Tuesday, 18 March 2025

From SanderS: "I am Gregarius IV!" (50 points)


One last Gregarius post as Greg has mightily inspired me to paint up one of my two units of Braganza's Besiegers for my Dogs of War Army. You can gaze at the magnificence of Greg's figures HERE

If you hadn't noticed by now I am a major Old World fan, have been since starting out in the hobby and soooo glad the Old World is back. As said elsewhere I have 3 factions I am building armies for (Dwarfs, Bretonnia and the Empire) but I have divided my Empire army in two separate projects: my Middenheim army (which is the vanilla army) and my Lustria themed Dogs of War, mostly featuring Conquistadore/ Italian Renaissance like figures. This unit belongs to the latter army.

While Greg chose to go with the Old Skool "official" GW colourscheme; he nailed the armour way better than the 'Eavy Metal team did back then. Now I want my force, at the least the guys wearing heavy armour, to have dark metal armour which I think is more brooding. 

I also knew I didn't want to depict Braganza's Besiegers themselves and thus had to deviate from the "canon" shield designs, a short Pinterest search came up with these awesome designs which I mostly painted on by hand, there are indeed some decals on there (mostly the animals) and these are from GW and a Roman Republican transfer sheet I had kicking around for my 1:72 troops. They work really well to get in that Italian Renaissance look I find.

The banners are still in the mail on their way over here, but I will make sure to post them here when they arrive and are fitted to the figures!

Points wise 10 figures in 28mm are good for another 50 points and I might yet have one more entry left to post later on... 


Wonderful to see another Regiment of Renown get some love during the challenge Sander! You've done a great job with them and your diverse pavisse designs really make then pop - great stuff!

- Paul

From DavidB: House Kurita (300 points)


So now we are in the waning days of the Challenge. I was lucky enough to get a couple more days at the brushes and am back at home for the next couple of days attempting to clear my desk of everything begun this challenge. Thank you all for the well wishes and although my step dad lived out in the styx, It has been a lot of wonderful eye candy this season, and also Thank You for the well wishes. I deal best with adversity by keeping busy and this bunch of goodies kept me busy today.

Up first are a couple of cars that are 3D printed. I used two different color shift metallics to paint the sedans one a green to red and the other a green to gold.....they both look the same-ish metallic green in photos, but they do look fantastic and sparkly in person. They are destined to be used as table dressing in cyberpunk, 5150, stargrave, and any other future not quite grim dark. There will be more sedans and trucks to try out more turbodork paints.

The pimped up plum and a cool metallic deep blue for the trucks, trim was done in fantatic paint metallics.

I used contrast paints for the glass and smoothed out the hues and added visual pop with lighter hue fanatic paints.

The original files are 6mm, but on a whim I scaled them up to 28mm size and can say the detail is absolutely incredible.

This is one of the first 28mm trucks I printed up and it was a learning curve in figuring out the kits and parts needed. I will blame exuberance in the haphazard files. I spent most of November printing scores of trucks and seemed to have to add additional parts to other truck models just to get all the wheels and other bits needed...and figuring out supports and organizing the build plate.

The barrels are 3D prints too

I found this and thought to use it as a GSC truck, but it was very small as even a goblin would have a hard time fitting into the door. I scaled up the model and when made larger it has provided a good AC for my genestealer cults force....after I get a gun for it.

It is still a nice design and looks appropriate for recon duties

from the scifi truck kit I bought, I had files for trailers and made this radar/command trailer for my battletech infantry games as a good terrain and objective piece.

a nice yellow flashing strobe light to warm the radar is in use and handy screens for intel accesible without entering the trailer.

the trailer has a potent air filtration and AC to keep all those keyboard warriors and computers inside functioning.

I did House Steiner earlier and now I have a platoon of Kurita troops to fight them.

I also have some structures to add later to the vicks which will be used as stage dressing for now.

I even finished up a trailer for the grey trucks painted earlier.

I used the fanatic desaturated greens for the fatigues and warm browns for the body armor on these troops.

The rankers are all in the same pose, but I think I might be able to find some more Ral Partha battletech minis to add to the ones I have painted now.

Two opposing platoons are fine for some quick skirmish games in 5150.

The kurita platoon leader  has a platoon sgt, two machine gun teams and his driver/aide/coffee bearer/grenadier.

It is wonderful to have them all painted now and I am glad I had them for the providence of how well the match the trucks which gives them purpose for upcoming games

Up first is a portion of the starter box set. A lance of medium and heavies with a madcat providing fire support and a light mech for recon.

