Thursday 29 December 2022

From ScottR: 28mm Hail Caesar Celt Chariots (60 points)

These are the first of about 7 or 8 chariots I will be doing for my 28mm Hail Caesar Celts.  The first lot of warband units were painted a couple of years ago and wont be a part of this.  These chariots are from Victrix, which are easy to build and are a beautiful model.  The victrix pack has so many extras in it.  I also used the LBMS decal set to enhance the look.  The Bodica figure is once again a Colonel Bills Miniature.  He has an excellent range of female figures from just about every period of time.  The Roman centurion is one of Warlord Games Veteran figures that has been modified.  

Here are the three chariots making up Bodica's small mounted vehicle contingent.

Bodica in all her glory.

spearmen and Roman casualty.

Javelin thrower, used up his javelins and is now wielding a sword.

28mm 'vehicles'  3 x 20 = 60 points.

The next lot of chariots will be a mix of mdf and warlord metals.


Wow, lovely looking chariots, Scott. I really like the whicker side panels and how you've placed them a little offset to allow more room for scenic points of interest - like a skewered Roman legionary!

Great work!

- Curt

PS: Please remember to pop in relevant information regarding your post on the right sidebar. It helps with searching later on. Thanks!


  1. Awesome chariots, and like Curt said, that offset use of the base is a brilliant idea.

  2. Very beautiful chariots, but I have feeling you should claim more points. The vehicle points do not include the crew, so you should get couple of more and then there is the casualty, too! But yes, stunning chariots!

  3. Fabulous work on those, not picked up the Victrix chariots yet, but I think you have tilted the ring for me!


  4. Great looking chariots, Scott! I agree with Teemu that you have shortchanged yourself with the points calculation though.

  5. Wow, fantastic chariots. I really need to dig out my 28mm Celts and get them painted up

  6. Terrifying for the Romans! Great work!

  7. Those look wonderful. I may need to pick up a box and kitbashing Pictish chariots. My algebra goes like this
    3 vehicles= 60 points
    6 crew= 30 points
    6 horses= 30 points
    I prone dead Roman 5/2 points
    Plus you could’ve used the Queen for a limo ride it needed.

    1. Agreed - he's definitely under-claimed on points here.

    2. Yep, but we don't give 20 points per chariot chassis. They're fiddly, but not that much.

    3. So what is the correct scoring for one of these chariots with two horses and two crew? I may need to know….

  8. Bodicia Rocks! Quite formidable and the chariots are aces!

  9. Excellent work. The chariots are great and Boudicca, well bodacious. Well done.

  10. Lovely chariots, Scott! :)

    As Curt noted, please do remember to add labels to your posts. I'm not sure if he added some or you did later, but you missed "Sarah's Choice" for Boudica.

    1. Thank Tamsin, I dont know what the 'Sarah' choice or Sarahs limousine is, sorry this is my first year doing this.

  11. Absolutely wonderful. I'll need a couple of these at some point and from what I've seen they're a bit of a trial to assemble. Yours are brilliant

  12. Good looking chariots Scott - make sure you get all your points!

  13. These look great, definitely get the imagination going!
