Friday, 14 March 2025

From IanS: 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry (150 points)

Hi So for my second post this week we have my favourite era and scale 6mm Napoleonic Cavalry. All the figures are from Commission figures and are MDF. I have an itch that makes me look at a figure and ask the question how can i enharnce this, and so it is with these figures. I have found that adding pieces of kitchen brush for swords scabards and lances helps to bring these figures to life. I have in the past also added carbines and haybags but that was just a tad to far. so first up is a picture of what i am adding to these figures. Yes i have added a square of cardboard to the top of the shako to make a Czapka, never again!
So onto the painted guys. Two regiments of Chausseur a Cheval the 7th and 20th
The two regiments together
Next up is the 8th French Lancer regiment formerly the Vistula Lancers so Polish.
and rear view
So for the heavy guys we have the 14th Cuirassier (ex dutch Cuirassier)
again a rear view
Divisional commander
and finally the commander with the Cuirassier and Lancers
Points 147 6mm Cavalry figures at 1pt each = 147pts 150 points

Nice, Ian! Obviously, I especially appreciate you painting the 14th Cuirassiers ;-). However, I am quite impressed (and not a little bit frightened) by your conversion work on the Polish lancers. Wow, you are indeed a brave man! I am constantly amazed by how great these Commission MDF figures look when painted. In recognition of your hard work I'll round it up to make it 150 points. Well done!


From EdwardG: A quick bit of steel (80 points)

 Hej hej! 

I know two posts in a week is rather greedy, but I was blessed with an all day senior management meeting today! I had to step in for my boss last minute this morning, which I meant had to dial in but only actually present in for 15min! Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I quietly turned off my camera and grabbed these minis I had prepared on the table. 

These are again for Saga Age of Chivalry. They're a mercenary unit of heavily armoured knights which can come in very handy when facing an opponent who favours shooty type of troops. 

They're made straight from the Perry plastic set. I admit they were sprayed silver to speed up the painting process. I'm sure I could have given them a far fancier decoration, but time didn't allow and I'm happy with them as they are.  


8 x 28mm Mounted figures = 80pts

As these chaps were an unexpected boon, I'm not sure if I'll have another post before the challenge end. I hope to be lucky! 



Nothing wrong with a devious plan well executed... Even spray cans are allowed if they get you your toys on the table in a way you are satisfied with, and your knights in shiny armour look very okay to me! I'm sure they will be a useful addition to your Saga force, and for now they will indeed net you 80 points.


From PeterB: Blood Angel Terminators - The Angels (40 points)

Well, it was tight, but I managed to get to every location. Last week we left the Fixed Stars of Faith, Hope and Love. So, there is just one stop left, The Angels.

My first ever attempt at painting was a Space Marine that came free with the first issue of White Dwarf I ever bought. I only had my Dad's Humbrol gloss paints to do it and I am a little bit glad that I no longer have that model. I do have the magazine though, not the original copy, but a recent ebay bargain replacement.

Keen FW historians will know that this issue has the photo in it that I shared on the blog back in January as inspiration for my recent Blood Angel project.

I am still painting more of the vintage models I have for these Angels, so to finish off I have four Blood Angel Terminators. Three of which are armed with my favourite of all close combat weapons in the Warhammer universe, the lightning claws. (Snickety snick!)

There should be a fifth one for the squad but as I only have four painting handles I normally paint things in fours. I have not had time to finish number 5 as these were finished just five minutes ago. (Including still drying transfers.)

So, finishing off with a score.

Location 20 points
4 x 28mm infantry, 20 points

Total 40 points.

Oh PS, skull count. Those lovely lightning claws have loads of skulls on them.

Sergeant has 9 skulls.
Each other chap has 11 skulls.

Total skull count 42.

Congratulations on completing your Dante journey, Peter! These Blood Angels don't look very angelic to me with their menacing claws, but there you go. They are very well done though! Thanks for showing us all your fabulous work, and perhaps we will see the final Space Marine (or something else) in the final days of the Challenge? In the meantime, 40 more points for you.


