Saturday, 22 March 2025

From FrederickC - AHPC XV Rounds Complete!

It is hard to believe that Spring is finally here, and yet it seems like the Solstice  was only a few weeks ago rather than three months. This is my fourth year of active participation, and I am very happy to finish in fourth place in the standings. I want to thank Curt and his crew of Minions for organizing and running the painting challenge, especially my Saturday Minion, Sylvain. I also want to thank all those who left comments on my posts (in no particular order - JamieM, SAS Wargames, TomC, Peter Brian, Teemu Laaksonen, MartinC, peter, DaveV, Adam, Bluewillow, caveadsum1471, Curt, Tom L, BruceR, Greg B, RichardM, Ray Roussell, Barks, Millsy, Norber, valleyboy, Emjenic, Dave D, Sander, Dallas, Peter Douglas, Robert Herrick, SimonG, JP, david bromley, Geoff T, Moiterei_1984).

With the removal of terrain from the scoring, I had to do some quick hunting through the storage boxes to find some old projects that were ready to go, so this year was a mix of new figures acquired in the latter half of 2024 and figures that have been in the 'Pending' basket for decades. I have always found the challenge to be very useful in getting me to stop ignoring those miniatures that have long been sitting around waiting for some paint to be applied. I am already looking at some other long forgotten projects to get ready for next year.

For my collection of Second World War figures I painted 48 French, 38 Sikhs and Punjabis, 34 Poles, 28 Germans, 8 Soviets, and 1 Italian, along with twenty-four motorcycles, four armoured cars, two machine guns, and two mortars. All of these were new acquisitions, most of them being 3D prints.


Soviets, Germans, Sikhs, Punjabis & an Italian, French, & Poles

For my collection of First World War figures I painted 34 French, 32 Germans, and 30 Canadians with two machine guns. The French were new, but the Germans and Canadians have been around for at least two decades.


French, Canadians, & Germans


The rest of the challenge projects were a real mixed bag from Historical to Fantasy to Old West consisting of 112 American Civil War Union and Confederate cavalry in 15mm, 49 Númenóreans, 21 Old West gunslingers, 20 Roman gladiators, 4 Star Wars characters, and 2 theme related miniatures.The oldest were the ACW cavalry from 30 years ago, followed by the Númenóreans which were patiently waiting for only 15 years. The rest were new acquisitions from 2024.


A rather eclectic collection.

 My congratulations to all the other participants. Whether you made your target, or not, you all put paint to minis, and that's what it's all about. Now that the pressure of painting has passed, I can go back and read all the posts I missed. My best to all, and we will see you again in about 9 months for AHPC XVI. 

The mandatory self-portrait

MattW- This is the Way - Completed AHPC XV

 This is the way XV complete

Another painting challenge over, I tried to focus this year on three projects, two had great success the other I got bored with. I did paint few other bits Roman’s, aircraft and Napoleonics. 

20mm Belgians, really happy with my progress I achieved 

Then my Greeks, got fed up with them too part way through…. Lots more to do this year to complete the army. 

Stalled American airborne, I really failed here to complete some, all 60 figs required was basing, anyway they should be done soonish after I get back from Oz. A few other 20mm pieces also

 Roman bits, several pieces not photographed as they have been packed away already. A clean painting desk for a day before I crack on with some napoleonics this week. 

I actually completed several more units but failed to take photos last week. as I was organising flights to Australia, rugby in Paris, hangover, then my birthday party, hangover….  Posted them on  the last day but alas too late. 

All the best to everyone this year, I am still renovating the chateau and hopefully the new Warganes room renovation goes well along with my new office and library. 


From DaveD - The what I did post

 So ends what feels like a really productive challenge for me this year . My 14th consecutive. I may be getting an old hand at this now I guess . So it’s the round up - or being roundly whipped - who knows until the duels wallah publishes. 

I usually have a winter season painting plan that I work to. I don’t usually play in the bonus round spaces unless it fits my own painting plans . Likewise I had terrain planned for production first this year and decided I would just leave it in the schedules. 

I expected to be a bit more varied in output but I found I ended up focussed on two main projects  . Both of these are now fully game ready . I have enjoyed doing both of them .

Project 1 the 15mm winter of 44/5 in the Ardennes .

I am fortunate to have a permanent hobby space and games table so I decided to leave my Ardennes winter table up over the season and just add to it . Overall 90% of this has been completed this year . 


Also needed to add in some Nuns .

I played a first game against MartinC a few weeks ago on the table. The winter set up is being packed up today for a game at the local group tomorrow .

Project 2 is the 10mm Zulus . 1000+ of em! If you look hard enough you might just see Bromhead supervising in the pictures above me . These have seen action already against MartinCs Imperials .


5 weeks to do a 1000 Zulus wasn’t bad at all 


In addition I also completed part of my on going French Guard commission for mad friend Gerry with 4 of his 100 man battalion’s completed .

And a little top up for my Necromunda Van Saar gang The Derr-Flinggers

I missed out on the annual banter with Millsy this year. It will be back in due course . I beat MartinC in the points tally - “oh dear , have sad, never mind” 

1970s cultural reference.Battery Sergeant Major  from “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” . Martin is about as tall as Lofty 🤣

Projects that didn’t get any love this year are seasoning in the “to do” pile . ;-
More ‘Nam , 28mm SAS Rogue Heroes , 28mm Pacific islands , Necromunda , 28mm North West Frontier , 10mm AWI , 10mm ACW , 15mm WW2  . Not like there won’t be plenty of choice next time 

Once again it’s thanks to the behind the scenes crew of Curt and Sarah . Teemu for being an excellent minion . Miles for the spreadsheet of doom. And Ray for not breaking it .Peter for being the duels wallah 

Until next time - Huzzah! 

SimonG: The Closing Wrap for AHPC XV

Doesn't it seem like yesterday that we were all starting out on the painting challenge once again, and now it's all over! 

The Author of All My Mistakes!

Well for me life unfortunately threw me a few curves and my challenge target soon vanished into the distance. Nevertheless I'm quite pleased with what I have been able to do, specifically

  1. Actually managing to finish a project -- my Cold War Gone hot 1980s USSR vs BAOR, although I've now gone and ordered some air support so not sure anything is ever really finished
  2. Continuing work on my ongoing Jewish Revolt and Cathar Crusade Impetus armies in 28mm and 15mm respectively
  3. Completing my two 28mm vignettes for the Witch of the Westmorland, which now are displayed in our living room (first time my wife has given me this honour!)

So it only remains to thank Teemu and all of the, highly productive unlike me, Thursday crew. Also thanks to everyone who commented on my posts -- every comment was really appreciated -- and to all of the other minions for keeping us all on track. And finally of course to Curt and Sarah for hosting us all once again.

I'm already planning for the next one and will this time be more realistic in my aspirations. I'll also endeavour to make some painting progress between challenges but more importantly I'm very excited to be bringing my Temple Mount from AHPC XIII to the table for the first time next week so I look forward to reporting back on how that went.

Until next time wishing you all the best!  Simon