Tuesday, 25 March 2025

DavidB Volume(s) of stuff done!

Another Challenge has come to a close. I did not make my point total, but I did succeed in learning new tricks. I try to pick an aspect each season or new hobby tool and add to the knowledge of our hobby.
I really, really dislike painting terrain and vicks. I would much rather paint scores of infantry than one tank or building and I am quite infamous in my group for having tables full of primed and half painted terrain as well as vehicles in which some are still  naked plastic. This season was full on paint as many Vicks as I could and to keep me at it, I watched lots of videos on painting rust and weathering. I am still a noob, but with my weathering efforts it wasn't quite a hard task to paint all the vicks.
A dilapidated tank and a lego marine to start.
Warcry terrain and a band of Corvus Cabal for Adepticon.

A flock of swooping hawks and scouts for 40k( after a summer bath of simple green)
More Carnevale and another War Cry band.
House Steiner hits the table after 30 plus years of neglect 
A whole bunch of rusted trucks and terrain with new scifi minis from blackout.
Some more White Scars for 30 and 40k
another truck scaled up for necromunda with space dwarves
old school termies and house steiner mechs
An entire motor pool now in need of troops not even purchased yet. At this point I blasted through them all and decided good enough until decals and final weathering after two days of painting.
House Kurita got some trucks and are all set to face Steiner in 5150 star Army
A small group for pulp and interwar games
Two lances of mechs for house kurita.
Then I was volun-told to take overtime the last day of the challenge and had to leave the above 90% completed.
I needed these trucks for Adepticon and  my goliath Blue Blood gang
3D prints scaled up for Necromundia and I finished the windows after the challenge.
My goliaths suffer from a lack of long range weapons, so I completed the final details on these after the challenge and just completed the optics and goggles today.
A zone mortalis plate for necromunda 3D printed and needed for a capture the base objective. The logo in the center is the Blue Bloods house goliath symbol
Then some boxfly space shuttles for stargrave made from thingiverse and Mr Graves 

I really like the look of them and they do resemble cyberpunk dump trunks

The green and white colors of Waste Management  is intentional!

Like the truck they needed the glass completed. We were going to do stargrave, but decided to wait for a gaming day after Adepticon. The crews still need lots of work done like maybe another day worth, so I will finish them after Adepticon.
That is everything with all mostly-done at the end now completed. Real life intruded a little much, for me and others this year. It was still a wonderful slog here I even if I did not comment much because of other responsibilities, it was grand seeing all the eye candy and effort from everyone! I am unplugging from the internet and family drama as soon as I head out the door today. My nephews and sisters are assisting with my mother and watching my step father's property now. Splashing paint is completed, brushes are clean and now dice are packed. I will be bopping around Adepticon in hawaiian shirts and veteran hoodies...look for the Iraq-Afghanistan veteran ball cap!

Seems my hair is no longer the dark native tresses of my youth!

From MartijnN: Challenge XV wrap up

 Well, that's it then. Spring is well and truly upon us, and another Challenge is over. I have made my donation to Artsen zonder Grenzen/ Médecins sans fontières so all that is left is to oversee the carnage.

I had a very slow start this year, slower even than is my custom. I did not feel too well, after a singularly dank and gloomy December, and painting felt like a struggle. Also, I must confess that at first I did not really know what to think of the Dante theme. However, as always the inspiring of work of my fellow Challengers, you fine folks, soon altered that. I was (and still am) amazed by the fantastic work you lot put out and in, and not least by the creative and sometimes quite hilarious ways you tackled Dante's world. What a great theme after all, and what fun and fabulous stories have been told about human vices and paradise. I enjoyed it immensely, and after a slow start I was quite productive in the end. Contrary to expectations, I easily reached my (admittedly rather modest) target, and even almost reached a 1000 points. Also, I painted mostly 28mm figures this year, although I mostly usually paint smaller scale miniatures. And I had a blast. I am very pleased to have finished my Saracen warband for Saga (on to the Crusaders now!), and I made good progress with the ASOIAF starter set. And what is more, I have not lost my painting mojo and have been working on some models started before the Challenge. And even have completed some 😉.

Thanks to Curt and Sarah for once again organizing a great Challenge! And to my fellow minions and Masters of Duels, especially Sarah for putting up with me as my minion! Thanks to you, my fellow Challengers, for sharing your fantastic and inspiring work an your great companionship with me, and for your encouraging and supportive comments. Much appreciated, all of them. 

Finally, thanks to this year's Friday Crew. You were a fantastic bunch, and I immensely enjoyed minioning your contributions and interacting with you. Great job, all! 

For those who reached their targets, well done indeed. And for those who didn't, I hope you enjoyed yourselves anyway, and remember, there's always next Challenge!

See you all in December!

Martijn (Emjenic)

KenR - A Yarkshire Gamer Round Up Challenge XV


There used to be a game show in the UK called Bullseye 🎯  a knowledge / darts based quiz and at the end of the show, if you lost the host would say "look what you could have won" (usually something totally impractical like a speedboat ) well above is what you could have won if I'd got the end of the Challenge right 😆 I always use 00.01 as one minute past midnight so I convinced myself that 12.01 am was midnight on the 20th so I went to bed with these three ships to finish off the next day and submit with a few hours spare. Imagine my surprise when I woke up and the Challenge was over !

So the centre piece of the Challenge never made it, here's a look at HMS Warspite a 1/700 scale monster, it's what you could have won 🏆 😉 

I've divided the Challenge entries that I did get in, into wet and dry. Here is the dry bit, I had intended to make a dent in my 28mm Napoleonic Project but only managed a couple of units, a French Foot Battery and a Prussian Fusilier Battalion. I also managed a couple of units of Spanish Heavy Cavalry for my Italian Wars collection.

The wet bit was a bit more successful and I managed (with the late comers) to get all bar one ship done for my Narvik Project. Other than the Warspite, there are 5 German Destroyers, 3 British H Class, 2 Tribal, 2 F Class and a solitary K Class Destroyer for the Royal Navy.

So it was quite a positive Challenge in terms of getting the Narvik Project done but I was a long way short of my target and loosing 200 points by getting the end if the Challenge wrong didn't help either 😆

Thanks once again to Curt for organising this wonderful yearly event, thanks to Teemu, my Minion (and all the others), hopefully see you all again next year, unless of course you tune into the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast in which case, see you next week 😀