Wednesday, 28 January 2015

From MartinC - 'and now for something completely different...' (80 points)

Firstly a confession. I don't really like Monty Python. To the 20% who now hate me sorry, but to the 80% who like their comedy to be less bloody smug, you know who you are, there is no shame in admitting it.

Anyway back to the point. Having basically finished the ACW, even I was getting bored of the same layouts on the photos, I purchased loads of figs over Christmas. These are the 1st I've painted up and they are 8 Mtd Carolingian Warriors by Gripping Beast. They were a bargain in the North Star sale (£9 I think) even with the massive hands.

They are OK and helped me to tweak with the flesh shading, still a little orange but picking out cheek bones and noses works well, lighting on photo still dodgy though, Shields are obviously hand done and I quite like a couple of them. I've also just noticed that the horse above is missing an eye.

Overall they are a little rushed as I like to start and finish a unit in a couple of days (note to self paint smaller units). Moving forward I'm going to slow down my rate to improve further and play with the painting styles. I want to tweak my style to better incorporate the things I've learnt and try to emulate some of the cool things done by others. At the moment I still paint solid blocks of colour and then shade later. Want to play with washes to build up the colour, at moment I only do this on the legs of bay horses.


  1. Nice. Always great to see a Dark Age saga bunch here. Good job on the shield designs. cheers

    1. thanks, really need to sort out the photography though

  2. Nice figures Martin and great work on the shields :)

    1. cheers, good to change to something completely different

  3. They look very good, Martin! I like the sheilds very much! Probably my favorite bit about our hobby is seeing what others paint and how they do it. But I really love just splashing the color on and seeing where it goes! ;)

    1. ta. It is good just to play about with paint. Not a great opportunity with the ACW but with dark ages you can almost do what you will

  4. Lovely shields. And I agree with you about Monty Python.

    1. Ta. Sometimes at work they have a video and curry night and it is a battle to make sure they don't so the Life of Brian.

  5. For me Python was always meh! But when I was at school there was no way to admit that without being set apon and ending up in a fight! These really have come out very well indeed. Very nicely done.

  6. Like has been said, like those shields and eight in a week that's great going especially as they look so good


    1. Ta, problem was it was 8 in 2 evenings. Need to slow down to get better then get faster

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks, want to get to a style somewhere between me now and you now. Give me 10 years

  8. Nice brushwork Martin. The swirly shield is a cracker. It reminds me of boiled sweets... :-)
