Wednesday, 17 December 2014

From JuanM - SCW Gun Team, Captain Grant and Italian MG Crewman (32 Points)

I´m here, on Wednesday, with my second entry. The Challenge is becoming really hard really early, and there are fantastic entries here, so I´m looking around my painting cave to find interesting models. In the meantime, I have found ANOTHER period/project...

1.- This is an MMG team for the Spanish Civil War, part of an International Brigades force for "Chain of Command" I´m painting to a customer. This team needs another figure, but I'm painting some surplus riflemen, so no problem with the five model crews. The figures are from Musketeer Miniatures and Empress Miniatures, sculpted by Paul Hicks, my favourite sculptor.

2.- Captain Grant, a new figure I have painted from Pulp Figures. Again, a very solid and good figure with a lot of character.

Here he is with his "sons", a work party from his crew (all of them have been painted previously). He is going to sail with an US Scientific Expedition to the mysterious Japanese South Pacific Mandate; there is something wrong there...

3.- And finally, a busy Italian MG crew member for the British Somaliland campaign. This is a very nice figure from Empress Miniatures; fantastic and much, much, much better than the North Africa Italians from Perry Miniatures I have been painting for a time.

I´m now very busy painting figures for the next entry (next week; it has been a great idea this of the assigned day, Curt). I expect to test some very good AK Interactive paints with the volunteer that can be seen in the background...


From Curt:
Beautiful work Juan! I love the HMG team, particularly the black gunner - you've managed to achieve a wonderful skin tone for him. Captain Grant looks to be a solid chap and his crew a capable bunch so we wish them all the best on their upcoming South Pacific adventure. 
These six figures will give Juan a base of 30 points, but I'm adding a couple more for the HMG as I know how fiddly they can be to work with.  Well done!


  1. Excellent work on all the figures. Nice one Juan. Love the SCW team.

  2. Great looking figures, the HMG team is very nice! My eye keeps getting drawn to that ghoulish figure lurking in the background too!

  3. Curt's right, that African skin tone is gorgeous! Wonderful looking brushwork Juan. I'd hate to have to pick a favourite from amongst this lot...

    1. The african skin is from a Foundry triad. Thank you for your kind words.

  4. Absolutely stunning! Captain Grant and the Italian chap already are great figures but the MMG team still beats them. Marvelous brushwork all round.

    1. Thank you very much. I like a lot the MMG team too.

  5. stunning work!
    love the fabulous HMG team !

    No pasaran!

  6. Fabulous Juan. You take the lead ;-)

  7. Superb. Really good work. Cheers

  8. Juan. Focus.. Focus .. Focus! New projects... Mind the Captain is great , I want one .lovely stuff as ever

    1. Yes, I had a bit of focus until I received some very good Pulp period figures...

  9. The international MMG team belongs in a museum; that is the absolute best.

  10. That MMG team is stellar! The brushwork, the composition, the basing is gorgeous.

    And I am so thrilled to see those Pulp figures so beautifully done.
    What a fantastic entry!

    1. Thank you very much, madam. I´m awaiting your own Pulp figures; you are a source of inspiration.

    2. I've got my Gangsters on the painting table. I fear they will not match what you have done here though.

    3. Your treating of the Colour is wonderful so your gangsters are going to be fantastic, I´m sure.

  11. Great work Juan! Really nicely painted and based.

    1. Thank you very much. I´m very happy with the basing way I have found despite this is a bit long to finish.

  12. Interesting and well done,


  13. Fantastic work all around. I'll have to check out that Foundry triad, as I have plans (eventually) to do some darker-skinned figures. Great entry!

    1. This is a very good triad, but I´m going to test also the "Flesh" painting set from AK Interactive.

  14. These look great Juan - beautiful work.

  15. These all look fantastic, but I have to say that the Captain and his 'sons' are (just!) my favourites - great figures and top-notch painting leave them just oozing character. Wonderful work.

    1. Thank you very much. The figures from "Pulp Figures" are very good to paint them.

  16. Nicely done,Juan! The skin tones are exceptional!

    1. Thank you a lot, my friend. I paint the skins with Foundry triads, mixing them a bit.

  17. Gorgeous work Juan, especially the machine gun base.