(PS: don't forget to report your skulls to the Duels Wallah!)

From AdamW: Love is all around us (Faith, hope and Love) (30 points)

 My hat trick of Sphere entries this week is for the Fixed Stars of Faith, Hope and Love.

This 15mm scene is made up of figures I had bought a while ago from Donnington miniatures at Ancient and Modern Army supplies. So, again, it is another mini-project ticked off.

The scene fits the sphere in a few ways, but I see the loyal servant having 'Faith' his master will return safely from battle, The Knight having 'hope' that he will overcome the odds and win, and his faithful Irish Wolfhound 'loves' his master and awaits his return.

Points - As the hound is a part of the story I felt he must contribute a point, then we have the falcon with his hood on, so I thought I could combine the two to make one figure?

2 x15mm foot@2pts = 4pts
1 x 15mm mounted@4pts = 4pts
The Fixed stars bonus = 20pts

Total 28pts 30 points

Out with a bang, I say! Your final Friday circle is once again a gem, Adam. A lovely scene, well painted, and a nice explanatory story. I really hope to see more of these little vignettes next Challenge! Thanks for entertaining us with them, much appreciated.  I'll make it 30 points again.


From Mike W: 28mm Arthurian Infantry, Greenskins and others Skullz (278 Points)

This week sees me finish my last of my current supply of Arthurians  I'm already planning for a number of new units but I'm unlikely to get hold of these before the close of this year's challenge. 

Temporarily the last batch of Arthurian Infantry

The batch includes 10 close order Medium Infantry  all spear armed and including an officer, mustard standard Bearer with added cloak, these are all Gripping Beast Late Romans, with Victrix head swaps.

10 x Gripping Beast figures (with some head swaps) painted up with tan tunics, green trim and white/red shields. I need to look for some white/green white/blue transfers to get some more variety.

Rear rank brought to the front

Close-up on the command figures, not very clear in the photo but he standard bearer has had a Victrix cloak added, the musiciuan's horn is, I believe, from the Conquest Figures Norman set.

There are also 5 little guys with chainmail, including a standard Bearer, painted to join an earlier group of similarly painted guys to make up numbers of another unit.

Again these guys are all Gripping Beast with head swaps,
I still need to source a suitable transfer for the standard.

Again rear rank to the front!

Next to the Greenskins, 4 x bases of Snotlings, these are mostly old metal figures, though there is the odd plastic guy mixed in with them.

Completed Snotling bases, (with 8, 7, 7, & 6 figures on each)

They were undercoated black  with Goblin Green added as a base coat before being drybrushed with a light tan colour.

Close-up on the left of the unit, I wanted the skin tones to be significantly lighter than the Goblins and Orcs in my army, I'll now have to retro-fit this skin tone tyo my two Snotling Pump Wagon Crews - but that is for another time.....

Skin was then given a coat of Army Painter Ghillie Green, leather / cloth with Nazdreg Yellow and wood with Gore Grunta Fur. Metal was done in Leadbeltcher Silver before mouths, teeth and other details added.

I have scored them at 1 point each as they are all about 10mm tall.

And the right end of the line.

I have also painted up  two Bolt Chukkas to give some long range heavy support,  each with a crew of 3 goblins. These were old eBay purchases that have floundered in the loft for many years, finally ready for the tabletop.

Goblin Bold Chukka battery

Close up of one of the Bolt Chukkas

And the other one! Note skull on this weapon.

To this is added a few Goblin odds and end infantry that I dragged from the bits and spares boxes, to add to the ranks of existing units.

5 Goblin odds and ends, painted to fill out the ranks of exiting units that have had real life casualties (well 2 were broken and 3 went AWOL!)

Another view

And another

Finally for this week's Greenskins are 10 more Wolf Rider, having enjoyed painting last weeks unit, it was a simple decision to paint up another unit in the same vein.

