Saturday 18 February 2023

The Saturday Serenade

    Hello fellow challengers, and welcome to another Saturday. Take the weight off, grab a drink and relax as the Saturday crew serenade you with all the talent they possess.

    For your musical enjoyment today we have an all-star line-up.

That brilliant baritone, Barks has arranged a choir to sing hymns of praise and set your soul free.

The rock and roll star, Ray 'Risky' Rousell, has prepared a music video that is sure to generate a lot of complaints from angry parents if it ever makes it past the censorship board.

MartijnN, our local musical maestro has some martial music to keep your spirits up as he marches onwards to his next stop in the studio.

And it looks like our classical composer par excellence, ChrisW is working on his latest masterpiece titled 'The Music of Mars'. Will it be finished before the final curtain?

Hopefully we will have further entries to our show as the day progresses.