Monday, 10 March 2025

From KerryT: "Oh what a night"....Victrix Medieval Knights (180 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

Well, with the sun shining late this afternoon there's a chance that the PVA will dry and allow me to finish this entry.

I've tried to stay on track this week by completing more cavalry, this time Medieval but somewhat generic.

Victrix Knights

I've mentioned in a previous post that I've wandered somewhat aimlessly through the Medieval period, starting off by painting figures for the Barons War and will end up eventually with the War of the Roses.

Along the way there'll be Welsh and Scottish units to battle the English who'll also scrap with the French. I suppose the main focus will on the Hundred Years War, particularly early on.

Therefore needing a quantity of mounted knights and well before I bought my resin printer I bought some of the plastic medieval knights sold by Victrix. At the time I really wasn't sure what I was going to do with them and also bought the available shield transfers.

The figures really are very nice and give a good sense of the movement in a charge and there are lots of variations with 6 charging horse types

I put them together ages ago, well before the challenge and had undercoated them black as I would normally do. The shield transfers though need a white background and a subsequent second undercoat in white followed. Unfortunately this needed to be repeated in several coats and has left me with the feeling that I have spent ages painting these.

Not being a great modeler I found the process of cutting and applying the transfers a little difficult and tedious which took away some enjoyment of completing these figures

This coupled with the need to match the horse type to the individual matching transfers and also to the horses' caparison further constrained the freedom to do what I had wanted

There's a nice mix of heraldry in the designs

On reflection now I think if I bought more I'd probably paint the riders before mounting them and probably also paint the underside of the horses and the inside of the caparisons before mounting them on bottle tops for ease of access.

Unfortunately some of the gloss on the transfers shines through, I'll have to do something about that

Attempting to ride down some Scottish painted earlier in the challenge

Hold, hold, hold

That all sounds more negative that I indented it to sound, don't get me wrong these are lovely figures and superb value for a box of 18. Because they're a tiny bit bigger than other ranges I felt it best to mount 3 of them on bases with a depth of 8cms rather than my usual 6 x6. This is something I would certainly consider again as it does give them a better line of charge effect.

Here are a few pictures that show the various transfers and unfortunately in these pictures you can see the hurried paint jobs on some of these!

I'm not sure that I'll buy any more of these even though I do like them, I'll see how I get on with - I think the rush of painting and basing them has detracted a little from the usual enjoyment. Perhaps I should give them another try, without rushing this time and maybe aim for particular individual or named heraldic shields

Thank you once again for looking

In Summary then

18 x 28mm mounted knights @ 10 points -= 180 points

1 Squirrel

90 can opener side challenge points


From Millsy:

Brilliant work Kerry!

There's something so very engaging about a group of charging knights, especially when they are each painted differently. It accentuates the sense of dynamism when you can pick out each miniature so clearly and see the flowing caparisons on the horses and the matching tabards on the knights.

No wonder your were wondering at the effort required last week when you mentioned these were undercoated black. The brightness of the colours must have taken a LOT of work but the results speak for themselves.

180 points added to your tally mate.


From RichardM: More Egyptian Infantry and Mahdist camels and cavalry (435 points)

For this week’s efforts I’ve done the remaining two battalions of Egyptian Infantry that I bought in my initial order from Pendraken - the decision to get more will be put off until later this year.   I’ve also turned back to the Mahdists with the debut of their camels and more light cavalry.

Firstly the Egyptians and not much more to say about them.

Then we have 45 Mahdist camels and riders.  I have done 15 of these with the colour patched jibbah and the rest in plain clothing.  

The plain clothed ones.

And those with coloured patched jibbahs.

And finally 60 more light cavalry. Again, I have done 30 of these in patched coloured jibbahs and the rest in plain clothing.  Firstly the patched ones.

The plain ones.

And another shot of the patched ones

Once again all are Pendraken and the flags have come through the generosity of a gentleman on the Colonial Wars FB group who put them up for anyone to use.

