Monday 28 February 2022

AdamC yacht to Arrakis (95 points(=)

So the start of the challenge had me digging through the pile and discovering I had very few Female miniatures. I did find a few that would suit...

My daughter coopted one of them. When your daughter beggs you to paint soldier with you you don't argue.

This is work in progress. I'll update it if we get it done.

This is a reaper priestess who will be good for Frostgrave or other fantasy games.

Bones figures are a bit soft on details but she'll do as priestess or wizard for Frostgrave, Dragon Rampant or Saga age of magic.  

Now 10 Arab bowmen from Essex.  I plan to use these for Saga and possibly Lion/Dragon Rampant.

I tried to use a variety yellows, browns and grey's for their main clothing. 

Then I went with a variety of brighter colors for their turbans and scarfs.

Points all the figures at 25mm 5 for the priestess and 10 for the the yacht. 50 points  for the bowmen plus another 20 for the planner.That comes to 85 points in total. The bow men should net me another Squirrel Point.

Now on to the inner ring. Set course for Terra.  

Great to see the younger generation with the paint brush and figure.  Keep us posted on her progress.  I believe that you get 20 points for each trip on the Star Yacht so have adjusted your point total.  But I am following my normal practice here of shooting my mouth off blindly and waiting for Tamsin to tell me I am wrong.

Good work on these figures, love the purple.


  1. Thanks I'll take 10 more points if they are on offer.

  2. Nice set of figures, Adam! :)

    @ Peter - yes, 20 points for Lady Sarah's Star Yacht! :)

    1. Way easier than doing my own research!

    2. Your daughter is absolutely adorable and I think it is so special she wants to paint with you.

    3. Totally agree with Natasha, this warms my heart. Can't wait for my own grandkids to be old enough to help me paint.
      Cheers, MikeP

    4. Thank you all. After the challenge I plan to rearrange my work area so she can sit with me without hitting my elbow :)

  3. Very nice stuff Adam! Waiting to see the finished mini by your daughter.

  4. Adam this entry is Gold for so many reasons but mainly be ause of your cooperation with your Little Padawan!
