Thursday, 6 March 2025

From MattW: Chassuer Ardennais heavy weapons battalion (64 points)

 Chasseur Ardennais support elements MattW

A follow up on last weeks entry support elements for my Chasseur Ardennais. In the majority the figures are Early War Minatures, some battlefield/blitz and FAA. EWM artillery and Anti tank gun. Each Belgian Infantry regiment had three battalions of Infantry and one battalion of heavy weapons, this battalion was split into three support companies, this in turn was allocated to support the rifle battalions as required. 

Artillery and antitank 

Bofors mountain gun, cannon 75mm model 34 infantry support gun.

Fonderie Royale de Canons (FRC) 47mm anti tank gun coy 

A interesting development of this gun, it used the same carriage and trail as the 76 FRC canon. The Chassuer Ardennais carried two barrels on their vehicle the 47mm anti tank and the 76mm IG on the Vickers carrier or Alvis Straussler Hefty so they could be swapped out as required. 

Fonderie Royale de Canons (FRC) 76mm mortar gun coy 

Medium machine gun coy 

Maxim 1908 MMG

Colt 1914 MMG 

2x 20mm guns @ 10 points 20 points 
12x 20mm crew @ 4 points = 48 points 
Total 68 points 


TeemuL: 20mm guns are only 8 points, but otherwise your math is right. Some nice firepower for Belgian infantry, should help fighting back the invaders. I very much like your basing, too, it creates a nice backdrop for the gun crews. The green berets look cool, I guess they were actually used at that time?

From MartinC: Further into Zululand. I sense we are being watched. (225 points)

Another week and the sense of unease increases. Luckily we have bought a lot of stuff, with reinforcements also being sent for

1st up the 60th rifles in their distinctive green uniforms

Continuing the units not in redcoats. The Naval Brigade

With the artillery in need of transport there are 6 limbers, ordered some more drivers - oddly the best figures for this are WW2 german wagon drivers. I also need to paint the artillery

All armies need supplies and mine has 10 ox carts, more drivers needed.  Never make 200 individual meanie bags and glue them in the back of 10 wagons. Just a tip for sanity

The most unusual units were the rocket batteries and mule pack horses 

3 gatling guns

Finally 5 hippos to disrupt river crossings

Scores on the doors

16 x 10mm vehicles = 96
61 x 10mm infantry = 61
9 x 10mm crewed guns = 29
24 x 10mm gun crew = 24
12 pack mules = 12
5 hippos = 5

Total = 203

TeemuL: I'll take your sanity tip and try to remember it! Your maths a bit off, I get 225 in total, which puts you nicely over your target. The question remains, two weeks left, how much more you will get?

These look great again, and hippos are a nice addition. I heard the Zulus are getting stronger and stronger, the British are happy to see some much needed reinforcements and equipments.

From GrahameH: Spanish Reconquista 15mm Legio Heroica and Modern French Foreign Legion (666 points)

As mentioned in my last posted I had decided to start an Impetus army after listening to the brilliant interview of of Lorenzo Sartori on the Yarkshire Gamers Podcast (a second plug for you Ken, not that you probably need it). 

Sartori is the Italian author of the Impetus rule set, and as I was struggling to decide what to paint next, listening to the interview was rather fortuitous. Hence a Impetus army made by an Italian figure manufacturer. 

The army however, is Spanish so the theme seemed to die off a bit here. All the figures are 15mm Legio Heroica, sadly it would seem no longer in production after the passing of the owner. The mounted units are made up of 9 mounted figures and the infantry 16. 

The Spanish Reconquista Army 

Its a smallish army consisting of 10 mounted units and 6 infantry. 

The Generals 

One C-in-C and two sub generals (28pts)

Two Hildalgos Units (Basically mounted Knights) (72pts) 

Two more Hildalgos Units (72pts)

Two more Hildalgos Units (72pts)

The Last Two Hildalgos Units (72pts)

Two Andalusian Cavalry Units (72pts)

Two Heavy Spear Infantry (64pts) 

Four Units of Medium Spear (128pts)

I have added Spanish shields to these as they figures are from the Crusade Range and they came with kite and round shields. 

Slingers (10pts)

A small army totalling 590 pts 

French Foreign Legion (FFL).

Yet again, Peter Pig tempted me with a discount voucher just before the challenge. Having no will power whatsoever I purchased some Modern French Foreign Legion figures. Then realised I would need some transport for them. So, while the Reconquistas bases were drying I painted the vehicles below.

These are six 15mm VBMR Griffon (3D printed but I can't remember by whom) 48pts

And one AMX 10 (8pts)

FFL points 56pts 

Total Post = 646pts 

(Remember the Labels this time - sorry I missed them on the last post) Edit: I added your name to the labels. :D

TeemuL: It is a wonder! Me, Grahame and Spreadsheet all agree on the total points of this entry, woohoo! And what else can we expect from Grahame, than army and more in one post. :) Great brushwork once again and lots of details on shields and banners (be they freehand, sculpted and/or transfers) which will grant you some bonus points. Very nice and colourful units in your Spanish army and your modern vehicles look spot on, too. I believe you are struggling to figure out what to (buy and) paint for the last two weeks of the Challenge? Any good discounts in sight?

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow -2 x French 6pdrs (72 points)

And yet again, its more from my Retreat from Moscow project.
But this time its a little different. Here we have 2 6pdr French artillery pieces, with 5 crew each.

Which is a bit of a bugger coz, Perry's sell them as 1 gun plus 4 infantry, but in Sharpe Practice there should be 5 artillery men.....sigh, more expense.

So I bought a pack of  Hired Help from Perry's to add the extra 2 figures I needed. 

I was going to paint both crew in blue, but thought some nice brown coats would look cool, also just looking at the figures I forgot to paint the red trim around the chaps cap on the left.....damn it!!!

French artillerymen in greatcoats, a very rare figure, I couldn't find many companies that sell a range like Perry's ones.

Myself and Lee, thought these bases would look nice for the artillery, we've 2 bases of each size, and the good thing is I've already got a stack of French Napoleonic artillery in various sizes, so can swap these over whenever, also I might buy some other nationality artillerymen as well, perhaps some Pole, it depends on who sell them in great coats, but I could always get the guillotine out again??

Next up.....more of the same, but this time in blue and a bigger base. I suppose these could be used for the larger guns?

Not sure about standing in front of the gun though???

Looks a little dangerous to me?

I think the bases really make the pieces look great, I will probably add a few barrels and stuff to them at a later date. The smaller base can be bought here. for £1.75 and the larger one, here for £2
What a bargain!

Points are pretty easy

10 x 25mm figures 50pts
2 x 6pder artillery 20pts

Making a total of 70 pts!

TeemuL: Let's continue on the well trodden paths of Thursday and some excellent minis from Ray. Yes, it seems to be a dangerous position, standing in the front of the gun, but of course someone needs to load those things... Even though you didn't ask, I'll give you couple of bonus points for the well thought basing solution for these (and other) guns and crews! Keep them coming, Lee is surely waiting more targets. :)