Points for this lot are:

Two battalions of Egyptian Infantry - 120 figures = 120 points
Camels - 45 camels at 3 points each = 135 points
Light Horse - 60 mounted at 3 points each = 180 points

Total is 435 points

From Millsy:

OK, your win Richard. I'm absolutely fresh out of superlatives to describe your 10mm colonial work. You can read any of my previous minion commentary and everything I've said to date would apply here as well and then some.

Simply smashing and it's a privilege to minion your stuff mate.


From StephenS: Vampires and Death Robots (Heresy and Violence) (85 points)


Two entries today to keep the points ticking away as we edge towards the finish line.

My entry for the Sixth Circle are two German Nachtjager from Warlord Games for their Konflikt '47 game. German scientists have merged the DNA of reptiles, bats and alligators with 'volunteers' to produce these horrific creations. A process that is probably contrary to more orthodox views of what is proper in war and science, and thus, heresy! The end result is these two fine 25mm metal sculpts. I haven't played Konflikt '47 for a number of years, but a search in a drawer for something else uncovered these, and I thought they fitted the theme nicely.

My entry for the Seventh Circle is an elite group of combat droids programmed for maximum destruction, perfect for the theme of violence. They are Dark Troopers and were some of the big baddies in the Star Wars: The Madalorian TV series. These are 32 mm plastic figures from Atomic Mass Games, for their Star Wars: Legion game, though they are quite big and are more in line with some of the 40 mm figures I paint.

Both were reasonably quick to paint up, separated by an inconveniently timed week-long school camp, and involved more dry brushing than I normally indulge in. All up that should be 9 x 25-32mm figures and two bonus locations for 85 points.


From Millsy:

LOL! I think I have a Konflikt of interest (see what I did there?). I've painted these exact same two sets of miniatures, and in the case of the Dark Troopers we were painting them at the same time unbeknownst to each other. Clearly you're also a man of taste and discernment sir!

Like The Addams Family vs. The Muntsers (look up the timing) you can't have enough of a good thing and I very much like your interpretation of the dark metal. Mine is less obviously highlighted and I think yours will read better on the table.

Well done Steve, a cracking way to earn yourself 85 points.


From JohnS: Nine To Cross The Line (45 points) + 9 Skullz


For this year's Challenge I set out to do my whole stated points goal by painting Slaughterloo figures only, and with no Bonus points. These nine Preserovitch's Dismounted Zombie Cavalry push me past my 500 point goal. Huzzah!

These are the first Alternative Armies resin figures I have painted and I must say it was quite challenging. The surfaces are quite chalky and even with a heavy undercoat they didn't like the SpeedPaint type colours too much. And the mold lines are just about impossible to remove. I may stick to the metals in the future.

The colour scheme was heavily inspired by the examples on the Alternative Armies website and even had me mixing my own custom colours of the high flow pigments.

All in all, I was happy to get them done and achieve my self imposed target. I think I will finish off the 15th AHPC by a bit of "bonus round" painting of historicals. I have a motley crew of Normans and Early Crusaders prepped that will let me finish a couple of units for To The Strongest.

There is some truth to the rumour that I will keep painting until the whistle blows in case AlanD drops a closing hours Points Bomb. Must defeat Alan, it will be the first challenge that I have achieved this completely personal side duel!

 9 x 28mm Infantry @ 5pts ea = 45 points

9 Skullz too! (There's a little gold one on the front of each helmet)

From Millsy:

Congrats on reaching your points total John, and in fine style as well!

Despite your trials with the resin and speed paint I think you've done them proud. The subtle difference in the tones of the green for their skin vs. the coats is well done indeed and the helmets are something else altogether!

45 glorious points!


From KerryT: "Some of my favourite things"- Polish Winged Hussars (60 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

I am sure as wargamers we all have our favourite units, those  figures that called to us from their place in those early magazines in our formative years. For me, there were so many, though I suspect that I'm not alone in experiencing that siren call.

The problem was that there just wasn't one unit or type, they were multiple, and they left an indelible mark in your psyche. O how  I longed to see my table replete with ranks of massed charging Napoleonic cavalry, the massive gun battery and the thin red line. Then there were the ordered ranks of Roman legionaries, large blocks of Landsknecht, the gaudy Gendarmes and slashing Samurai. Through time came their modern counterparts in the Sd.Kfz.234 or Puma and the M3 Stewart or maybe even a Tiger....... I could go on...and on and...

