Sunday 31 December 2023

From AaronH - Star Wars Legion Rebel Commandos (Overdues and Returns) (105 pts)

For my first entry in the Challenge I'm submitting two units of Rebel Commandos for Star Wars Legion as well as three odds and sods. One is an officer, one is a rebel trooper with a shotgun who can upgrade a rebel trooper squad and the last is an additional rebel commando that I missed when I half painted the rest of that unit five years ago.

The blue commandos. You can tell they're the blue ones because they have a blue flower on the base.

These models have been sitting, primed, on a shelf for five year, which should get them in the Overdue and returns section. The only models that have ever seen the table are the commander and the sniper. The rebel snipers are pretty un-impressive so they fell out of use. Perhaps now that they're painted they'll perform better. (Narrator - they will not, in fact, perform better).

The squad has two upgrade options, the sniper and the saboteur with the mine. He's really bad.

The unit leader. Also female. She will not be using the cart, but rebels always have female troopers so there's unlimited options.

The unit leader is the key model in Star Wars Legion. Measurements for range, line of sight and movement are all done off of her.

These models are soft plastic. They are easy to assemble but soft and bendy. Atomic Mass Games has announced that they will be re-releasing all of the soft plastic models in hard plastic, which will be nice. Some of the sculpts are really showing their age.

The Mon Cal sniper is one of two aliens in the rebel unit.

The other alien in the unit.

The plants are plastic from Gamersgrass. they come in a sheet and you punch them out and shape them. They have a great variety and really add something special to the bases.

The second female in the unit.

You can just see her pony tail on the top right of her backpack.

The commandos have not seen a lot of play until recently. They are lackluster as a whole unit but can be taken as a sniper team of two models. This was their main purpose until ewoks dropped in the summer. All of a sudden whole unit of these became pretty viable. 

Almost the same as the dude above him, but not quite.

The same as the other group, only with red flowers.

With my rebels I decided not to paint the models differently to tell the units apart. I use different colored plants on the base to tell each unit apart.

These are the same as the blue unit, other than the plants, so I'll skip the close-ups.

These last three are another commando. I have a third unit but I had started them five years ago. Somehow I missed this one dude so he got painted first. 

They guy in the middle is an upgrade for the rebel troopers. I don't take them so he'll be unused, at least for Star Wars Legion, but Rhys likes troopers and he'll be useful in other Sci-fi games.

The last model is the rebel captain. He's a solid support character. Not flashy or kill-y but useful for buffing his units. I now have four of these painted. They can either be commanders in the game or be a unit upgrade that makes the unit they are in better.

That gives me 17 32mm models x 5 pts for 85 points
Overdue and Returns x 1 for 20 points

105 points total


First, welcome back to the Challenge Aaron!

Terrific work on these Rebel Commandos. I like the vibrant camo and the use of coloured flowers on the bases to denote the squad (I did something similar with my Russian Civil War stuff to try to keep it all straight on the tabletop). I also enjoyed reading your inference to the game's meta with the appearance of the ewoks making these troops more viable. I always find it fascinating how many modern games now can now easily tweak their rules, compositions, etc. during the game's lifespan - in fact they're designed that way. Cool. I hope that your fully painted sniper will buck the trend and give you joy. :)

- Curt


  1. Great work Aaron. Freshly painted skirmish troops will lead to a TPK

    1. Thanks Peter. Units do tend to die a lot. New or not. Rebels are made of squish.

  2. These look great, what a brilliant idea with the coloured plants.

    1. Thank you. I find myself gathering some wild colored tufts so I can pull this off on 6 or 8 different units.

  3. Lovely work Aaron! I like the plants and have already checked out their website. I have some Legion stuff in the pipe line too, I hope yours avoid the curse of the freshly painted unit!

    1. The more I work with their plants the more I like the way they look. They really shine on terrain or larger bases.

  4. These have such great potential for scenarios!

    1. They will definitely be getting some table time in Five Parsecs.

  5. Really nice, I like the uograde and the captain most. Shall we get ewoks next?

    1. Cheers. I have four boxes of ewoks, so they may make it out for the challenge. We'll see how far my mojo carries me.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. I have to admit, the kid in me loves having these Star Wars toy soldiers.

  7. Great work. I really must finish mine!

    1. Thanks Millsy. They are a pretty light lift.

  8. Excellent work Aaron. Hope the rebels perform well on the table for you.

    1. They are waiting for some friends before they get on the table, but their veteran cohorts are hitting the table in a tournament tomorrow.

  9. great entry Aaron, I've painted these myself and I think you've done a cracking job

  10. I like the exotic plants on the bases! Nice work!

    1. I'm always amazed at how a little extra base work elevates my pretty average paint jobs.

  11. Great work! Always nice to see some Star Wars love. The plants are suitably exotic.