I painted them in the bright red of Kurita Sword of light. They will be elite pilots as only good troops can succeed in mechs painted in "look at me" colors....like a huge robot on a battlefield is hard to notice!

and finally we have a command lance for which may become part of my first "army"
I based them on the merc company "filthy lucre" and like the dusty look with kurita red spot color.

an archer missile boat backs up the formidable marauder with a couple of recon light mechs.
I like the campaign rules more than the one off battles as a Marauder or Atlas would be a considerable drain on resources and difficult to repair or replace whereas the lowly Commando or urbanmech can be easier to field and replace. For all their faults, at least Catalyst games made a decent game and also easier to gather some decent mechs for battle, the classic metal models are quite difficult to source for cheap.

well that is it for this bunch, and a few more miniatures from the pile to paint.
so six 28mm vicks and a radar/HQ trailer for 140 points
24 28mm infantry for 120 points
2 heavy machine gun teams for 20 points
and 8 mechs for 16 points
296 points
also since I only got 16 stompy robots.....I will have to wait for a new season and cleanup of the bots that are still printing even now! good job Sander in a marvelous horde of mechs!

TeemuL: That is a huge amount of painted minis, David! The cars look great, I'd like to see them live and see the color shifts, but the regularly painted cars anyway excellent. I like your military vehicles, too. The Kurita troops are a bit monotonous, but you can't help it. And finally the mechs nicely round up your entry, filling your round table quite well. I'll round up your points to 300, the mechs are worth more points in my opinion.

From BrianC A Roman and a couple royal mice (55pts)

Ok. Here's a very brief entry to get me to my goal of 1000 points. Yay! I have three miniatures from Reaper Bones(Ugh!) plastic miniatures and a Warlord Games Roman miniature. I hope these will qualify for Dante's Paradise Circle. Let's do this!

Here we have Reaper Miniatures Mouslings King and Princess. This will be my entry for The Lovers(platonic) Circle. The bond between a Father and Daughter is very special. I know I have 2 daughters myself. We (Dads) will do anything to protect and guide our girls to become strong,  responsible, independent, and compassionate women.

Next, I have the ambitious Roman soldier, Tiberius, who has risen to the ranks of Pilus prior: A centurion in command of the first-century of the cohort. Now he has his eyes on the First Spear(Primus Pilus). I'm sure he will weasel his way to the top, maybe a drop of poison in a certain person's drink? I know I watch too many movies! Ha! 


Alrighty! To the points!

28mm x 3 = 15pts.
2 Dante's Circles (The Lovers & The Ambitious) = 40pts.
TOTAL = 55pts
Congratulations on getting to the 1000 point mark Brian! A massive undertaking for most humans (not those freaks at the top of the ladder but they are, by their own admission, far from normal!). 
Well done!
- Paul

From DallasE: 15mm Battlefront Israeli M113 Zeldas for the Yom Kippur War (50 points)

Continuing the new "Israelis in '73" project, here is a box of Battlefront M113s. These are literally the stock M113s the BF sell for every other army, with some Israeli crew and a set of Israeli decals stuck in the box. Now I'm not complaining, these are super little models, but they do need some work to be Israeli Zeldas - and I did some of that work, but not all of it.

The defining feature of the Israeli M113 in period had to be the gypsy-caravan look with tons of stowage. Battlefront used to sell specific "Israeli stowage" packs but these aren't available anywhere in their current sales chaos. I also couldn't find any on eBay or the other usual places. So I had to order some 15mm stowage from Redog. Pretty good stuff but took a long time to get here. 

I stuck a LOT of stowage on these vehicles but did not build the racks that the Israelis equipped these vehicles with. I figured this was OK given the small scale.

HOWEVER... what I didn't do was scratch-build the special exhaust pipes that the Israelis equipped their M113s with. You'd see it in the picture here - they extended from the exhaust on the right top of the vehicle, and down the side. Try as I might I haven't been able to determine the exact rationale for the modification. I presume that the exhaust mod was done to address the problem of the exhaust being right in front of the "family hatch" on the top - but Conscript Hugh had extensive experience riding in M113s in the '80s and didn't recall any excessive exhaust coming into the troop compartment. Maybe in the Middle East the heat combined with exhaust presented a particular problem. Anyway the special BF stowage kits came with modded exhausts and I would have loved to have those bits. Oh well. 

For crew I used the dudes supplied in the box. You get four guys with MGs firing from the hatch, two guys yelling, and a couple sets of crews for more modern M113 weapons, AT missiles or something - not relevant for 1973. It was kinda tricky to get these figures settled in the hatch, but I ended up putting a blob of greenstuff on the vehicle floor and sticking the models' feet into that.

I think the models look pretty cool with crew hanging out of the hatch.

I did build one without any crew though. For this one I cut up some spare MGs and stuck them to the vehicle deck.

The BF decal set is great, and includes a bunch of the Israeli vehicle ID tags, one of which is seen just above the chevron.

I really like these models. Now I have to get to the IDF infantry which I ordered from Khurasan, and is sitting at my parcel service in North Dakota. Not anxious to go to the USA right now but I will have to get down there soon as I have a ton of parcels waiting.


4x 15mm vehicles (8 each) = 32 points

6x 15mm crew (2 each) = 12 points

3x 15mm half-crew (1 each) = 3 points

Total = 47 points 


Cracking additions to your Israeli Force Dallas! The extra attention paid to crew and their inevitable mountain of "gubbinz" has really paid off and gives them a realistic 'lived in' look. Again your subtle chipping and shading on the bodywork nails 'the look' - great stuff! Take a few extra points for the extra conversions

- Paul