Completed unit with 2 Skullz on the standard!

Another view

I tried to give this unit much darker wolves,
this was only partially successful as the drybrushing ended up lightening a number of these beasties.

Final view

SKULLZ                                                                           +3

15 x 28mm Arthurian Infantry @ 5 Pts ea                     75 Points
28 x Snotlings # 1 Pt ea                                                  28 Points
11 x Goblin Foot @ 5 Pts ea                                          55 Points
2 x Goblin Bolt Throwas (Artillery) @ 10 Points ea     20 Points
10 x Goblin Wolf Riders @ 10 Points ea                     100 Points

TOTAL                                                                          278 Points

A great final Friday post, Mike! It's good to see more of your ARthirians, tyhey look as good as the earlier ones. As do the wolf riders, you must have a veritable army of them now! The snotlings look good too, I have never quite grasped the concept but they are quite adorable. A rather respectable 278 points for you!


From AdamW: What did I do wrong? What do I see in him? (The contemplatives) (30 points)

 My second sphere entry this week is for the Contemplatives.  This one I, Ironically, spent a lot of time contemplating.  Until recently I was going to use one of the ACW general groups stood around the table contemplating the battle ahead.

I looked at the Sphere and found that it is 'Associated with contemplation and the souls of those who were contemplative in their earthly lives'.

So an alternative idea came to mind.  The below vignette features the unlucky(?) chap in the stocks contemplating what he has done wrong in life.

Whilst the two chaps pelt him with whatever they have in their hands, a lone female stands by watching. Maybe she is the wife of the man in the stocks, stood quietly contemplating what she did to deserve such an unlucky husband.

The chap in the stocks is from Donnington miniatures at Ancient and Modern Army supplies. The lady is a Peter pig model.  I think the other two are ships crew from Capitan Miniatures at Stonewall Figures.


4 x 15mm foot@2pts = 8pts
The contemplatives bonus = 20pts

Total 28pts 30 points

The Challenge theme this year has definitely inspired you, Adam! Another fabulous interpretation, a fun idea well executed. I really have loved your contributions, and this one is no exception. Let's round it off to 30 in honour of your creativity. Very well done!


From IanS: 15mm WW2 Japanese (122 points)

Dear All

It has been awhile since my first and only post so far and at last I have completed various entries, after 5 weeks of work place inspections have taken me away from painting. So its that thyme again sorry for the pun for the remaining Japanese figures for my Chain of Command 1943 Infantry Platoon. All figures are from Eureka and the flag from the Internet. First up is the 2nd Rifle section consisting of a junior leader indentified with rifle flag and two teams. The first being a four man LMG team and the second a nine man rifle team.
Next up is the 3rd Section which is the same make up us the 2nd.
This time a rear view of the rifle team.
The 4th section of this platoon is a Knee mortar section consisting of a junior leader and 3 four man teams each with a knee mortar. Junior leader
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Now on to the support options that you can pick for your platoon. I have tried to have a variety of support options which would potentially cover as many scenarios as possible. The MMG team with five figures including a junior lead with sword and binoculars.
The forward observer
ANti tank rifle two man team
Three man scout team
Three man Kamikaze tank killer team
Now we have the Platoon command team, in the new Far East chain of command book it has the platoon command as two officers, but Eureka do a very nice standard bearer and bugler so I have put two figures on each command base so first up is the second in command with the bugler.
and last but not least the man himself with standard bearer
59 15mm figures at 2pts each = 118 pts 
1 15mm crew served weapon = 2pts  4 points
Total = 120pts 122 points

A clear case of life getting in the way of the important stuff, he? However, it's good to see you back Ian. Let's hope you can do some catching up in the final days of the Challenge! You certainly have done a fine job with these Japanese soldiers on their herby bases (I missed the pun at first!). The flag bearer will be a nice focal point on your table, and I again like that little rifle flag too. You have miscalculated slightly according to the Spreadsheet of Doom, so 122 points for you!
