The D&D cleric went through some sort of warp gate and ended up in a grim dark world, far in the future, where there is only war... The truth is that I ran out of prepared and primed D&D figurines to work on and it's still too cold outside to spray primer. But I found in my "to do" boxes these nice "Tao" bikes lying around that JeremyM gifted me some time ago and I thought it was time to finish them.
These 3D printed minis are from cults3d and I don't recall there was ever an "official" speed bike model for the faction of the "Greater Good". So these are not canon but their look contributes to the "greater cool" (1.5 on the DJS (Dad Joke Scale)).
I can't wait for JeremyM to organize another Grim Dark game in his garage. I will send these bikes zipping around the battlefield and watch them die too soon in a fiery ball of fire traveling way above the speed limit...
I used the same color pattern that I adopted for my Tau army 9 years ago. I thought that the Citadel "Liche Purple" I used back then was supposed to be the exact same color, but somehow the purple on these newly painted models turned out a lot darker. A different batch? The effect of time? Anyway, they look similar enough and they will all be firing at a same enemies.
There are two patterns of speed bikes. The one below looks more in line with the design of models currently offered by GW(tm). However, I prefer the pattern above with a big gun at the front and the head of the rider barely showing above the "hood". It says: "speed" all over the design.
Points claimed:
5 x 28mm "mounted" figurines at 10 points each = 50 points
Total = 50 points
Thanks for reading!
Brilliant stuff Sylvain. I hear you on GW's paints...I have experienced on a number of occasions how the same paint looks different when coming out of different bottles. I have often wished I could kick the GW paints to the curb for many reasons, but the fact remains they are the simplest and easiest to access in terms of supply...and my OCD compels me to consistency, even though some @sshole accountant at GW will surely tell them to slightly alter any paint formula if it can save five cents...
I have had occasion to try "Grim Dark" and it is indeed great(er good) fun! I am sure these fellows will zoom into some manner of entertaining oblivion on the table for you! Good hunting!