Somewhat oddly now I find myself thinking about Julie Andrews ! What have Julie Andrews and wargaming in common then? Nothing I think is my answer!

Growing up, I was probably too young to think of Julie Andrews as a bit of totty but a song she once sung comes to mind!

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things"
Nah, Mrs JA, I'm afraid that's all sentimental bollocks😀

What about Polish Winged Hussars then eh? Why aren't they on your list? This is where I confess that theses are one of my favourite things and so on my list

I'm really not sure why but it probably was a picture in early editions of Miniature Wargames and Wargames illustrated, perhaps these
Wargames Illustrated 1986

Miniature Wargames 1983

Somewhat inexplicably then I found myself painting a few of these again

TAG Polish Winged Hussars completed years ago

Those 6 figures were completed probably more than 10 years ago in one of the Lead Adventure Painting Challenges, I forget which one

They've now been joined by another 6 figures, newly painted and based today

Another new 6 figures will make up the unit size now

Most of the old unit had 2 wings, these only have one

Some figures are sculpted with animal skin cloaks

Hand painting those lance pennants took me all morning!

Lots of bling and a Tiger skin

These guys are so fearless they'll even charge a wall

This is the end result of doing too much thinking lately with retirement approaching (a mere 3 weeks away). I know that I need to rationalise my collection. So what have I done? added another 6 figures to the unit to make them up to a 12 strong unit. This is going to go one of 2 ways now - I'm either going to stick with my plan of painting them up and selling them off in an attempt to make my hobby spending neutral or something bad will happen - yeah, I'll buy more and start another project. Hmm I do like the idea of an Ottoman army! Siege of Vienna anyone?

I'm sure you all know its hard work being a butterfly with a short attention span, after all I was just thinking... "oh look shiny"....

The full twelve now

I summary then just 6 figures though making and painting those lance pennants took a morning and consequently I'm well behind schedule though hope, by the grace of Millsy to sneak another entry in later tis evening!

6 x 28mm Mounted figures @ 10 points = 60 points
1 Squirrel

With apologies to Julie Andrews

Many thanks


From Millsy:

Polish Winged Hussars are one of those things a lot of wargamers have considered painting at some point. Most of us either sober up or take our meds, recover and get on with our lives. Just occasionally though, just every once in a while, you see someone who takes the other road and dives joyfully into the deep end.

Amazing work mate, just wonderful. I know it was a lot to get done in a week but you're to be congratulated! 60 points seems a paltry return but them's the breaks!

Now sit quietly while I call you an ambulance. There's a good chap!


From Barks: More 40K (136 points)

Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures. Starting with some 'nids:

10 termagants

6 genestealers. I really dislike these particular sculpts.
Full of moldlines and soft detail, and hard to parse what is what.

Next we have some more sneaky specialist marines, to round off the lads I did a few weeks ago:


Comms dude

Heroic commander

These next troops are Reivers, specialising in behind-the-lines terror with their signature Crocodile Dundee blades, skull helms, and anti-grav backpack vanes that I'm sure will snap off. I used 3D printed pauldrons- and I don't actually like them. They lack the charm of the hand-painted ones.

5 Reivers. I do like their dynamic posing.

Sergeant denoted by helmet stripe

So, 16x 28mm tyranids: 80 points

8 x big marines: 56 points

Can-opener +56 points

Skulls +20 (total 38)

I'll see if I can get a small amount more done before the end.

From Millsy:

More glorious 40K for me to drool over thanks mate!

I totally agree re these genestealer sculpts but unfortunately there's not a huge choice on offer so we have to make do. They look great regardless and will still terrorise your enemies I've no doubt.

I'm not sure how being bright yellow and eight feet tall qualifies as "sneaky", especially given how much electromagnetic radiation these guys must give off! Whatever else they may or may not be they're superbly painted and a reminder I must try your yellow recipe.

136 points added to your score Barks. Can you get to 1000 be Challenge end or will "reasons" prevail?
