Saturday, 15 March 2025

From BrianC: Alternative Armies, Rumbleslam, Rum n Bones, and Zombicide (107pts)

 First, A BIG thanks to Minion Sylvain! Awesome host! I'm not that great of a miniature painter and that's ok. I paint minis to play the games. Another great year of being amazed with all the talented miniature painters in this challenge! Wow! This is my 2nd "season" of participating in the challenge and I LOVE it! 

Ok, here we go with what I have painted which is a bit of this and bit of that. In which is the normal for me. Ha! 

Alternative Armies 15mm Scorpion Scourge(10)

Alternative Armies 15mm Hover Support Wagon.

Alternative Armies 15mm Sphera Attack Orb

Next, is my last Old Glory 28mm "Redneck" Miniature to complete my group of four. Fun miniatures to paint and I look forward to getting them in some weird tabletop miniature games!

Here are some more Cool Mini or Not, Rum and Bones Pirates(8). I added base colors and used the Army Painter Speedpaints on top. That made the colors "pop" a little, I guess? I like them either way. Ha! 

I finished two more Rumbleslam miniatures and only have one more left to complete the team of five! Here we have the Grappler(orange shorts) and the Brawler(40mm).

Going Zombicide now! I have finished 2 Zombicide Invader miniatures. Magnus(35mm) and the Peacekeeper Bot(40mm).

Well, that wraps it up! I may have some entries for the "Free Fire."
Thank you again!

15mm x 10 = 20pts.
15mm vehicles x 2 = 16pts.
28mm x 10 = 50pts.
40mm x 3 = 21pts.

TOTAL = 107pts.

Sylvain: I'm glad you enjoyed the Challenge. You seem to opt for "fun" subject to paint, like cartoonish pirate characters or pro-wrestlers or a robot with 5 backpacks. And you do a great job at making them colorful. It's actually fun to watch your post :-). I hope you'll be with us again next year!

From FrederickC: More Polish 10th Motorized Brigade and a Circle of Paradise [The Inconstant] (195 Points)

There is less than a week to go now, so this may be my final submission, or possibly my penultimate, if I put my nose to the grindstone. This week I present some more troops for my 10th Polish Motorized Brigade, also known as 'The Black Brigade'. 

10th Polish Motorized Brigade

Ten of the figures are from a box of Warlord Games Polish Infantry Squad in Greatcoats that I bought last July at Historicon. After I got back home I decided I would rather have a fourth squad of Black Brigade motorized troops and did a bit of conversion work, carving away the gas mask bag and replacing it with a German style canister, and swapping out the heads that came with Polish helmets for spare German ones. The M35 helmet doesn't have quite the same profile as the M16 helmet, so I added 'ventilation horns' characteristic of the earlier helmet. 

The remaining 24 figures are 3D prints using an STL from MyMiniFactory of Polish motorcycle troops wearing the black leather coats that gave the formation the nickname of 'The Black Brigade'. I am generally pleased with the look of the prints, but again there are a few niggling errors - the bayonet looks more like a belt knife, being rather small and mounted too high, the profile of the helmet is off at the back, rising much like a Soviet helmet, and two of the figures have 'carrying straps to nowhere', running over the shoulder, but with nothing suspended from them like a haversack or gas mask canister.

All the figures were mounted on 25mm round bases, and some fine sand was added using PVA glue. They were then primed with Vallejo Black Surface Primer using an airbrush. Painting was done using Vallejo acrylics as follows: faces and hands - Flat Flesh; greatcoats and trousers - Green Brown; haversacks and equipment straps - Green Grey; gas mask canister - Luftwaffe Camo Green; helmets - Brown Violet; belts and ammo pouches - Flat Earth; rifle stocks - Beige Brown; rifle slings - Mahogany Brown; leather coats and metal weapons parts - German Grey; jackboots - Black, bayonets - Gungrey. When all was done, the figures got a coat of Army Painter Strong Tone Quick Shade. 


Polish motorized infantry squad (front)

Polish motorized infantry squad (side)

Polish motorized infantry squad (back)

Closeup of conversion work (gas mask canister)

Closeup of conversion work (ventilation horns added to helmet)

Polish motorcycle infantry Squad 1 (front)

Polish motorcycle infantry Squad 1 (back)

Polish motorcycle infantry Squad 2 (front)

Polish motorcycle infantry Squad 2 (side)

Since I got the dismounted motorcycle troops printed, I acquired another STL from the same designer for motorcycles with sidecars and the field car similar to what I painted up last year, but I haven't got them printed yet. A project for AHPC XVI?

The last figure for this post is an officer that came from the box of Wargames Atlantic French Infantry that I painted at the beginning of the challenge. Rather than paint him in Horizon Blue, I have done him in colours appropriate for May 1940. I am going to apply him to what will be my only Circle of Paradise of the Divine Comedy - The Inconstant - which is described in the theme guide as 'something which may try its best but often falls a bit short'. The French army in May 1940 had more men than the Germans, and more tanks, with better armour and firepower than most German tanks, yet when push came to shove, it crumbled in the face of 'Blitzkrieg'. The troops at the ground level fought hard, but the leadership at higher command seemed to be lacking. 

French Officer - May 1940 (front)

French Officer - May 1940 (back)

The points being claimed are as follows:

35 x 28mm foot figures @ 5 points = 175 points

1 x Circle of Paradise - The Inconstant = 20 points

 Thanks for stopping by. 

Sylvain: Another greatly educational and entertaining post from you, Frederick. Your production for this Challenge was stunning, again, and I am very curious to see the picture of your wrap up, next week. I hope I will be able to see you across the table this year. I plan on going to Brandon in May, and maybe you will be there. It was an honor and a privilege to be your minion this year.

From QuinnM: The lovers, the wise and the birds (90 points)

 For my last weekly post I have just a variety of things again. 

First, we have three Stormhawks from Stormcast Eternals. These guys were ever so slightly difficult to paint as they are on a long spring that if you hold them by the base constantly moves the model as you're painting it. So I just ended up dry brushing them with a variety of colors just to add some visual diversity if they ever get put on the table top. 

Next we have a singular lizard man from Warhammer underworlds. First time doing non-metallic metals. I'm quite happy with the final result and wanted for a more muted color palette. 

Then we have a centaur lady. As I'm writing this up, I'm too lazy to go check the rule book from Super Dungeon Explorer on what exactly her name is. I didn't do any fancy paint job on them as the models are not the highest of quality. And I have a fair number of monsters from this game to paint for a game I don't play regularly at all. I don't want to put too too much time into all the models.

Which leads us into one of the monsters from the game that I painted. This is a ancient owl wizard which I painted up for the theme of wisdom. Same reason for why I went with a More simplistic paint scheme in brighter colors. 

Then lastly we have Galen and Doralia Van Denst, a Witch Hunter father-daughter pair that I painted up for the themes of love. because what's more loving than charging into a horde of demons from hell with specifically enchanted weaponry to banish them back to once they came with your family watching your back.

6x32mmfootman@5points = 30 points

2x54mmfootman@10points = 20 points 

The Lovers 20 points 

The Wise 20 points

Total 84 points

Sylvain. What a lovely parting post. You offer a brilliant demonstration on how to adjust your palette to the subject you paint. Galen and Doralia are definitely from a grim and dark world while the characters from Super Dungeon Explorer immediately evoke a bright and colorful japanese-style anime universe. It was a pleasure to be your minion and I wish you a productive rest of the year.