Monday, 8 December 2014

From AdamC - Man of Honour in a Den of Thieves (20 points)

So we need to have a good Anti-Hero of Rogue to supply to Curt as our entry fee and here is mine.

This is DGS Games figure for their Freeblades game.  I have not played the game (though I am looking forward to trying it at Totalcon this year) but since seeing them for the first time last February I have been a big fan of the figures.  This is the Duelist a member of the Black Rose faction who acts a body guard to the faction leader.  I like these figures because the out fits and poses are realistic and the costuming is very practical. That reverse grip on the long sword isn't one I would choose but its held in a manner that clearly suggest the figure is doing something not just trying to look cool (sorry, I am a trained fencer and these things matter to me).

He's a trained swordsman and gentleman forced to flee into a life of banditry but despite his situation he attempts live and fight as an honourable man.

I am sorry to say I don't have more background as the Black Rose portion of the DGS website is down but I would encourage every one to check these guys out.  This will be on its way to you soon Curt!

Game stats if anyone cares for them are above.  This is a 32mm scale figure so I will guess he is worth 6 points. (half way between 28 and 40?)

From Curt:
Lovely work Adam, thank you very much. I too like his posing - very mannered, like some sort of formally trained Bravo or Duellist. I was reading about the Freeblades rules and am quite intrigued as I often like tiered-dice skirmish systems. Rules aside, this fellow needs a suitable name to be considered a proper antihero. Should we open it up to the mob? People, what should we call this fellow? Perhaps something like 'Destrezos'?
Thanks again Adam. As this fellow is my 'Curtgeld' he is worth 20 points. 


  1. That's a nice figure, well done

  2. I agree, if you have been trained to fight with a sword why hold it like that. Other then that minor quibble. I do like the figure in realistic clothing and he does cut quite the dash. Nice one mate.

    1. It is an odd hand position but at leas he looks controlled a balanced not flashy the figure suggest to me that he knows what he is doing even if I don't.

  3. Well done on choosing such a cool and fitting figure for the entrance fee (I have to admit to struggling with my choice). The natural colouring of the clothes work well with the character's identity, and much kudos for giving the miniature red hair ('cos we all know redheads are the best! ;).

    As to the positioning of the hand on the sword, maybe the move they're executing is a stunning blow using the pommel? An uppercut to the face or jaw or the opponent, the shorter blade can then be used to deliver the killing blow, perhaps?

    I think Curt's suggestion of opening the naming up to the public sounds a really cool idea, and has inspired me to get my "Curtgeld" miniature painted up, so it can be offered up to the "mob" for naming, too.

    1. a pommel strike is about the only possible offensive move from that position, so it is possible that is his intention. Perhaps trying to take a prisoner for ransomed rather than kill.

  4. OK so I love the Idea of having people give this fellow a name. Reply below with your suggestions! We'll keep it open until say 12/15 then I will post the suggested names on my blog for voting. (Curtis let me know f this works for you)

    1. Roy - because:

      The derivation is from the word rey or roi, meaning a king or chief, and in medieval times was used as a nickname either for one who behaved in a regal fashion, or who had earned the title in some contest of skill. It also appears in Scottish Gaelic, from the word ruadh, meaning red.

      So Roy the Red, the Man of Honour in a Den of Thieves, is just so obvious [he says, tongue in cheek]. And it does sound very nice, too!

    2. Roy the Red... I would call that solid first offering, Roy ;)

    3. Sounds like a great idea Adam. I look forward to discovering who this man of mystery is. :)

    4. We have three entries so far including your suggestion Curt.

  5. I need to look for a proper figure, because this one is very nice and interesting.

  6. Thank you all for your compliments

  7. Nice. Got the entry fee out of the way and 20 points on the board.

  8. Thanks for turning me on to Freeblades--I hadn't heard of it before. My vote goes for "Roy" as well, incidentally.

  9. Lovely painted figure!

