!
